Hello everyone.
Firstly and as briefly as I can, been on the board for quite a long time, I'm hypo-hashi, I take NDT with T3 top up, I'm gluten free and have been now for around 6 month apart from a couple of times where I've eaten something and then checked the label as an after thought and realized I've consumed gluten by accident (so strictly speaking not gluten free?) it's been a while since I've slipped up with that anyway.
Right I've had this issue for as long as I can remember but it has always come and gone with maybe one area of my skin but the last few months I've been getting instances one after the other of this weird nerve pain and numb skin.
It starts out where I'll notice i've got a part of my skin that will get a sort of shooting pain across it when I move a certain way followed by a burning sensation, kind of like a Chinese burn and then over the course of a week or 2 the pain side goes away and I'm left with a patch of semi numb skin in that area.
Sometimes the feeling comes back but not always, I've got a patch of skin on the front of my thigh that's been numb for months.
As far as any other thyroid issues or symptoms go, I don't have any, I feel really good at the moment, I sleep well, energy levels are great and my last TSH test came back as normal.
Supplement wise I used to take just about everything I'd been advised to on here but since I've been gluten free and on a good stable dose of ndt & t3 i felt like supplements were a waste of money as I never feel any different on them or off them.
I've done a bit of reading and I think this could be a low B12 issue or maybe iron?
I've just booked in to see my GP but thought I'd come and see if anyone else here has had this before?