Hello I am a new member living in Spain. I have an underactive thyroid and been on eutyrox 100mcg for approx 15 years all blood test apart from cholestrol were great. approx 5 months ago I went gluten free to help with digestive problems which has helped enormously. After going Gluen free I reduced my eutyrox to 50mcg after speaking to a chemist because I had dizzy spells and palpatations. felt much better but blood results said differntly here are my results
COLESTEROL Espectrofotometría Ultravioleta-Visible RESULTADO......238mg/dL (<200)
Valoración: Nivel deseable: Inferior a 200 mg/dL Nivel límite superior: Entre 200 - 240 mg/dL Nivel alto: Superior a 240 mg/dL Amparado por la acreditación Enac.
LDL-COLESTEROL Calculado RESULTADO........161 mg/dL (<130)
Valoración: Nivel deseable: Inferior a 130 mg/dL Nivel límite superior: Entre 130 - 159 mg/dL Nivel alto: Entre 160 - 190 mg/dL Nivel muy alto: Superior a 190 mg/dL
T4 LIBRE ( TIROXINA LIBRE ) Quimioluminiscencia RESULTADO.... 0,91 ng/dL (0,70-1,48) Amparado por la acreditación Enac.
TIROGLOBULINA ANTICUERPOS Quimioluminiscencia RESULTADO....... 8,7 UI/mL (<4,0)
TPO ANTICUERPOS Quimioluminiscencia RESULTADO........................ 669,9 UI/mL (<6,0)
TSH ( HORMONA ESTIMULANTE DEL TIROIDES ) Quimioluminiscencia RESULTADO......37,27 µUI/mL (0,35-4,94)
I have in the past 2 weeks increased my dose to 75mcg hoping this will correct .
has anyone else had this experience?