My Vit D was tested and was 57 nmol/l <50 is Insufficient would it be worth taking a supplement if so how much and which one?
Vit D: My Vit D was tested and was 57 nmol/l... - Thyroid UK
Vit D

I personally would take a supplement - D is fat soluble so needs to be taken with good fats - coconut oil or something similar - or eaten with your main meal of the day. I would suggest around 4000 IU's daily and also take VitK2. VitD improves the uptake of calcium from the diet and K2 directs the calcium to the bones.
There is lots of information about VitD on the internet and if you type VitD into the Search HealthUnlocked box at the top of the this page - Press Enter on they keyboard - previous threads/discussions about D will appear.
Divide your result by 2.5 to match the measurement used in the link above I make yours 22.8 ..... so you can see for yourself the dose required on the chart.
I recently discovered that there is a little converter on that page, Marz, so no mental arithmetic is required.
Page down until you come to a box on the left hand side which they have called a D* Calculator. Just below that is a serum level converter, which allows a number in ng/mL to be converted to nmol/L and vice versa.
If you have a vitamin D level in ng/mL then you can use the D*Calculator to work out what dosage you need to take to get your level to the level they suggest as optimal, which they suggest is 40 - 60 ng/mL.
I thought they were rather useful.
Many labs are now saying over 75 nmols is sufficient,, I know mine does. As for how much and which one,, there's some great ones on Amazon and pretty cheap,, I use healthy origins, there's doctors best,, make sure it has good base oil like Olive oil,, best keep away from peanut oil and soya. There's a website called grass roots..loads of info there.
75 nmol/L gives you a converted result of 30 - which is below the level illustrated in the link for Grassroots Health I posted at the beginning of this thread !
I'm still amazed that were expected to be ok with levels of 50 according to our labs,, I was in terrible pain when I was that level but of course,, I was normal supposedly and put on bisphosphanates for thin bones which gave me bad side effects,, thanks to this site , grass roots and vitamin d council,, I got my levels up and stopped the other medication. I do hope the poster is reading these comments and it's of help.
Hi It would be worth taking a supplement if calcium is well in range ,as D can push it too high which is dangerous.