Recently there was a post recommending a book with a title, something like: "The Truth about Heart Disease" - by someone with a name like "Brody"? Memory is not serving me well at the moment! I looked up the book on Amazon, and it cost something like $87.00 - so I did not purchase. But I really wish I had. Perhaps others out there saw the same post? Please help me find this title / book / great information.
Book on the Thyroid and Heart Disease by Brody? - Thyroid UK
Book on the Thyroid and Heart Disease by Brody?

"Solved the Riddle of Heart Attacks" by Broda Barnes? I'm not familiar with the USA but you might be able to loan it from a public library? In the UK a local library can call in a book from another library for a small charge.
Solved the Riddle of Heart Attacks
Broda O. Barnes
ISBN 10: 0913730270 / ISBN 13: 9780913730270
Available from:
(If link doesn't get you there, just search on either ISBN number on this or another secondhand book site. About USD 30 or so.)
Thanks to all for the quick replies! Great support from so many. HealthUnlocked is such a vast and plentiful resource. It’s like be part of a very large family. 🥳
Sorry, that's French Amazon - although the book is in English.
This is
$38.56 is certainly a lot better than $87.00, and the seller got good reviews, good luck!
It's not $87.00, it's 81.02 EUROS.
Oh sorry, I was just repeating the $87.00 that dtate2016 had posted about the book.
I just saw on Broda Barnes Research Foundation that Greekchick posted on here where the book is $20 in their bookstore 😳 can’t hardly beat that!
Just ordered his book on hypothyroidism now that I am surgically hypothyroid. Want to really understand this as I was hyperthyroid most of my adult life - it is strange to now be the opposite! A bargain at at $10.95 CAN.
I would be interested in knowing how you liked the book, and how helpful it was to you. Please let us know on here.
Absolutely! I will take a look when I get it and post a review. Some of the Amazon reviews suggested that while some of the info is old, it provides an excellent basic understanding of the thyroid in general and gives you a basis for talking to your doctor. Apparently there is a foundation in his name at the following website:
There is quite a bit of information there as well. Hope this is helpful. All the best.
I will take a look at his foundation, thanks. Sounds like he was one of the thyroid pioneers, I hope his book is very informative.
I would also like to know why Broda O BARNES thinks hypothyroid people are less likely to have heart attacks ?This is different to what I have read ? Would like to understand.
No, he thinks they're more likely to have a heart attack. He believed that hypothyroidism was the cause of most heart problems.
Thank you.
The above book - Thyroid and Heart Failure - is a book packed with research papers where Endocrinologists and Cardiologists came together for the sake of research. It's expensive - but hey I bought it anyway ! T3 is the star of the show
My sister-in-law was really thrown for a loop when she was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism and then surgically "cured." Before her diagnosis, she thought other people were lazy for needing so much sleep and having so little energy. Post-cure, she became a lot less judgmental.
It’s funny how idwas change when something happens to you - your world view expands - no disrespect intended to your sister in law - and hope she is better and that you are doing OK too.
Along those lines my FIL is being treated with hormones for prostate cancer and he is now very much more sympathetic to women. He has a good cry at least once a week! Although he still advised me to just have a ‘little nap’ to cure my Thyriod condition so he hasn’t quite twigged on to the true power of hormones 😂
Ah yes. My husband was on Lupron for 2 years. His PSA levels were great for quite a few years, but recently have started going up again. It looks as if the most likely treatment to keep it under control will be going on Lupron indefinitely. I definitely can sympathize. The $hit I went through when they took away my female hormones was truly unbearable. And the drugs they prescribed to deal with those symptoms caused even worse symptoms (statin, Bisphosphonates.) Now they want to take them away again. I'm fighting tooth and nail to keep them.
Yes - thank you!
Which book is it ? Solve the riddle of heart attacks or Thyroid and heart failure by Broda O BARNES.