Help Please? Re. Adrenavive II & Metavive II - Thyroid UK

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Help Please? Re. Adrenavive II & Metavive II

Margo profile image
16 Replies

My fiancé has been taking both of the above for a while now. He had a blood test due, and so as not to mess up the results we decided it would be best if he came off them for a few days. 5 days in all and had the blood test. Immediately after stopped the supps' he became very depressed, is now still very depressed a few weeks on after getting back to his usual dose. (He went back on them gradually), and we feel it will get better, but it is just tough at the moment, with him feeling so depressed. Has this happened to anybody else?

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Margo profile image
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16 Replies
Paula101 profile image

Hi Margo.

I remember Dr Peatfield saying to me to miss only a day or two at the most, with my treatments, before a blood test. Maybe in your husbands case 5 days might have been too big a gap. I'm sorry he's feeling depressed. It is so horrible when we're off kilter.

It's good that he's back on them & I hope he feeling brighter very soon. Just goes to show how sensitive our bodies are to change.

If you post his blood results there may be vits & mins deficiencies adding to his depression & members can advise.

I've been off my Vits & mins far too long as I had a couple of allergic reactions so gave them a rest but now I'm paying for it feeling fed up, terrible lethargy & other hypo & adrenal symptons.

Turns out it was likely a malt barley reaction anyway, not the Vits & mins.

Which reminds me I need to post my results too.

I do hope he's feeling better very soon 🙂

Margo profile image
Margo in reply to Paula101

Thank you for your helpful reply Paula101 . Interesting to learn what Dr P suggests. Methinks we really did over do it abstaining for 5 days. Yes you are right it is horrible to feel depressed, he looks rubbish to go with it. B ut I am ever hopeful that things will right themselves eventually. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.

He didn't have any vitamin/mineral tests, You know what G.P's are like, they do the bare minimum.

Glad you were able to get to the bottom of your problems.

Paula101 profile image
Paula101 in reply to Margo

Your welcome.

It's just as well we members can relate to each other as we know GP's can't & won't.

All the best 🙂

SlowDragon profile image

Suggest you get vitamins tested privately then

Good levels of vitamin D, folate, B12 and ferritin are very important. Does he take any supplements for any of these?

Margo profile image

John is taking Vitamin D, and that's it. His B12 is 400 something which I think is too low. I might get him back on the B12 and see how he goes. Thank you for reminding me re vitamins SlowDragon

Paula101 profile image
Paula101 in reply to Margo

I remember a member advising B12 should ideally be about 900-1000. My latest B12 reported 700 & noted it was high but I'm not at all worried, if anything I could do with more.

Paula101 profile image

Just one last thing...B12 under 500 can cause neuro problems. Check for deficiency signs at b12

If hubby has any signs, post on Pernicious Anaemia Society forum quoting B12, folate & ferritin results plus any signs of B12 deficiency. Sorry, I use my phone & don't know how to add hyperlinks. I've got Better You B12 spray, it's helped raise my levels from 260 to 700🙂

Margo profile image

Yes Paula101 , thank you for reminding me regarding the B.12 . John will get back on to it tonight, it could have some bearing on the situation.

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to Margo

Remember to stop any Vitamin B complex 3-5 days before any blood tests

Biotin in B complex can falsely affect test results

Taking Metavive is a bit like taking NDT so if you stop your T3 will plummet and low T3 causes depression - you'd only need to leave 12-24 hours tops before a thyroid blood test (same as NDT) and take dose straight after test. Low cortisol also makes you feel bad, though for me more physical than mental (dizziness, nausea, back- and stomach-ache for example), so stopping Adrenavive isn't a good idea and it should only affect a cortisol test anyway, not thyroid bloods.

Margo profile image

Oh dear Angel_of_the_North , looks like we cocked up badly here. I just hope he doesn't take long to start feeling himself again. The lab did actually check his cortisol:-

Cortisol 484 mol/L185 - 624

Thank you

Noelnoel profile image

Hello Margo

Have just been reading the thread and out of interest what were John's blood test results like? Had taking adrenavive and metavive made any difference and if so how much difference to his recent results?

Hope you don't mind me asking, it's just that I've been taking them for nine months and feel very much better but I haven't had any blood tests to verify whether anything has changed. For all I know, the effect is purely psychological! Who cares, the important thing is, I feel more alert, less anxious and less stupid. Began to think that maybe I just had a low IQ, happily, I'm not daft after all

Margo profile image
Margo in reply to Noelnoel

I enclose the results for John's bloods Noelnoel :-

May 2018

TSH 2.85 mu/L 0.3 - 5.0

Free T4 10.6 pool/L 7.9 - 16.0 (no FT3 result)

November 2017

TSH 0.81 mu/L 0.3 - 5.0

Free T3 5.1 pmol/L 3.8 - 6.0

Free T4 9.7 pmol/L 7.9 - 16.0

As I have written above, John came off his Adrenavive Metavive for 5 days, which was a BIG mistake. At the end of the day as you say "who cares!", it isn't about blood results, more about how you are feeling. However, John had some other issues, which was why we did things the way we did.

