I have been taking a vit D supplement for years now 10+ eavh day 800iu i got my bloodd done recent showing 125 nmol/L ranger 30 - 170 i have sleep issues. And have looked online n saw a few that supplement with d3 have poor sleep also. Anyone else had a similar exp witb vit d?
Quick question on vit D: I have been taking a vit... - Thyroid UK
Quick question on vit D

Have you had sleep issues for the 10+ years you've been taking Vit D? If so, did it coincide with starting the Vit D supplement? Do you take a tablet or a capsule or a softgel or oral spray? Could the fillers be causing the issue? A good softgel will only contain 2 ingredients - D3 and olive oil, so no fillers to cause problems. But of course, it could be the Vit D itself.
No, I’ve supplemented with vitamin D3 with K2 for about seven years - I normally sleep well and I test regularly to be sure I actually need the D3 although my levels have never been too high so I clearly do..
I take it on the advice of my physiotherapist for my bones.
I’ve not been sleeping all that well recently - got some sort of horrid flu bug - but the night before last I rubbed my crampy leg with Better You Magnesium body butter and slept like a log - did the same last night and slept like a log again so I’m thinking I’ll keep it up. You could always try that.
I’m a bit fanatical about sleep - I sleep in a totally blackened out room with no lights from the radio or anything that is charging etc, I don’t have a TV in the bedroom or watch TV right before bed or use anything electronic like my iPad or kindle - I do read but only normal books.
Yes, that’s exactly where I am at the moment. I’m on a loading dose and haven’t slept well for a week as well as feeling very anxious. I even bought Magnesium to see if that would help but with no success. I did read something about having k2 at the same time so that is what I shall try next to see if that counteracts the vitamin d effects (although hopefully not the good effects!)
The pharmacist did say that vitamin d should be taken at night but all I can think is that that would make the sleeping problem worse although I may give it a try tonight. I’m desperate to sleep well!
I’ve always taken my vitamin D in the morning. It’s only fairly recently I’ve taken K2 with the D3 - think it helps with the destination of the D3 - but even then I haven’t noticed any difference.
Just checked at the moment each of the tablets I’m taking contains
Vitamin D3 is 3000IU,
K2 (Mk-7)
and surprise, surprise - I’ve just realised they also have
Magnesium 20mg as well.
Hope you can get a decent sleep soon. I just don’t function well without sleep. I’m ok if I waken up naturally then drop off again but if I’m woken mid sleep cycle then I feel like part of my brain has been switched off when I wake up in the morning. It’s awful.