Blood results Hashimotos & Supplements - Thyroid UK

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Blood results Hashimotos & Supplements

Pibs profile image
17 Replies

Hi I've posted before but have recently seen a functional medicine specialist and had bloods done. Hashimotos diagnosed (I knew it!) and been recommended to do 30 reset paleo diet with supplements of probiotics, vit D, multi vit, linseed, apple cider vinegar. I've so far totally failed to start it but am determined now daughter's GCSEs are finished. I am 56 and was diagnosed hypo in 2002 following very stressful job and then two quick successive pregnancies. I currently take 100gsm Levo and was on 125g until a year ago but felt increasingly unwell with palpitations. I currently have really bad anxiety and depression plus sleep apnoea, weight gain, horrible brain fog, puffiness, painful knees and shins, swollen tongue etc. Grateful for advice about blood results, levo dosage, supplements and paleo so I can really try to crack this. Blood results below.

Second page shows "B12 active 30.2 range 37.5 - 188 pmol/L"

Thank you :)

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17 Replies
Marz profile image

Am not sure why a Multi-vitamin - there won't be enough B12 in them to boost your very Low B12. You should be taking at least 5000 mcg - a B12 lozenge to be kept under the tongue until dissolved. To accompany this - a GOOD B complex is required to keep all the B's in balance and to include Folic Acid or Folate. B9 works in the body with B12 in a very important way. How much VitD was prescribed ? - you need at least 10,000 IU's to bring your levels up to 100 PLUS. You can then reduce to a lower dose once you have reached a good level. Did your Nutritionist also explain the need for co-factors - Magnesium and VitK2-MK7 ?

Many of your symptoms are due to LOW B12 and LOW VitD. Swollen tongue - Low B12.

Scroll down in the above link to view the neurological symptoms - also look at the Videos under the heading Films in the Menu.

How do you take your Levo - as your TSH is far too high ? Do you leave a good hour before eating or drinking anything - apart from water ?

Low B12 becomes a neurological condition if left undertreated - and with a result less than 500.

Pibs profile image
Pibs in reply to Marz

Hi Marz

Thank you very much.

I have been taking Levo last thing at night.

The nutritionist gave me Vit D3 capsules 1 a day 5,000IU.

The other supplement is Multithera 1 multiple vitamin/mineral/trace element supplement iron free. I am supposed to take 6 a day which would provide:

Vitamin A 7,500 IU

Vit C 750 mg

Vit D3 1,000 IU

Vit E 400 IU

Thiamine 50 mg

Riboflavin 25 mg

Niacin 100 mg

Vit B6 25 mg

Folate 800 mcg

Vit B12 200 mcg

Biotin 300 mcg

Pantothenic 150 mg

Calcium 192 mg

Iodine 150 mcg

Magnesium 250 mg

Zinc 15 mg

Selenium 200 mcg

Copper 2 mg

Manganese 2 mg

Chromium 200 mcg

Molybdenum 150 mcg

Any other advice would be very welcome please. I just don't know who to trust. GPs have been dismissing my symptoms as psychological for years and refused to test.

Thank you.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Pibs

You don't want iodine and you don't want calcium unless you've had them both tested and found deficient. And, even then, you need to supplement them under the supervision of a doctor who knows what he's doing. I don't get the impression that your functional doctor falls under that category.

You don't want copper, either. Hypos are generally low in zinc and high in copper.

What type of magnesium is it?

Is the B12 methylcobalamin or cyanocobalamin? In any case 200 mcg won't get you anywhere. And that is totally out of sync with 800 mcg folate. But, six a day would give you too much of just about everything! It really isn't a very good multi-vit - not that such a thing exists.

GPs know next to nothing about hormones, nutrients or blood test results. And they have no idea what hypo symptoms are. They usually try to convince their hypo patients that they have psychological problems. They don't like 'diagnosing' with hypothyroidism.

However, not only do functional doctors not know anything about thyroid, they have weird - and sometimes dangerous - ideas about treating it. What you need almost desperately, is an increase in levo. Your TSH is rediculously high for someone on thyroid hormone replacement. Although, to be honest, your Frees aren't that bad. I would expect them to be under-range with that TSH. Still, there's still plenty of room for improvement in your FT3. And, your conversion appears to be fine, so that's good. So, you need an increase in dose.

Your cholesterol is high because your T3 is too low, so don't go on a low-fat diet, or anything like that, it won't help. And don't let them nag you into taking statins, they're dangerous and won't help either. What you need is to optimise your FT3.

You have Hashi's, so are you on a 100% gluten-free diet? It would be a good idea to take some selenium, too. That will do you far more good than linseed. But, you really need to get your TSH down to zero, to even out the Hashi's swings. How much do you know about Hashi's? In case you want to read about it, I wrote this for someone else earlier this evening, if you'd care to read it.


Your TSH is far too high.


Why are you taking multivitamins & minerals ??? Definitely a NO. Take a look on Thyroid UK website for what to eat and take and what NOT to take. Definitely never take a multi mineral nor multi Vitamin. Definitely NOT Iodine.

Do you know what qualifications your "functional medicine specialist" has? I would ditch him / her.

Have you asked your GP to test for Pernicious Anemia? Or ask for urgent referal to Haematology. B12 needs rectifying urgently. IMMEDIATELY!

" B6 25mg" - check this out. I've read that the daily requirement is 1.5 mg for your age group (or 1.7mg ). Looks like a dangerous amount of B6. I know the B vitamins are water soluble - but this one's a bit different.

