Do healthy thyroids ever just have goiters? - Thyroid UK

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Do healthy thyroids ever just have goiters?

maoruiwen profile image
13 Replies


So... My Dr found a lump on my thyroid during a neck examination. I have an ultrasound at the end of the month.

It's large and moves up an down when I swallow. I believe it's a goiter.

My sister and cousin have Hashimotos, my aunt has Graves disease. I'm familiar with the struggle to get diagnosed with thyroid disease.

The Dr ordered a TSH test, even though I asked for a full panel. My TSH was 0.99 so I was told I am "normal" (although I'm not sure if this is optimal). I have asked for thyroid antibodies to be tested and the Dr actually agreed.

(However, there's been a delay - my blood is with the lab and has been for 9 days, yet the lab just isn't doing the test. Had a bit of a 'computer says no' incident with the receptionist at the surgery today. They've agreed to call the lab to find out what is going on).

Sorry for the long winded ramble, my question is - is it possible to have an enlarged thyroid or nodule without it being related to thyroid issues? My understanding is that healthy thyroids don't produce goiters yet my Dr seems quite non-plussed.

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maoruiwen profile image
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13 Replies
greygoose profile image

Doesn't take much to non-plus a doctor, to be honest.

I don't know all the reasons for goitres but it can signify that you have Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Have you had your antibodies tested.

Or, less likely, you could be low on iodine - but you'll only know that by testing iodine - don't just take iodine 'just in case'! The thyroid expands its surface area in order to absorb as much iodine as possible, and that's what we call a goitre - it's a swollen thyroid.

As for nodules, most people have some of them, even if they don't have thyroid problems. And, they're usually harmless, unless they start growing. They they should be biopsied.

If the lab has had your blood for nine days without analysing it, I would imagine you'll have to have more blood taken, because the old stuff won't be any good anymore. If you have to have another blood draw, make sure it's early in the morning - before 9 am - and fast over-night. That way you will get the highest TSH. :)

maoruiwen profile image
maoruiwen in reply to greygoose

Thanks - my TSH test was done first thing in the morning when I hadn't eaten actually.

It was 0.99 mu/L (0.27 - 4.20). The lowest it's ever been was in Aug 2017 0.54 mU/L (0.27 - 4.2 mU/L) but generally it hovers at 1. My Ferritin level is 34 ug/L (13 - 150). That's dropped from 50 ug/L (10 - 160).

I possibly display hyper-symptoms. Very slender and always have been. I lost weight after a break up during the summer but can't put it back on, largely because I keep feeling incredibly nauseous and get bouts of diarrhea (linked to anxiety). My sleep is erratic and I have quite bad anxiety. Sleep and anxiety have been bad for a couple of years. I also just keep getting cold after cold after cold since July.

I'm waiting for my anti-body results - but something is going on at the lab and the surgery had no explanation as to why the results weren't in.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to maoruiwen

That ferritin level is much too low. I suggest you ask for a complete iron panel.

Just testing TSH tell you very little about your thyroid status. You also need FT4 and FT3. You could still be hypo even with a very low TSH. You could have Hashi's, or you could have central hypo. But a TSH test won't tell you any of that.

Your symptoms sound like hypo to me. Not all hypos put on weight. Some of them lose it, some stay the same. Nausea, diarrhea, erratic sleep and especially anxiety can all be hypo symptoms, as well. And feeling cold definitely is.

maoruiwen profile image
maoruiwen in reply to greygoose

I'll let you know when I get my results thanks.

I also said I've been getting colds, not feeling cold. Please read properly before diagnosing over the internet. But thanks for the concern.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to maoruiwen

I was in no way diagnosing you! I'm not a doctor. I don't think I shall be bothering to read any more of your posts. There's no call to talk like that to someone who is just trying to help you.

maoruiwen profile image
maoruiwen in reply to greygoose

"Your symptoms sound hypo to me."

It didn't sound like help but more that you were insisting I am hypothyroid and your tone wasn't particularly nice. The symptoms I listed above fall into the category for hyperthyoid symptoms, if anything, ( or could be anxiety, low iron, the food poisoning I had a few weeks ago and can't seem to shake off) unless the whole internet is wrong or there is some sort of conspiracy.

This is a place for people to come for support not to be confused even further or told people won't read their posts. Thyroid problems are very complex as you no doubt know. You might be a stalwart on this forum with lots of followers so get to throw your weight around, and you probably don't have people disagree with you often but learn to take a bit of constructive criticism.

You should not tell someone you think they are 'x' when you don't know their medical history and are not a doctor or endocrinologist.

I used to moderate forum for a medical organisation and we would have kept a close eye on someone like you.

And just so you know, I found the other two comments on this post more sensible and helpful.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to maoruiwen

OK, fine. But, I really don't know who you are to come on here and throw your weight around. Do you really think I care what you think? But, no, I won't reply to you again. I have better things to do with my time. I wish you joy. :)

ThyroidThora profile image


Do you eat a lot of foods from the Brassica family of vegetables? If you consume loads of cabbabe, cauliflower, broccoli, kale and Brussel sprouts then you could be sensitive to the goitre compounds in them and this causes your thyroid to develop goitres. The fact that you can move it seems more likely to be a goitre than a nodule. I had a calcified nodule on my right thyroid gland that turned out to be cancer and I couldn't move it if I touched it, it was solid! If you do eat a lot of the foods mentioned above cook them thoroughly and don't eat them raw or better still cut down your consumption altogether and give your thyroid a rest.

I hope this helps and good luck.


maoruiwen profile image
maoruiwen in reply to ThyroidThora

I eat kale weekly... :/


Teddy71 profile image

To answer your question yes it is possible as I had an enlarged multi nodular goitre and I had no thyroid issues at all every blood test I had always came back normal.

maoruiwen profile image
maoruiwen in reply to Teddy71

Thanks Teddy71.

maoruiwen profile image

Update on this thread if anyone comes across this: It was just a nodule and disappeared after the biopsy. The diarrhea was an infection caused by food poisoning. I was treated with a few rounds of antibiotics. All my IBS cleared up too after that anti biotic treatment, which was very interesting. I took plenty of probiotics after to make sure the balance didn't get messed up.

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to maoruiwen

Thanks for updating. And pleased it proved to be just that!

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