Hi all, I have just got latest results for thyroid. After a bumpy start a few months ago things seemed to be settling Down. Especially after starting to take Levo. In the evening as apposed to morning. Started feeling out of sorts slightly ie. Anxious and flat sad moods again. Though not as bad as I was. My blood results have come back today as. tsh 2.47 up from 2.16 in July ref range 0.40-5.00 FT3 2.78 ref range 2.89- 4.88 And my FT4 14.2 ref range 9.0-19.0 so does this mean my T4 is not converting to T3 properly as tsh and FT4 are OK. Could the low FT3 be causing mood swings and is the reading low enough to seek higher dosage of Levo. I don't really want to up medication if possible. But also am fed up feeling so dam miserable and flat.
Most resent results.: Hi all, I have just got... - Thyroid UK
Most resent results.

TSH: 2.47 (0.40-5.00) up from 2.16 in July
FT3: 2.78 (2.89- 4.88)
FT4: 14.2 (9.0-19.0)
(Easier to read this way )
The aim of a treated hypo patient generally is for TSH to be 1 or below or wherever it needs to be for FT4 and FT3 to be in the upper part of their respective reference ranges when on Levo if that is where you feel well.
does this mean my T4 is not converting to T3 properly as tsh and FT4 are OK
Well, you're below range for FT3 which will be causing symptoms, but your TSH and FT4 aren't really OK. You need to get the TSH lower and the FT4 is only 52% through range so could go a lot higher, then FT3 should rise as well. At the moment you can't say for definite that your conversion is poor, but it's not looking particularly good. However, optimal nutrient levels are needed for good conversion, particularly ferritin. Also, supplementing with selenium l-selenomethionine helps conversion. So your really need the following tested:
Vit D
I don't really want to up medication if possible.
Why not? Your body can't make enough of it's own thyroid hormone, so you are on replacement hormone. If you were diabetic would you refuse insulin?
Not meaning to sound harsh, but why would you not want to take a dose that restores you to as near "normal" as possible? The alternative is to stay symptomatic and unwell.
Are you still on 25mcg Levo?
It was explained in reply to your first post on the forum that 25mcg is a starter dose and that increases are made after retesting every 6-8 weeks until your levels are where they need to be for you to feel well.
Are you taking your evening dose at least 2 hours after food (3 hours if your evening meal is the main meal of the day), with water only for one hour each side, away from other medication and supplements which would affect Levo's absorption.
Hi SeasideSusie. Thank you for information. My ferritin B12 and foliate are good but not had vitamin D. I am still on 25mcg. I am taking my tablet last thing at night well after my last meal and have plenty of water with it. I had requested these last bloods as not been asked to go back for tests since July. I think I need to go back to my GP When he is back of his holiday. Thanks again.
Your levels may be good, but are they optimal?
Vit D - 125nmol/L
B12 - top of range
Folate - at least half way through range
Ferritin - half way through range with a minimum of 70 for thyroid hormone to work properly
Sorry for the delay in sending these results.
Ferritin 75 (20 - 300)
B12 232 (150 - 620)
Folate 9.6 (3.1 - 19.9)
I have not had a vit. D test but do you think a vit D suppliment would be OK to start taking without having a test? Thank you fir taking the time to advise.
Your Ferritin could do with increasing. Eating liver, liver pate or black pudding will help there.
B12 is quite low in range. Do you have any signs of B12 deficiency - check here b12deficiency.info/signs-an...
If so, list them and discuss with your GP and ask for testing for B12 deficiency/pernicious anaemia.
You can't supplement with Vit D until you know your level. You may have a good enough level and not need it, and as D3 is fat soluble then any excess is stored and could reach toxicity level. If your level isn't optimal then you need to supplement at the correct dose, you can't just guess at it.
If your GP won't test Vit D you can do a home fingerprick blood spot test with City Assays
Thank you for the information. I have read the vit D deficiency information and I do appear to have a quire a few of the symptoms. I have a telephone consultation with my GP next week as can't get in to see him for another week later. I will let him know how i have been feeling and ask about the results of my test and see what he advises. He seems to be approachable. But knowing a little bit about what can be done to help me not feel so bad will help me explain better.
Thanks again.
Hi. As a result if my telephone conversation with GP I am now on 50mcg of Levo with a view to having vit D done when next appointment for thyroid blood test. I am also going to start having bit B complex as doctor said if would be OK. If I feel over medicated on 50 to drop back to 25 and let G P know. So feeling OK about the outcome. Just have to wait and see if the higher medication helps.