Having being diagnosed with Hypothyroidism last September, I have been on an emotional and physical battle to try and gain some understanding and adapt to my body changes!
I have been on 125mg of Levothyroxine and it has given me so much brain fog that even a lighthouse would find trouble finding my memory,and my weight has not gone down , even tho I changed my diet completely and have given up sugar!
I am on a predominately meat diet and salads, fruits, menuka honey, goats milk and yoghurt ( I prefer goats milk, as I found cows milk made me feel funny).
I am due to see my Endocrinologist in June and was going to ask if I could have my Adrenal glands and levels checked, I say this as looking into how the body works, it relates to me having adrenal failure rather than just Hypothyroidism?
I had been on a very stressful pathway previous to my condition being diagnosed, and also having had vitiligo, for a number of years ( which various doctors have put down to my age, which is funny as I first noticed it happening when I was 42, none of them ever considered it as an antibody attacking my system).
Would I be wrong in suggesting this to him/her and what else could I consider to be checked, I am asking this as I am seriously fed up of feeling like an 90 year old man and not being able to do much for long periods of time as I get exhausted.
Having now also managed to get meralgia Paresthetica in my left leg, is making me more worn out quicker, something I hope the Physiotherapy dept can sort out and get me mobile again soon!!
Any help / advice would be most helpful!!
Keep on fighting and don’t give up is my mantra!