I've just had my annual blood test for my Hba1c as I have type 2 diabetes, as well as other health issues.
I had a voicemail from my surgery asking me to phone them this afternoon. My first thought was that my Hba1c was raised (I'm diet controlled so no meds for the diabetes). This was fine at 48 mmols.
However, my serum thyroid level was "borderline" and raised. I asked for the figure which was 5.15. I was told by the receptionist that I would need to be re-tested in 3 months.
So now I'm worried. Is this normal protocol? I also have fibromyalgia (diagnosed Oct 2017), high blood pressure (on meds), vitamin D deficiency (diagnosed May 2018) but am taking my own D3 and have fairly recently been diagnosed with moderate sleep apnea and also going through peri menopause. Feeling like a steam roller has hit me tonight as it seems like it's one diagnosis after another! And, I'm only 46!