Afternoon All,
First time poster here.
I’ve been Hypo for 10 years now from my early 20’s and was forced to switch from Lio to Levo about 5 years ago.
Prior to the switch I felt amazing but following the move to Levo (Endo review by NHS forced this) I have struggled.
Admittedly I have probably been a bit naive about the condition and not always taken my Levo meds as I should have, but last year I realised i needed to start taking better care of myself so went for a blood review in early November and bloods showed as follows:
TSH - 11.4
T4 - 17.6
I had been on 150mg of Levo but as I mentioned previously, I had not been consistent in taking my pills, but from October I started being consistent and things quickly spiralled downwards.
I got to early December and I felt like I was going crazy, had massive anxiety, over emotional, irrational thoughts, insomnia, lost weight and I ended up having 3 weeks away from work etc asked for another blood test just before Xmas and my results were:
TSH - 2.6
T4 - 26.8
The doc subsequently cut my Levo to 100mg and I started to feel a bit better and managed to go back to work at the start of Jan and thought that was it.
On Tuesday I slept terribly (4 hours) but managed at work but Wednesday I only got 2-3 hours and I ended up breaking down at work and left in the afternoon.
I was having anxiety about functions of my job I have done for a number of years without issue, but suddenly they seemed impossible for me to be able to do them. I went home and haven’t been back since.
My job is to look after a team of 7 and it does have stressful elements which have ramped up over the last 2 weeks.
I have more bloods being done Monday but I wanted to see if anyone else had similar experiences?
If I don’t work I don’t pay my bills and SSP doesn’t cover anything so I have to go in, but I’m worried it’s detrimental to my health to force myself to work when I’m struggling.
Docs has tried to get me to take antidepressants and sleeping tablets but I want to avoid them as I was convinced it was thyroid hormones causing the issue.
I’ll post my results when I get them Monday / Tuesday.
I have expressly asked for T3 but my GP says the lab won’t do them if T4 and TSH appear “normal”
Does this sound like I might still be over medicated given my symptoms?