Hi there, following on from earlier posts about getting to grips with T3 I’m stuck!
I’ve being trying to get a good balance of T3 and levo for about six months but each time I start to feel better I eventually start to crash and get fatigue, slow thinking and muscle pain. After eight or so weeks on 112.5 mcg levo and 10 mcg T3 I’ve gone from feeling really improved to starting to crash again. It seems like the T3 leads to reduced T4 levels in my blood that leads to a slow return of hypo symptoms. I’m feeling a bit low and wondering if it’s time to jack in T3 and go back to levo only (as imperfect as that was at least its predictable).
Latest results on 112.5 mcg levo and 10 mcg T3 are
TSH 0.05
T4 14
T3 5.2
I Have an endo appointment in two weeks and they’ll insist I get TSH back to 0.1
On 125 levo only I get TSH 0.93, T4 16.3 and T3 4.5 but just can’t get T4 high enough on a T4/T3 combo.
Results so far on T4/T3 combo ….I end up crashing eventually on each dose combo as my body just wont work on T4 below about 16 .
Dose TSH T4 T3
75 t4 plus 20 t30.1411.4 5.10
100 T4 plus 10 T30.1 14 5.6
112.5 T4 +10 T3 0.05 14 5.2
Feeling really stuck.