Diagnosed in November 2015 and prescribed 50mgr of Levo after a 16 pound weight gain in 4 weeks and a blood test a showing TSH of 108 confirmed I had an underactive thyroid. Since that my TSH has shown in the 'normal range' but I have continued to gain weight each month. In January 2019 after complaining to my doctor that I was healthy eating and exercising strictly and still not losing weight but gaining and something wasn't right he increased my Levo to 75mg, back to the doctors in April 2019 as no change in how I was feeling . My TSH was 2.2 so the doctor increased to 125mgr, back to the doctors today TSH 0.43 but still no change in weight loss problems, still gaining and feeling swollen and bloated. Doctor told me my thyroid was not the problem and that it was functioning fine. She said it might be hormonal and told me to take a 4-6 week break from my pill (microgynon).
Has anyone had the same/similar? Does anyone have any advice for me? The weight gain is really getting me down. I'm 2 sizes bigger (was a 12 now a 16) I KNOW IM NOT FAT but I'm not used to being this size, I dot feel confident or comfortable.
Please help!