Adrenavive II : I've started taking this... - Thyroid UK

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Adrenavive II

29 Replies

I've started taking this supplement a couple of weeks ago and my anxiety has worsened. I've worked up to half a tablet - would these symptoms suggest I am taking too much or not enough? I wondered whether it was common for symptoms, particularly anxiety to get worse before they get better with these supplements?

Also had a lot of headaches and head pressure. There doesn't seem to be many reviews of this supplement anywhere so any advice or reassurance would be much appreciated

29 Replies
SeasideSusie profile image


Are you using Adrenavive ll to help raise low cortisol?

They're not tablets, they're capsules, so I'm wondering if you're taking this one

I started off splitting a 125mg capsule into 2 doses, taking half a capsule for 4 days, then wwent on to a full capsule. I am now on 1 x 250mg capsule of Adrenavive lll and I've never had symptoms of anxiety since I started.

in reply to SeasideSusie

Sorry yes I meant the capsules. I'll try increasing maybe half isn't enough. I was just worried I may be super sensitive to them

ShinyB profile image

Hi, sorry to hear about the anxiety - it's a horrible feeling. If you use the search facility you will be able to read other threads about adrenavive, including this one, where one of the replies is about effects from taking it:

I've been taking it and haven't had any adverse effects, but still haven't had any positive effects either.

Are you taking it on anyone's suggestion? Just wondering if you can speak to them about it? Have you done any cortisol testing to know what your cortisol levels are?

ShinyB profile image
ShinyB in reply to ShinyB

Just had a peek at your previous post from a few years ago and see you had been on a high level of levothyroxine. Are you on any current thyroid hormone replacements?

in reply to ShinyB


I am taking thyrogold now and I have been told I am suffering with adrenal fatigue so was told to take the adrenavive to help with that so I can raise my ndt without getting harsh heart palpitations that I currently experience whenever I attempt it. How long have you taken adrenavive for?

in reply to

I have had saliva cortisol tests previously and one of them came back low

SeasideSusie profile image
SeasideSusieRemembering in reply to

Just one was low, what about the others? And when was it done, if not recent it's probably not relevant now.

in reply to SeasideSusie

It was in the last six months.. I can't remember offhand which one was low but I'll dig out the results

ShinyB profile image
ShinyB in reply to

It'd be helpful to see your actual results if you can dig them out and post them. Tis all such a jigsaw, eh?!

in reply to ShinyB

So these are the results I made a mistake one of them was high not low...

Morning 8.2 (3.7-9.5)

Noon 3.0 (1.2-3.0)

Evening 1.3 (0.6-1.9)

Night 1.2 (0.4-1.0)

T3, tsh, oestrogen and progesterone were also below ranges when this was taken. I now also take utrogestan to boost progesterone.

Any light you could shed on these results for me would be appreciated. I'm struggling to understand what adrenal cortex would be used for someone like me with normal to high cortisol results...

ShinyB profile image
ShinyB in reply to

I'm still trying to get my head round it all myself! But I have two high cortisol readings (waking & morning) but in range afternoon and evening. But Dr P says I definitely need adrenal support in the form of adrenal cortex. When I said two of my cortisol readings are high, he said it's possible that the cortisol isn't being actually used.

Our results sound quite similar. I'm also taking the utrogestan!

I had a look at your doc's website online - he looks rather good!

in reply to ShinyB

Oh I see seems like we are both being given the same info which is a good sign!! Yes he has been a great help, only like yourself I wish I had done further research sooner and didn't let GPs experiment with levothyroxine which has left me with debilitating chronic fatigue and other symptoms.

ShinyB profile image
ShinyB in reply to

I sympathise. I was diagnosed with M.E. in my 20s. I can't even get a thyroid diagnosis via my GP or Endo (the endo has discharged me...) and yet my privately done thyroid panel a year ago shows low under range free T3, low in range fT4 and a dodgy looking reverse T3 ratio. The NHS has failed me big time.

in reply to ShinyB

Yes I was diagnosed around that age with M. E. as well. I got the diagnosis of underactive thyroid but they just overmedicated me with t4 and didn't test t3 so it was layer discovered by an endo that I wasn't converting properly, so hence the switch to ndt. It's frightening how our story seems to be a really common one. And when you get to this stage there seems to be so much conflicting information about what to do for the best to recover.

