Hi there,
I wanted to ask you people when we test vitamin D through NHS it says Serum total 25-OH Vit D level -is this active vitamin d3 or d2 they are testing ?
Thank you
Hi there,
I wanted to ask you people when we test vitamin D through NHS it says Serum total 25-OH Vit D level -is this active vitamin d3 or d2 they are testing ?
Thank you
Not open to a simple yes or no answer.
The Sandwell and West Birmingham lab, which as City Assays offers vitamin D testing to the public, gives both figures.
I suspect that it will be the sum of D2 and D3 in most labs that don't give them separately.
Yes I think it's the sum - see mayomedicallaboratories.com...
So it shows combined d2 and d3 vitamin levels ? Is this correct ? I have checked through west Birmingham labs(private test) vitamin d3 upon my nutritionist request so it’s more accurate and it’s d3 also separate as d2 . It showed 86nmol/L which is sufficient is this level ok for someone who has Hashimotos ?
Is it City Assays who did the test, and it says SWBH - Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust? If so then they measure both Vitamin D3 and D2 giving a ‘Total Vitamin D’ level and it will say that on their result sheet which you should have received, it looks like this
The Vit D Council, the Vit D Society and Grassroots Health all recommend a level of 100-150nmol/L so your level of 86nmol/L isn't quite there and you would be advised to nudge it up into the recommended range.
Yes that is the one I did and it said adequate and my result was 86 of vitamin d3 . So it means even it shows adequate I should improve it and get it to 100-150 nmol/L?
The result saying it's adequate is like a GP saying because your TSH is 4.1 with a range of 0.2-4.2 then your thyroid is fine. So 86nmol/L is adequate but it's not optimal. Whether you want to follow the recommendation of the Vit D Council, the Vit D Society and Grassroots Health is up to you. I need my Vit D result to be at the top of the recommended range, even if it's 106 I get bone pain in my leg.
I hope my nutritionist will sort me out she was waiting for these results and started me on lower dose as 2000iu vitamin d3 with k2 but I think I will be at least on 5000iu soon to get it up .does normal person need to have vitamin d on top of range or just Hashimotos ?
So it shows combined d2 and d3 vitamin levels ? Is this correct ? I have checked through west Birmingham labs (private vitamin d test) vitamin d3 upon my nutritionist request so it’s more accurate and it’s d3 also separate as d2 . It showed 86nmol/L which is sufficient is this level ok for someone who has Hashimotos ?
Ideally 100-150 is best (search other posts on but d on this forum). Yes I believe d is sum of D2 and D3.
So there is a room for improvement ?
Ideally yes