Hi All
A whole new area for me to understand now (and a long post - sorry!).
I am T3 only so my TSH is normally supressed.
I have arthritis and bone spurs in my hips and was recommended a steroid injection into the joint of my right hip. This has worked really well so far, but I only had it last Wednesday.
Two days after the intra joint steroid injection I was driving and had a sudden bad pain from my middle upper back through to the middle chest. It was like a metal claw. The pain radiated up towards my jaw. I found somewhere to pull over and waited for the pain to subside. It took a long time (probably 5-10 mins). I called 111 on the car phone (first mistake, but I was frightened) and they sent an ambulance. The paramedics found high blood pressure and a high heart rate and said I needed to go to A&E for the cardiac blood test. By the time I had rested in the ambulance during the tests I started to feel better (and a sham!). They insisted that I should still go to A&E. Anyway, after some time I was discharged. My heart is fine, no enlargement or damage, also aorta fine and they also checked in case a lung lining had come away. All tickety-boo.
I have low cortisol, and so was sent for an SST in May. The results showed that I do not have Addison's, but were still not great (I didn't stim to 500, although not far off, but baseline was low as three other 9am blood tests showed and I have hyperpigmentation). I might try and find out about the ACTH test once I am 6 months away from the injection.
If I have Secondary AI, could the steroid injection have caused my T3 uptake to be better than it has been? I know (now) that the injection can cause the blood pressure to rise, but my TSH was 0.001 (I had taken a T3 of 25mg a couple of hours before, so could be that...?)
I really don't quite understand the HPA axis and how it affects everything else...I just want to feel better.