ShinyB profile image
ShinyB in reply to

I honestly (and naively) thought a year ago when I first got that test results saying my fT3 was low, that it would be a case of taking some T3 and I'd be better within six months max. How wrong was I?! I worked out, with the help of people from this wonderful forum, that my conversion rate was rubbish, and have been on T3 only since February, but still didn't feel better for it. Really hoping the Metavive I will help. I've given up feeling excited about anything helping, but I am quietly confident that this might make a difference... And anything is better than levo, eh?! Also, when things have been wrong for so many years (I'm 51 now), it's so much more complex to put things right. Sigh.

in reply to ShinyB

I thought exactly the same but it's so complicated isn't it.. I'm the same I hate to get my hopes up now. Have you tried riboside (brand I use is thorne) its the only thing that made a positive difference to my brain fog and fatigue (and I've tried a lot of stuff over the years


ShinyB profile image
ShinyB in reply to

I've not heard of that. Just looked it up - looks very interesting. Need to wake up more before I can take it in lol but will definitely have a read. I have started taking active B vits and folate, but early days. Thank you :) I dread to think how many things I've tried and how much money I've spent over the years.....!

in reply to ShinyB

Yes I concur! Very expensive business these supplements! I have taken b vits for ages and never noticed any improvement. Lots of people commented that I seemed better in myself after taking the ribose

ShinyB profile image
ShinyB in reply to

Also, I found that cortisol results can change quite rapidly. 6 months before my last cortisol tests, my afternoon and evening results were high , but my waking and morning were low.

in reply to ShinyB

I can imagine. Its a shame the NHS don't do the proper saliva testing. I've had to go private for mine and it's becoming incredibly expensive just to get some answers and advice that don't involve taking antidepressants to mask symptoms of something that is clearly wrong with my body. I might get the cortisol re tested when I have taken the adrenavive for a few months to see if it has helped at all. When did your Dr recommend re testing after starting this supplement out of curiosity?

ShinyB profile image
ShinyB in reply to

I've given up keeping a tally on how much I've spent..... My mother very kindly gave me a cheque yesterday towards the costs. Been on antidepressants since my early teens, plus enough laxatives to stock a nationwide chain of pharmacies, and all this time it looks like I have thyroid/adrenal problems, possibly secondary hypothyroidism.

He's not specifically mentioned when to re-test, but I'm guessing it will be for my three month follow up meeting, so another month.

ShinyB profile image
ShinyB in reply to

Just tagging SeasideSusie here, as you posted it as reply to me.

SeasideSusie profile image
SeasideSusieRemembering in reply to


Was that a Genova test? If so you will be able to see from the graphic that you were sent that your results don't follow the normal "curve".

Cortisol should be highest in the morning and lowest at bedtime. Yours are all at the top end of range and bedtime is over range.

When mine were all high in range, I was advised to use adaptogenic herbs to lower the levels , but I didn't continue with the practioner and took them for far too long and ended up with them all extremely low so I now have to raise my levels and was advised to use Adrenavive to do that.

I'm wondering if, because your levels may still be high (and you really should retest to find your current levels) then taking Adrenavive to raise cortisol is causing the anxiety.

in reply to SeasideSusie

I think you may be correct about the adrenavive causing the higher anxiety levels. Both me and my husband thought so too. Just have this dread that something terrible is going to happen it's so overwhelming and constant. Which herbs/brand did you use? Would you say that was a bad idea to take them? I've heard about them but never heard of people having great results

SeasideSusie profile image
SeasideSusieRemembering in reply to

My practioner at the time advised using Adreset by Nutri Advanced, it's a blend of 3 adaptogenic herbs (there are others).

Adaptogens are said to be balancing but I found them to lower cortisol, as have others, which is why you need to keep an eye on your levels and not leave it as long as I did to retest.

Personally, if I were you, I would stop the Adrenavive, do a new saliva adrenal test now so you can see what you need to do.

in reply to SeasideSusie

Thanks for your advice. My Dr came back yesterday and told me to stop adrenavive immediately and to focus on reducing anxiety and getting enough sleep for now. Starting to lose hope a bit as there's no way I'm taking adrenal supplements again. I may look at trying to lower my cortisol levels as they are clearly high at the moment then retest soon like you say

ShinyB profile image
ShinyB in reply to

I've been on Adrenavive II for two months now. Is it Dr Peatfield you've seen?

in reply to ShinyB

Oh i see. I was told it could take 6 to 18 months to properly repair adrenal function. No I don't I see a Dr called Bernard willis

ShinyB profile image
ShinyB in reply to

I can imagine it could take that long. Certainly mine have been out most of my life since my teens probably. I wish I'd know more about adrenal support before I started on thyroid hormones but we live and learn... I'd talk to your doc about what to do re the anxiety.

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