Hi everyone please can I ask for some help with these results. They are my grandsons. He was feeling tired. Difficult waking in the morning. He is 9.
Serum TSH 3.07 (0.35 - 3.5
Serum free T4 13 (8.0 - 21.0).
Thank you. 😊
Hi everyone please can I ask for some help with these results. They are my grandsons. He was feeling tired. Difficult waking in the morning. He is 9.
Serum TSH 3.07 (0.35 - 3.5
Serum free T4 13 (8.0 - 21.0).
Thank you. 😊
His TSH is high in range but no high enough to get diagnosed with hypothyroidism.
A full thyroid panel would be more useful - to include FT3 and thyroid antibodies as well as TSH and FT4.
Has Ferritin/Iron been tested. If not I'd get those done as low Ferritin can cause fatigue, or he might be anaemic. Also look at B12 and Vit D.
Was the blood drawn at the very earliest time, fasting (he can drink water). The TSH is all doctors seem to diagnose upon and they've been directed to wait until TSH is 10 but I don't know what paediatric number is. This is a link which may be helpful:-
Hi Shaws thank you. I have had a read. His bloods were done after school so maybe the TSH had risen through the day. By the time he had the bloods he wasn’t as fatigued. I do think it’s worth my daughter keeping an eye too as he is always the one enjoying a lie in and he’s not the most energetic. Thank you x
The TSH is highest early a.m. and lowers during the day and may mean a diagnosis or not. So early a.m. fasting (we can drink water) and hormones after the test will give us optimum results. Many must remain undiagnosed if they don't have the information to avoid eating before test and have it at any time during the day.
Shaws I didn’t realize that. Thank you. He is currently not as fatigued. I think if we have to have any further tests we will make sure we do an am one and fasting. X
I doubt the GP will do all of the following - you can ask of course. Many on the forum - even after requesting a Full Thyroid Function Test only get TSH and T4 tested.
There are private labs that will do the following (and make sure son is well hydrated a couple of days before blood draw (if you decide to do one). These are home pin-prick tests and arms hands should be warm.
A Full Thyroid Function Test consists of:-
TSH, T4, T3, Free T4, Free T3 and thyroid antibodies.