My b12 level is over 3500. My ferritin is 22, folate is 20. Vitamin D is 55. Why is my b12 so high??? My ferritin is low and so is my folate. Does this make since? Thank you
Can someone please advise me in my B12 levels. ... - Thyroid UK
Can someone please advise me in my B12 levels. They are super high.
That is very high. Do you take supplements or have B12 injections?
I take the bilingual under the tongue and a B-stress vitamin. But not everyday.
What dose is the sublingual? They are absorbed much better than ordinary supplements. Very high levels of B12 can indicate liver problems, so I'd get it checked again as well as a full blood count inc. liver function test to be on the safe side. But it's possibly just the supplements.
"Increased levels of vitamin B12 in the blood can exist for a number of reasons, which can be divided roughly into the following categories.
- The test was simply carried out too soon after the taking of vitamin B12 supplements
- The body is failing to use the B12 correctly
- A severe disease is present"
I’m not sure about the liver test but my blood count test was good. I just got that done last week. Could my low folate and ferritin cause my high b12? And my sublingual is 1200mgs.
I'm not 100% on low folate and ferritin raising B12 sorry. But I would recommend getting retested, getting copies of your bloods and posting them all here including reference ranges.
I would recommend posting this in the Pernicious Anaemia Society too.
Thank you so much. I sure will. Do you know if low ferritin and iron affect your thyroid function?? I have Hashimotos and can’t fully get it under control.
Definitely. Vitamin D, B12, folate and ferritin are all directly related to thyroid function and in Hashimotos patients often one or more of these are low so getting all four of them to optimal levels is recommended.
Vitamin D is optimal between 100-150, with ferritin and folate in the upper third of the reference range.
Can you post your full thyroid results with ranges?
Ok. Last question. Can taking 25mcg of slow release iron get your numbers up to where they should be and I’d folate a vitamin you purchase and take separately? You’ve been so helpful. Thank you kindly!!!
You can take folate seperately although it is usually included in a multivitamin or B complex supplement (which it sounds like you're taking already), that's usually sufficient unless you have absorption issues. I take 1000mcg methylfolate because mine is always low no matter what I eat. But your level of 20 seems to be normal, do you have the lab range to be able to confirm?
Your ferritin seems to be at the bottom of the range so I'm not sure that dose would be sufficient or if you would need a prescription from your GP. Someone more clued up on iron levels will surely be around soon.
You're welcome.
Serum folate is 22.72 (6.60-1000)
B12 3258 (180-914)
Ferritin 22 (11-307)
Vitamin D 55.6 (30-80)
TSH 2.0 (.34-5.6)
Free T3 3.1 ( 2.5-3.9)
Free T4 .80 (.71-1.85)
I've never seen a folate upper range limit higher than 60 before, 1000 seems a lot. What are the units?
Yes, definitely need to get your Vitamin D and ferritin higher. High B12 is possibly due to the fact you're taking supplements.
What's your thyroid medication and dose? I read a lot on here that getting your TSH around 1 while medicated is optimal, and that your FT3/FT4 are better off higher in the range.
The units are ng/ml. I’m currently taking tirosint and I’m supposed to take 100mcg per day but it makes my legs hurt so bad. This is my fourth synthetic pill. So I’ve skipped days. Like 3 days on two days off. Every time I take this pill my legs hurt really bad. The other synthetics and the natural I’m allergic to. I’m getting ready to have the natural compounded with no fillers to see if that works. This is exhausting!!!
Also I didn’t take any b12 during testing. In fact I only take the b12 around once a week. I took it for years and then I stopped. So I’ve only takin it maybe once a week over this year.
How long before the test did you stop? It's advised to stop all supplements at least 3 months before testing for accurate results.
The b12 I only take maybe once a week. That’s 1200mg. I barely take my iron and I kind of stopped my d vitamins. My D use to be like 61 so my doc wants me to take high doses to get it higher. I use to take b12 everyday like early last year. I hardly take it anymore.
That’s a very large dose you are taking 1200mcgs
The body only requires 2.4mcgs a day
I’ve just stopped my supplement as it had 100mcgs and I was getting high active b12 blood results