Hi all again.. im hashi ...on levo 100mcg....can i ask what do you guys think of this sun farm organics....product...the reviews are very good .... thanks π
What do you think ?: Hi all again.. im hashi... - Thyroid UK
What do you think ?

No, you should not be supplementing with iodine, whether from seaweed as in this case, or anything else, unless you have been properly tested for a deficiency and only then should you supplement formally under the guidance of someone medically qualified. Iodine can have anti-thyroid effects and was originally used in solution to treat HYPERthyroidism.
Ideally you should know your dietary Iodine intake. Up to 400mcg per day, most studies show a net positive effect on the thyroid. If you go above this, however, it will most likely reduce thyroid function and interfere with treatment.
If you have little dietary Iodine intake (<100mcg per day) then 1 capsule per day would theoretically be absolutely fine. My only significant dietary source of Iodine is milk/dairy, and also a multivitamin which contains 150mcg; thus my total intake is between 250 and 400, which is ideal.
If you get a significant amount of Iodine (200mcg or more) from your diet already (including multivitamins, Iodised salt etc.) then you should not take extra, and should go for a selenium supplement without Iodine. The selenium would be beneficial for T4 > T3 conversion, and 200mcg per day is around the perfect number.

Why are you considering an Iodine supplement?
Have you tested and know that you are deficient?
Not only should we not supplement it unless known to be deficient, as Maisie says it used to be used to treat hyperthyroidism, and it's said to make Hashi's worse.
Iodine is easily available from diet - non organic milk and yogurt; white fish - haddock and cod; scampi.
Click on the link for the BDA's fact sheet on Iodine content in food. I can't do a link for you as I'm on my tablet and it doesn't do links to PDFs.
Hi Susie.. i was just looking at selenium and this come up. I no nothing really of iodine. Only that i dont really know how much iodine i get from food or my levels.. i dont drink milk. I have a little cheese at present. I dont eat much fish. Last i had was 2weeks ago. I have a little natrual fat free greek style yougut with berrys and fruit ... I was just running by on here what people thought ...thinking about it i cant imagine my iodine is very hi. I dont take multi vits..
Well, if you want to consider a supplement with iodine in then first do a non-loading iodine test with Genova Diagnostics.
A selenium supplement can help with conversion, some people like to test that before starting supplementing.
It might be worth it as looking at my diet id guess my iodine is small.
But i did know.it was not a thing to use as ive read it. I just come across the supliment and thought it looked a decent one with no fillers etc .. whwt selenium do you recommend susie?? I know 200 is the amount
Selenium supplements can have a rather unpleasant odour. I like Cytoplan selenium. It's a yeast based one that has the same absorption properties as selenium l-selenomethionine (stay away from selenite and selenate, they are the least absorbable). It's a small tablet with no odour. It comes in 100mcg size only.
They have their 3 for 2 offers on regularly.
I no longer take it regularly as I use another supplement which contains 100mcg selenium and consider that is enough for me now.
Not only do you get iodine from your diet, but you also get it from your thyroid hormone replacement. 100 mcg levo contains 65 mcg iodine, which is recycled in the body. It's rather rare to be iodine deficient in the west.