(Before I start, apologies if I have repeated a lot of what has been said/asked before. I have spent a few hours reading through various posts and feel like I have a little bit more of an idea of what I am dealing with. )
As the title of my thread suggests I have a couple of things going on!
I was diagnosed with an under active thyroid pretty much at the same time I was told I would have to take a multiple number of injections a day. So as you can imagine- "taking a tablet" to control my thyroid was the least of my worries compared with the 3-6 injections a day.
I have been on a steady dose of 100mc of Levothyroxine- it has never been raised as an issue with my GP or my diabetes team- until recently. Over the last year I have been working on tightening my diabetes control and have lost a considerable amount of weight. This has impacted my thyroid issues. This has been flagged up as I have finally been offered a round of IVF.
10 weeks ago- my IVF clinic refused to let me start a round of IVF because my
TSH4 was 11.4
and my T4 was 14- so my Thyroxine dose was increased from 100 to 125mg daily.
This was retested on Monday and my TSH4 came back as 0.1 and my T4 as 25. My GP was VERY concerned at how 'abnormal' this was.
I am assuming the GP wants me to decrease my Thyroxine dose to 100mg to reduce my T4- will that mean my TSH4 will rise? As I need to keep that as low as possible for IVF. He has asked me to retest after 3 weeks.
I originally posted this on a diabetes forum and some lovely members on there directed me to this site. Since trolling through posts on this site - as far as I am aware- I have not had my T3 tested, I was told briefly over the phone (when I received my results) that my Folate and B12 levels are high but 'nothing to worry about.'
I have an appointment with my GP on Saturday so will hopefully get a copy of my actual results and will push to have T3 and other suggested tests done.
Has anyone had similar experiences? What levels should I be aiming for? I also picked up on the timing of the blood test for TSH4 etc- and I had mine almost midday- after taking my morning dose- would that have impacted my results?