Hi Everyone,
I'm having an issue and I think it's connected to my Vitamin D3 pills.
My Vit D levels have been low, around 52-55, when the range was 50-200 if I am right. GP prescribed my Vitamin D3 cholecalciferol in June, but as summer was starting, I decided it was may be a good idea to skip that till Autumn.
I've been on holiday in October, so decided to start Vit D after holiday and it's been now around 3 weeks that I'm taking that one pill everyday.
I started to have bone pain every evening and during the night and I wake up every night with this pain. I have headache and nausea sometimes. I have a sensation of tachycardia, but checked my heart rate and it's not high, it's always between 70-80 bpm. So it's more like palpitations and a sensation of being short of breath, plus I have abdominal pain of the left side.
After thinking and thinking about my thyroid, I realized that these could be connected to vitamin D. I stopped to take the pills, do you have suggestions on what I should be doing next? I mean, do you suggest any specific blood tests or other tests?