My blood test through Blue horizen and NHS ones have had the same ranges ie. pmol/L. I have understood about the ratio ideally being 4 to 1 or less.
My last blood test done through blue horizon is different. With great surprise my T 3 was 4.67. Range (1.88-3.18 H )HOWEVER. The T4. Was 13.78 range( 9.01-19.051) Yes the same value pmolL
Now how can the ratio be applied to this range. Is it a plot ?
As I understand have they (the lab) down graded the T3 test proving no one would need it ??
Maybe I have got it wrong.
Will add, I straight away lowered my T 3. 10 mcg to 5 Mcg (lowish dose anyway, TT 3 yrs ago)
2/3 weeks on started to notice symptoms returning and then scrutinised the test results. Totally confused now . Surely the ratio we use cannot be applied to the ranges from last test .
Please help to throw some light on this .