Hi, please can anyone help me.
I have recently been in hospital on 2 separate occasions lasting 12 days. I collapsed and was taken in. My cortisol level was 68. They then did a short synacthen test on me. I passed.
They then sent me to a cardiac ward for 5 days. All tests came back negative. With the exception of a tilt test showed up adrenal insufficiency. I was then discharged with postural hypertension. Joke!
I could still not walk properly. My energy and strength nearly none existent. I went to see my GP who sent me straight back to emergency. I had a further short synacthen test done. Again I passed however, this time, as I was an outpatient I left the hospital as though nothing was wrong with me. Struggled to walk in there left with a strut on. Incredible. I thought well that’s it then. The signal from my pituitary was not being sent to my adrenals. I then had a head MRI and abdominals CT scan the following week. Nothing showed up as wrong. I had further 3 blood tests in one day for cortical as my weakness was getting worse. 9am = 270. 12.30pm = 144 and 6pm = 69. I staggered into the hospital for these tests. The following day I was really unwell and crashing out. My phone rang at same time. My GP asking me could I get myself to hospital straight away as cortisol too low. I got there with the help of my partner fast. Then for 5 days nothing happened only keeping my blood press., heart rate and oxygen levels updated. I requested they do more blood tests. This was point blank refused. I couldn’t understand as it seemed important to know where my levels were. My consultant on first 2 days seemed not that bothered and said he may never know what is wrong with me. I said I hoped so as normally I am a fit and healthy woman and have a full time job. I do have under active thyroid but the levels appeared to be ok. I was about to discharge myself and go private when on my last morning in hospital a new consultant arrived as my previous consultant had gone on holiday for 3 weeks and didn’t even mention that. The new consultant finally understood where I was coming from and understood my condition. He ordered 6 shots of B12 loading and hydrocortisone 10mg. Told me to go home for proper rest as not good to be in hospital with autoimmune disease too. I went home and within 24 hours got worse. I have started my hydrocortisone a week ago now. There is a slight improvement from laying in bed or laying in the sofa daily. Walking via my hands and knees to get to the toilet. Wheel chair to get my B12 injections at GP surgery as NHS refused to send out a district nurse to my home saying my case, although I couldn’t walk or sit up and live on my own, was not worthy enough.
My new consultant had told me to increase my hydrocortisone to 20 at 8 am and 10 at 2pm. Still only slight improvement. As I am also taking 75mcg of Levothyroxine daily. Will this interfere with each other is one cancelling one out or something. It does say in the warning to not take together due to contraindications.
Has anyone had similar experience. I’m desperate to get back to normal and get back to work. I’ve bern off work now for 7 weeks with no pay as I’m set up as a Limited Co presently with my current employment in the UK
Sorry for long story I just want to reach out to see how long this illness takes to recover and if underactice thyroid and low cortisol issues are resolvable.
Many thanks. P.