I have sore throat from yesterday 😕 but do not have fever, flu or white spots in throat, so it is not streptococcus bacterial infection.
Kindly share some quick remedies🏃
Would greatly appreciate 😊
I have sore throat from yesterday 😕 but do not have fever, flu or white spots in throat, so it is not streptococcus bacterial infection.
Kindly share some quick remedies🏃
Would greatly appreciate 😊
I’d suggest First Defence but that only works for me if I take it as soon as I think I’m coming down with something.
Honey, lemon and a lemsip take away the soreness for me. And Jakemans cough sweets. The black ones only.
I like honey and lemon in hot water. Also gargle with salt crystals in warm water. Have heard that first defence is good - my husband swears by things like night nurse and Lemsips etc. I’ve got high blood pressure and have t be careful with that sort of cold medicines.