How much are you taking, did you gradually up the amount you are/were taking? interested in how you do things.

Noelnoel profile image

Hi Margo

Thanks for the reply

I started on the lowest dose of both for about a week then every 10 days or so I increased the dosage until I reached the maximum dose. For a while I even went way over the maximum dosage just to give my metabolism a kick. I did this for a month or so (with Dr Peatfield's approval) and then when I felt that good improvement had been established I gradually lowered the dosages. I'm now on a maintenance dose of the lowest available. Although you can split capsules if you wish

I'm not an obese person but I gained 3st in the last 15 years and went from 8st 7lbs to 11st 5lbs. It was all very insidious so I hardly noticed it but by the time I decided to tackle it, nothing shifted the weight. Interestingly, in the time I gained it, nothing much had changed. I was still active and I ate more or less the same diet. What did change however was my mood, my outlook on life and my mental clarity. I came to the conclusion myself that I had a thyroid problem. I had blood tests that were inconclusive and a useless GP so I took matters into my own hands and saw Dr Peatfield last October

From the moment I stepped inside his office I felt better. He was kind and he listened. I left with a spring in my step positive that things would change,and they did. The most remarkable outcome has been how I think and approach things. Secondly, the weight started to decrease. It has been very slow and I've lost only 9lbs in almost as many months but from shifting not an ounce in 3 years to 9lbs in 8 months, although it's not a lot, relatively it's huge. Cutting out gluten and dairy in the last week has made a difference to my stomach cramps and bowel movements and I only wish I'd done so 10 years ago when I had an inkling my system didn't like it. I've always loved a good quality bread and I like pasta too so I buried my head in the sand and ignored my sensitivity. It's early days but perhaps I lose some more weight

So that's my story. Except to say that when I felt things had plateaued, I changed from porcine to bovine and have been on then for six weeks with good effect

Good luck and keep us all posted

Margo profile image

Am interested to know Noelnoel what products you are using "I changed from porcine to bovine"?

Yes Dr P has a way that makes you feel safe and hopeful. We have seen him several times, which has prompted me to make another appointment to see what he thinks of John's situation at the moment. It would be good just to touch base for myself also.

(I wish I could lose weight, nothing I do makes any difference. I am impressed that you have managed it.)

Noelnoel profile image

Hello Margo

I'm away at the moment but when I return I'll check the bottles for the potency I'm taking as I've just decanted them into one container for ease while travelling and I'd hate to misinform you but the brand is Procepts Nutrition, Bovine Adrenal Cortex 125mgs (Adrenavive ll) and Bovine Thyroid Gland 32.5mgs (Metatavive lll) both of which I take one of each morning and night. I believe all the Adrenavive range is bovine but as I say, I'll double check on my return

With regard to my recent weight loss it was so gradual (a bit like the weight gain) it was imperceptible. It wasn't until a friend mentioned it that I weighed myself and saw that I'd lost 7lbs. I'd been wearing baggy clothes and so to verify it I tried on something I hadn't worn for some time and whilst it was still too tight, it no longer pinched around my arms or creased at the waist. A very yay! moment. From then on I weighed myself weekly and saw that I lost roughly an ounce/week. Not much, not much at all but better than gaining or losing absolutely nothing, so I'm very happy about it. At this rate, it'll take me till Christmas to be a sensible weight but my philosophy is: it took me years to gain it and in any case slow loss is easier to maintain

I mentioned before, my outlook since taking the above and I'm definitely more patient, philosophical and sanguine about life in general. In the past I got hung up and depressed about how I look. Now I feel hopeful and positive. I've bought some new clothes and actually think I look good in them. It's a nice feeling and what I would say to you is this: don't be afraid to experiment. Do plenty of your own research and try new things. I'd read a lot about iodine and felt totally confused. On the one hand it was a miracle cure and on the other it was anathema. I nevertheless tried it. Very gingerly of course. Every morning for the last year I've put three drops of Lugol's 3% in a litre bottle of water and once I've finished that I just drink plain water. Like I say, I haven't had re-tests yet but I'm feeling fine. You can actually take much much more than that (or so the advocates say) but I'm being cautious and my rationale is, all our salt and milk used to be iodised and now it isn't and look where we are with regard to thyroid health! I'm sure there are other contributing factors. Interestingly, I'm in Canada at the moment and I I notice their salt is iodised now ...

I'm no expert Margo and have made many mistakes along the way but what are my mistakes may be another person's answer. It's all about reading, reading, reading and then trying things and being patient. Once you've found the right quantities of the the right products and have given them a chance then you and John can only improve. We all want overnight results, even my new more patient self would prefer things to happen more quickly but I've learnt that trying to hurry means that sometimes remedies that could actually work for you in time, aren't given a fair chance and then branded as a failure

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