WHAT CAN WE DO need T3 : my partner has been... - Thyroid UK

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Nathan83rs profile image
14 Replies

my partner has been told that she needs T3 by her doctors but in wales they don't prescribe the the medication. she has been placed on 100mg T4 tablet which have not made any difference. Is there anyway we can get hold of the T3. this is not only affects her hair nails memory and energy levels but the weight she is gaining is crippling her due to a crumbling spine and affecting our family. she struggle to pick up our 1yr old. we thought that we could try and get hold of T3 suppliments but we have just found out to day they been pulled off the shelves too.

Please any help would be amazing.

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Nathan83rs profile image
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14 Replies
RedApple profile image

Nathan83rs, Who has told your partner that she needs T3?

Do you have her most recent thyroid test result so that we can start to get a picture of her situation? What brand of levothyroxine is your partner taking? Is she on any other medication or supplements?

The more information you can give, the more chance members can offer helpful suggestions.

SeasideSusie profile image


As it can't be prescribed on the NHS, did you ask the doctors for a private prescription?

fortunata profile image
fortunata in reply to SeasideSusie

I get it prescribed on the NHS.

SlowDragon profile image

Email Thyroid UK for list of recommended thyroid specialists, some are T3 friendly

please email Dionne


You may need to see an endocrinologist privately to get a private prescription. This enables access to cheap EU T3

Does your partner have Hashimoto's also called autoimmune thyroid disease? This is diagnosed by high thyroid antibodies

Many people have low vitamin levels, especially with Hashimoto's

Vitamin D, folate, ferritin and B12 need testing. Add results and ranges if you have them, plus TSH, FT3 and FT4 results too

Getting vitamins optimal can make significant improvements and is essential BEFORE trying T3 anyway

If she has Hashimoto's then also looking at trying strictly gluten free diet is recommended. Many, many patients find it helps or is essential






Private tests are available. Thousands on here forced to do this as NHS often refuses to test FT3 or antibodies


Medichecks Thyroid plus ultra vitamin or Blue Horizon Thyroid plus eleven are the most popular choice. DIY finger prick test or option to pay extra for private blood draw. Both companies often have money off offers.

All thyroid tests should ideally be done as early as possible in morning and fasting. When on Levothyroxine, take last dose 24 hours prior to test, and take next dose straight after test. This gives highest TSH, lowest FT4 and most consistent results. (Patient to patient tip, GP will be unaware)

sianbarn profile image

Hello Nathan83rs

I live in Cardiff & didn’t manage to find a private/NHS sympathetic Endo in Wales, one of the ones I saw just offered me anti depressants when I catagolicly told him I wasn’t depressed.

It’s really important to follow the advice given above, a sensible approach to exercise & good food with the necessary vitamins & minerals is vital.

I take Metatvive 1 to support my thyroid , and I use Medichecks to monitor my progress 3 times a year.

All the best to your wife, it’s great that you are her advocate 🤗

R2d2c3po profile image

My GP wrote a private prescription for me and I got T3 from an online German pharmacy. I am using private blood tests to monitor dose and my GP is overseeing my care. If your doctors say T3 is neede they may do the same.

Dhuloch profile image

I have had thyroid cancer and have MS. I was on T4 increasing doses and was unable to walk due to extreme muscle weakness. I was permanently in a wheelchair. It seemed to be the normal progression of MS. I was given T3 and a reduced dose of T4 to see if could help my poor temperature control spending most of my life permanently blazing hot. Within a week of starting T3 I could feel some power returning to my jelly legs and I was able. to stand then walk albeit with aids (crutches and/or a walker. This was 20 years ago and I still have some use of my legs and live with slowly progressive MS. I did some research as did the doctors treating me and we all agreed that T4 does not convert to T3 efficiently in someone with a long term chronic medical condition. The MS consultant was very clear. He said that T4 does not work with people with MS and that he has had patients coming to him on what he called insane doses of T4 as GPs kept increasing it as it obviously wasn’t working. I know that some medics are uneasy about T3 as it is in and then out of the system in 8 hours and can be a stress for the heart but for me I want to continue with what is the least bad option. I have reduced by T3 to 30 mmg per day which I take in three doses of 10mmg. I was on 40 but the new consultant I see was edgy about it. I went down to 20 (two doses of 10 per day but during the six week trial we agreed I could feel the extreme muscle weakness creeping up on me within two weeks. I am feeling ok enough on 30 and have always had 50mmg of T4 seeing it as providing a background to the quick acting T3. I live in Scotland and am still getting T3 prescribed though I am picking up that it is getting questioned. The price has gone up enormously my pharmacist said that it was now over £250 for a months supply. My medical records about the whole saga are detailed and, at the time, was a matter of considerable discussion and I will fight to keep getting it and I believe that my new consultant is on my side. I know that the Thyroid Uk is also fighting for it to continue to be available. I also believe that it is only being stopped because the drug company has increased the price so much. I hope that this has been helpful.

Bambamg profile image

I had pertuitary tumor opp in 1994//1996 i have since always been on levothyroxine 175 mcg.

SlowDragon profile image

Not sure if Professor Colin Dayan sees NHS patients....but worth investigating


serenfach profile image

I live in Wales and am on T3 (along with NDT). My GP could see the change when I moved from just T4 to adding T3, and agreed that for my health I obviously needed it. He wanted to send me to an Endo to check and I am due to go next week after a 10 month wait. Good job I did not need my levels checked for pregnancy!

I am not expecting much, am hoping to be pleasantly surprised, but if you see the headlines that an Endo in West Wales has been torn limb from limb, you will now it was me!

One way forward may be to get T3 from abroad, and try it. If the results are obvious, you can then go back to the GP and show them the improvement. Good luck!

Fido18 profile image


I live in Cardiff and have a great GP. Ask your gp for a Nhs referral to see Prof Dyane’s clinic at UHW, Cardiff. Saw one of his registrars at first consultation and after a full medical history I was put on T3. I have since seen Prof Dyane himself. All the staff are great. Did take 6 month wait on waiting list. Good luck

DippyDame profile image

We are only supposed to recommend suppliers by private message otherwise the post will be deleted by admin.

Suggest you delete now.....sorry, I realise you are only trying to be helpful

FancyPants54 profile image

I think you should remove this post with links to places to buy and send it to the original poster in a private message. We are not supposed to share sources publicly because they could be shut down as a result.

RedApple profile image

Nathan83rs, I am closing this post to replies as you haven't come bak to acknowledge the help offered.

If you still need help, please start a new post.

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