Hi, just to say glad I found this forum, I'll post my stats first:
In December after previous higher readings where no action was taken by my GP as I was told I was "borderline" my readings were:
TSH 5.2 ref range (0.2-4.0)
Serum free T4 14.3 (10-20)
TPO 1300 (<100)
I finally had a doctor ring me to say I must go on Levo as I had subclinical hypothyroidism, I had previously put my tiredness and weight gain down to getting old and lazy ! I'm 49
So in Jan I started on 25mg of Levo, I've not felt any better, back for blood test last week and they only tested the TSH this time.
This was now at 2.7 (0.2-04)
Thanks to reading others levels on here I knew that I was still not optimal, anyway when I went back to GP, she was apologetic for getting me back in as she said my level was now "normal" and she said no further action to be taken?...
I told her I didn't feel any better she sounded surprised then said " oh ok I suppose we can up it to 50mg"
I also asked her why my TPO hadn't been tested again, she just said that my antibodies will always be high? When I asked her why she said she has no idea about hyperthyroidism!?!
Anyway I've come away with 50 mg so I'll see how I get on but it's a good job I did a bit of research thanks to this site otherwise I think I would have been robbed off!
Thanks for reading