Bad depression after thyroidectomy 2 years late... - Thyroid UK

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Bad depression after thyroidectomy 2 years later still crying every morning.

leftbehind profile image
22 Replies

No one seems to talk about bad depression from Graves disease. I have cried more in the last 2 years that I have in my whole life. I started to add selenium to the T4 nature throid I take. It seems to be working until recently where I am crying again. I can handle my life pretty well but not at all when I am in this horrible depression. Has anyone had this problem?

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leftbehind profile image
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22 Replies
bantam12 profile image

Have you tried a different replacement ? Maybe nature throid isn't suiting you.

leftbehind profile image
leftbehind in reply to bantam12

I was on levothyroxine and it wasn't working well. A friend uses naturethroid. I decided I should try this because I believe Laurin natural products to repair the body. I get really good and everything's going well I was just almost all the symptoms gone and then within one week I'm back to crying confusion sore muscles runny eyes. Then when I go to my GP she just names every symptom of some other disease like allergies arthritis depression. I believe it's the hormones are not right yet. I am going to go to an endocrinologist soon I hope I can get an appointment.

bantam12 profile image
bantam12 in reply to leftbehind

You may be better with Levo + some T3 but it's trial and error to find the right replacement plus the right dose.

HI. Can you post your latest blood results to see if you are on anything like the right dose. It sounds as if you might need an increase. Also take your pulse. It can be a bit of a long windy rd to get things right. It sounds like you are getting better on nature thyroid but need a tad more. There is a list available via the webisite of more helpful endocronologists and doctors. Try to see one if these. You need to be pretty strong to be able to face endo land.

Jazzw profile image

How much Nature-Throid are you taking and when did you buy the pot you’re taking? A few of us had problems with Nature Throid when they switched production methods recently. I had real problems with the 1 grain tablets they produced when they first came back on sale, but am doing much much better now I’m taking the 1.5 grain tablets (I take 3 grains a day).

It could be that you’re a little under-replaced at the moment—blood tests will show that up if it is the case. I had a TSH come back up from suppressed for the first time in 3 years on Nature Throid when I was taking the ‘dodgy’ batch.

leftbehind profile image
leftbehind in reply to Jazzw

I am taking naturethroid, 48.75 mg, 3/4 GR, 8 pills one week, 9 pills second week. Does this make sense? My GP just looks at T4 and if I'm anywhere in the range she says it's okay. But I don't feel okay! I am taking 200 mg selenium daily and that seems to be helping.

Jazzw profile image
Jazzw in reply to leftbehind

To me, that doesn’t appear to be anywhere near enough nature Throid for someone without a thyroid. I think it’s likely you’re very under medicated. When on NDT, FT4 is a pretty useless guide to dosing—you need FT3.

Hashi-Monster profile image
Hashi-Monster in reply to Jazzw

I agree I’m on 4 grains (260mg) of Nature Throid and I have a thyroid.

I’m lucky that my endo is only interested in the FT3 value he doesn’t care about TSH

You need your FT3 tested when on NDT

kferrer profile image
kferrer in reply to Hashi-Monster

Are you in the US or the UK? I'm in the US and I'd love to find a doc that only looks at free T3!

Hashi-Monster profile image
Hashi-Monster in reply to kferrer

I’m in the UK. It is rare to find one that understands.

Aurealis profile image

I wonder if you need a greater proportion of T3 than the nature throid provides you with. Perhaps you could add a little T3 with each dose of naturethroid (I take T3 as well as Armour and this combination is the only thing that works for me)

marigold22 profile image

I can't advise you about nature throid dosage, i've never tried it. I only feel well on T3 only. However, I have recently discovered that low vitamin D and low B vitamins gives depression, and mental health symptoms. Only when I added 10,000 IU a day of Vitamin D3 and High Dose Multi B vitamins did I start to feel ok psychologically. I must add that the ordinary 'high street' multi B vits didn't touch me; only when I bought Nature's Best B50 multi B's did I start to feel better. Multi B vits need to contain all eight of the B's. Also low vitamin B12 causes bad mental health symptoms.

SlowDragon profile image

For full Thyroid evaluation you need TSH, FT4, TT4, FT3 , Thyroid Antibodies and also very important to test vitamin D, folate, ferritin and B12

Private tests are available. Thousands on here forced to do this as NHS often refuses to test FT3 or antibodies or vitamins

Medichecks Thyroid plus ultra vitamin or Blue Horizon Thyroid plus eleven are the most popular choice. DIY finger prick test or option to pay extra for private blood draw. Both companies often have money off offers.

All thyroid tests should ideally be done as early as possible in morning and fasting. When on Levothyroxine, don't take in the 24 hours prior to test, and if on T3 or NDT don't take in 12 hours prior to test, delay and take straight after. This gives highest TSH, lowest FT4 and most consistent results. (Patient to patient tip, GP will be unaware)

You may find Levothyroxine plus small dose of T3,more flexible in fine dose adjustment

Dr Toft, past president of the British Thyroid Association and leading endocrinologist, states in Pulse Magazine,

"The appropriate dose of levothyroxine is that which restores euthyroidism and serum TSH to the lower part of the reference range - 0.2-0.5mU/l.

In this case, free thyroxine is likely to be in the upper part of its reference range or even slightly elevated – 18-22pmol/l.