So I would recommend stopping all the "multi" vits & mins , eat a healthy, well balanced diet and get the KNOWN Vitamin Deficiencies addressed immediately, especially B12.

Keep an eye on Vitamin D. You don't need 6000 IU forever.

Hopefully, when your B12 deficiency is treated and your Vit D insufficiency, your Levothyroxine should work better for you.

Hope you feel better over the next couple of months.

Pibs profile image
Pibs in reply to Mary-intussuception

Thank you very much.

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to Pibs

Forgot to mention Vitamin A - that looks like a dangerously high dose. It's fat soluble (as Vits E and D are) so excess is stored in the body and high levels can be toxic. You should be able to get all the Vitamin A you need from a healthy balanced diet. More reasons it's a "no" for multivitamin supplements. xx

Have you tried the 5 rule nutrients, Iodine, Selenium, Vitamin D, Zinc and Iron, important nutrients you can get through diet, help in conversion T4 -> T3.

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to

Iodine does NOT help convert T4 to T3.

Pibs profile image

Thanks for all your comments. I'm now slightly confused as to which pieces of advice to follow. Hope I don't offend anyone but this whole area of medicine seems to be fraught with differing opinions :)

Marz profile image
Marz in reply to Pibs

I think the opinions given agree your B12 is low and needs treating and that a multi-vitamin is not helpful.

I have been on the Forum for almost 7 years - others longer ! So we all learn from each other and find a way that suits ! The main vitamin and mineral tests required are B12 - Folate - Ferritin - VitD. If low in their range then it can make you feel unwell. If Ferritin is low then Full Iron Testing needs to be done.

I gave you a link to read more about B12 - so am thinking you didn't look - you would not be confused about B12 advice I gave earlier if you had 😊

There are many other supplements needed - selenium being one. Did your Nutritionist tell you take Magnesium and VitK2-MK7 as important co-factors ?

Have you read the excellent Vitamin advice given here by SeasideSusie You can click onto her name and read her Replies .

The above link takes you to the main website of this Forum where you will find vitamin advice - as suggested above.

If you say what confuses you then I am happy to help. 😊

Pibs profile image

Thank you I did indeed read your link on B12 which really rattled me and have booked an appointment with GP to test for pernicious anaemia. It was the conflicting iodine advice that threw me plus the nutritionist, who I thought knew what she was doing, disputing the advice the forum gave. So it appears she was yet another advisor in my life who doesn't know what she's talking about and I can't trust. I'm anticipating another negative conversation with my GP but perhaps that won't be the case. I find it hard to absorb and understand the biology abd chemistry of it all and how everything fits together to give the pattern of my illness. Hence I feel I babble when challenged by the GP and don't talk competently and knowledgeably enough to stand my ground. Maybe it's the brain fog and anxiety. I appreciate your advice thank you

Marz profile image
Marz in reply to Pibs

Oh - only saw your reply by chance - in the News Feed - as you had replied inadvertently to yourself :-) No worries easily done !

Glad you found the B12 link useful - hopefully the Thyroid UK one too. I appreciate it is a great deal of reading and learning - we have to do this in order to be well. Many of us who post on a daily basis are mostly self medicating and taking care of ourselves. We have all been where you are and yes it is a journey.

Tests for PA can result in false negatives - so be aware - but it is unusual for the Active B12 test to show such a low result. Sadly rarely tested in the NHS if at all - so possible your GP will not be aware.

Iodine remains a very controversial subject - but you do need testing first - there are people who believe in it and others that do not. It may be worth noting there is iodine in your T4 tablet ! So reading as much as possible is good ! Maybe take a look at Dr Datis Kharrazian - he has a website and books.

Am sure your brain fog and anxiety will improve with a good result of B12.

Have posted the B12 link again to save you scrolling through - as you see anxiety and brain fog are symptoms of Low B12.

Pibs profile image
Pibs in reply to Marz

😊 thank you very much. I think I've forgotten what I used to be and it's frightening to be faced with neurological and mental health issues. I have two teenage children taking exans and I've been struggling to hold it together. I appreciate your advice. Have a good day.

Pibs profile image
Pibs in reply to Marz

Thanks have ordered B12 sublingual, B complex and D for now from supplier via Thyroid Uk website and I'm going to try gluten free. :) Is it worth seeing my GP or can I manage matters myself by self testing and supplements do you think?

Marz profile image
Marz in reply to Pibs

You can manage vitamins and minerals yourself I would think. Further testing of B12 not helpful as results will be skewed 😊

Try to read SeasideSusie's replies to members - am sure you would find them helpful ...

Pibs profile image

Hello I now have a GP that is suddenly taking me seriously now my private blood tests show B12 deficiency! She upped my levo to 125mcg and is doing further tests. In the meantime I have ordered and received B12 sub lingual 1000mg ( couldn't find higher dose), D3 +K2 1000mcg and super b extra (b complex was recommended) from cytoplan. I already had D3 1000mcg plus probiotics from nutritionist. Any advice welcome as to how to take these?

Marz profile image
Marz in reply to Pibs

Have only just seen your post above - as you had inadvertently replied to yourself :-) Easily done ! Best to take supplements away from your Levo - say around lunchtime. vitD is fat soluble so best taken with the fattiest meal or with a spoonful of coconut oil ! Sub-linguals do take time to dissolve ! Jarrow do a 5000 mcg. Magnesium is another co-factor when taking VitD. Off now to read your most recent post again !

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