Hello. I’ve been lurking on this forum just reading posts and trying to find something similar to my symptoms. I’m a 52 year old female, first went to see my gp a few months ago with really itchy arms, I thought it was the menopause and it was (and still is) driving me mad. I am also hot all of the time, my head and back sweats to the point it’s embarrassing. I also suffer with heart flutters, feels like it thumps every so often and then races. I’ve stopped exercising as it’s worse when I get my heart rate up, I then go really light headed.
My GP checked my blood pressure and it was 210/122! I am overweight and really struggle to lose, I’ve been on the 5:2 fasting diet for years and have lost but it’s really slow going. I’m on 3 different types of BP medications now as it’s refusing to budge.
She ordered a blood test as she did say that it’s probably hormonal.
April results
TSH <0.01 [0.35 - 3.5] serum free T4 12 [8.0 - 21.0]
Was told to come back for a repeat test in June
June results
TSH <0.01 [0.35 - 3.5] serum free T4 13 [8.0 - 21.0]
Was again told to come back for a repeat test in July
July results
TSH <0.01 [0.35 - 3.5] serum free T4 13 [8.0 - 21.0] serum free triiodothyronine 6.1 [3.8 - 6.0]
I saw a locum doctor with these latest results who has sent a referral to endocrinology.
She did say that I am most likely hyperthyroid and may be started on a low dose of carbimazole before I get an appointment through and I should wait for a prescription.
I wondered what would happen when I am first seen?
I am off to America for 3 weeks, is carbimazole likely to give me side effects or help with my current symptoms if I am taking it before I go?
I should mention that I haven’t had any other blood tests apart from regular urea and electrolytes due to the BP medication.
Sorry for the long post! Thanks for reading.