Most patients will feel well in that circumstance. But some need a higher dose of levothyroxine to suppress serum TSH and then the serum-free T4 concentration will be elevated at around 24-28pmol/l.

This 'exogenous subclinical hyperthyroidism' is not dangerous as long as serum T3 is unequivocally normal – that is, serum total around T3 1.7nmol/l (reference range 1.0-2.2nmol/l)."

You can obtain a copy of the articles from Thyroid UK email print it and highlight question 6 to show your doctor

 please email Dionne at

Professor Toft recent article saying, T3 may be necessary for many otherwise we need high FT4 and suppressed TSH in order to have high enough FT3. Note especially his comments on current inadequate treatment following thyroidectomy or RAI

Happysmile profile image

I’d suggest getting your B12 , folate and ferritin (and vit D etc) tested before starting any B12 medication as it would skew the results. Tablets etc will result in higher levels, but won’t show what’s actually available for use at a cellular level. Ideally you should be free of B12 supplementation for about 4 months before testing. I had Graves and I believe it’s caused my B12 deficiency which causes so many issues. I’m still learning about thyroid meds so I wouldn’t want to comment on that but B12 injections every other day have transformed my health in many ways. Post your results once you have them for advice, as doctors aren’t keen to provide injections even if needed. If low you would need to find out if it’s caused by diet alone or if you have an absorption problem to enable you to be treated correctly. It may not be relevant to you but it’s definitely worth checking. Do you have any other symptoms? Maybe look on B12/Pernicious anaemia posts on this forum too. Btw I am not medically qualified but have researched B12 a lot for my personal benefit.

lilac_daze profile image

I can totally relate leftbehind, i like your name btw and it describes how i feel, left behind!

I am 6 years coming up post Thyroidectomy with Graves and TED.

I had depression before but nothing like since TT, mood swings, anxiety, emotions all over the place etc.

Tried every supplement i can think off, naturethroid which seemed to suit me but it's getting hold of it and affording it.

Back on combo of T3/T4 atm after seeing a private specialist but still paying for my T3 as GP surgery won't prescribe, another battle i have ahead of me.

It's all so exhausting and yes many days in tears of despair and frustration at the lack of understanding, acknowledgement and no support from drs.

My former life and me with it have disappeared into the ether.

Best wishes to you, hope you find ways forward X

leftbehind profile image
leftbehind in reply to lilac_daze

Thank you for your reply. My GP won't prescribe T3 for me. I am waiting for results from last blood test and being referred to an endocrinologist. Meanwhile I'm now taking A - D3 and , B12, I seem to be coming out of the misery pit. It's sad, but encouraging to know other people have this anxiety and depression, that It isn't a mental illness. Thanks.

I had my thyroid removed three years ago but never had Graves. I self medicate with thyroid s i.e. NDT and feel really well and I am 72 years old.

I don't bother with Doctors or endos anymore I just take a Blue Horizon blood test once every year it's ( Thyroid plus 11). I can then find out how I am doing with everything.

I then post all the results on this site with the ranges. The kind people on here have made me well again. I also test my own BP and HR with my home monitor.

You probably require more than you are taking but without your results it's hard to comment.

Mccrae profile image

I was very sick for years after my thyroidrctomy. I didn’t recognize it as depression but extreme anxiety that led to depressive episodes. I was unable to take any kind of thyroid replacement accept tirosint. For some reason my body rejected others causing severe swings of hypo and hyper with meds. I recently had my first bout of clinical depression secondary to becoming hyperthyroid from meds for over a month. My shrink reduced my Lexapro and it sent me severely hyperthyroid. I also discontinued my progesterone treatment about 4 months ago which didn’t help. I am 38 and have been on progesterone for 10 years due to barely making any. During my thyrodectomy my parathyroid were also damaged. I took calcitriol for years which also caused depression for me. I now take an injection. I am began taking my progesterone again last night, upped my calcium in hopes that I can get back into the real world after being paralyzed with fear for past month

I had TT for cancer 19 months ago and It stinks doctors don't care and most people don't understand.

jjyankee profile image

when my thyroid numbers go awry I have terrible issues with depression, anxiety and mood swings. This is where I’ve been for several months. Because of adrenal fatigue I am extremely sensitive to all thyroid medication. I could not take NDT even at 1/2 grain- ( felt hyperthyroid - super anxious and chest pains)

straight t4 left me feeling very depressed and exhausted. 3 weeks ago I started taking t4 (25 mcg) and T3 (2.5 mcg) this is all I can handle right now, however, my depression is definitely much better. The t3/ t4 ratio in NDT is not right for me.

I also started taking selenium- magnesium- B complex and vitamin C- these also seem to be helping but I need to keep doses low because of weak adrenals. I also take bio identical progesterone and estradiol -

T3 is a great antidepressant if taken in the correct dose per individual.

jjyankee profile image

Oh- also take vitamin D3 as my D is quite low

Gates profile image

You could try increasing your Naturethroid, as most people need at least one to two grains per day depending on their weight and other things. With no thyroid, you should be on full replacement, and a higher dose than those of us who still have a thyroid.

You could also combine levothyroxine and Naturethroid like some people do, including myself. I find it smooths out the peaks and valleys instead of taking too much T3, and this way I can take both meds in the morning and that's it.

It takes most people some tinkering with their doses to find out how they feel best. I found going by blood ranges to be virtually useless.

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