As promised by my Doctor, I picked up my copy referral letter this morning. He had included my biochemistry. Now, something I didn't know, he had listened to me regarding only testing TSH levels (I took him a copy of Dr Tofts article in Pulse Magazine and also a copy of Diogenes "Time for a reassessment of the treatment of hypothyroidism") so, give him credit for this, he requested the Doctors Lab to also include the FT3 test on my next bloods and sent them a copy of both the above articles. Here's the crux, he (my Doctor) received a reply from the Consultant Chemical Pathologist and Metabolic Medicine, a copy of which he included with my referral. Now I'm glad I read this after my blood test as my blood was boiling after. I've typed out the letter below as it is quite difficult to add as a photo because the font used is so small, so here goes:
...…………………. Thank you for your letter regarding this 74 year old lady on thyroxine replacement. As you mention in your letter she had hyperthyroidism which was treated with radioactive iodine in March 2018.
The simple answer to your question is of course she can have her free thyroid hormone markers checked. However, I would say that there is no point in doing both T3 and T4 as there is no reason to suggest that she has a problem with converting between T4 and T3. I would only do this if she had an inappropriate TSH with normal T4 and was taking some medication that potentially could interfere with the conversion such as Amiodarone. However it is perfectly reasonable in her situation to request a Free T4, however I would bring your attention to the fact that in February 2019 this was done. Her TSH at the time was raised at 7.51 but her free T4 was 15.5. This suggests that she is taking adequate replacement but possibly suggests erratic compliance.
****** How dare she, that was the blood test I had after my Doctor had temporarily stopped my Levo for six weeks but she would not know that ****** grrr
She goes on to say ….. I would suggest on her next blood test repeating both the TSH and the Free T4 and this should be adequate enough to give us enough a full picture.
In regards to the articles that you mentioned by Dr John Midgley, I think we need to be slightly wary of changing clinical practice based on what is essentially an opinion. NICE is about to release extensive guidelines on thyroid function testing and this will be a much more full and evidence based review. There obviously are many people who are now asking for both Free T4 and T3 and also arguing that they need T3 replacement and hopefully this NICE guidance will help us navigate these questions.
However in this lady's case I would merely do a Free T4 on the next bloods and if this is reassuring then I think from here on in she should just use TSH.
Yours sincerely
Her Name ...Consultant Chemical Pathologist and Metabolic Medicine ...................
This is the sort of arrogant person we have to deal with - she thinks she knows better than my own Doctor and she doesn't know anything about me or my symptoms. Her opinion of the NICE "extensive Guidelines and full evidence based review" is really worrying.
Edited to alert diogenes
diogenes : What do you think of her view on your new paper?