Adrenal or Thyroid?: Having being diagnosed with... - Thyroid UK

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Adrenal or Thyroid?

Gladiator_1 profile image
29 Replies

Having being diagnosed with Hypothyroidism last September, I have been on an emotional and physical battle to try and gain some understanding and adapt to my body changes!

I have been on 125mg of Levothyroxine and it has given me so much brain fog that even a lighthouse would find trouble finding my memory,and my weight has not gone down , even tho I changed my diet completely and have given up sugar!

I am on a predominately meat diet and salads, fruits, menuka honey, goats milk and yoghurt ( I prefer goats milk, as I found cows milk made me feel funny).

I am due to see my Endocrinologist in June and was going to ask if I could have my Adrenal glands and levels checked, I say this as looking into how the body works, it relates to me having adrenal failure rather than just Hypothyroidism?

I had been on a very stressful pathway previous to my condition being diagnosed, and also having had vitiligo, for a number of years ( which various doctors have put down to my age, which is funny as I first noticed it happening when I was 42, none of them ever considered it as an antibody attacking my system).

Would I be wrong in suggesting this to him/her and what else could I consider to be checked, I am asking this as I am seriously fed up of feeling like an 90 year old man and not being able to do much for long periods of time as I get exhausted.

Having now also managed to get meralgia Paresthetica in my left leg, is making me more worn out quicker, something I hope the Physiotherapy dept can sort out and get me mobile again soon!!

Any help / advice would be most helpful!!

Keep on fighting and don’t give up is my mantra!

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Gladiator_1 profile image
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29 Replies
silverfox7 profile image

We also. Red the ranges as well as they differ from lab to lab. Without them we would just be guessing.

endomad profile image

I remember reading few years ago autoimmune hypo has link to vitaligo, I think it was on here. Don't use the term adrenal failure to endo as they will just dismiss it, they prefer insufficiency which they struggle with as well. Endo can do blood cortisol test must be early as poss 8-9am. My cortisol is really low 95 (150-550) and endo just offered steroids which I don't want to use except for emergencies. Google adrenal and hypo symptoms they have quite distinct differences and will give you good idea. Unfortunately all hormone stuff linked, one out often all out it is all a balancing act.

Samy3 profile image
Samy3 in reply to endomad

Hi endomad my GP tested my cortisol last year early morning one it was 169 result and range starts (170/500) what do u think about my result level....sorry Gladiator I'm jumping in to ur post ....if it was just under borderline what would u recommend to take any advice I would really appreciate.. Thanks ....samy

in reply to Samy3

Your cortisol level is low for first thing in the morning, the reference range is for the whole day, first thing in the morning your cortisol levels should be around 400-500. Your GP should have referred you to an Endo so that he could do the Synacthen test to see how your adrenals react to the stimulation of Synacthen. Cortisol levels vary throughout the day, the highest level should be first thing in the morning.

endomad profile image
endomad in reply to

I had SST Oct 2015 and it made me really I'll for 7 days, vomiting blurred vision etc it was then 105(150_550) It shot up to 650 in 10 mins and I think it made my adrenals worse. I have refused another SST as I was so I'll last time.

Samy3 profile image
Samy3 in reply to

Thank u so much Pauline they did not say anything about the results

Samy3 profile image
Samy3 in reply to

Pauline s for low cortisol level is there anything I can take like supplements?

endomad profile image
endomad in reply to Samy3

I was told to take NAX by Dr Peatfield in 2015 which has support vitamins in ad I'm sure it helped at the time. After a very stressful few months mid 2016 I started to feel worse and they made no difference 2nd time so nutri adrenal extra deff worth trying as your cortisol I'd bit better than mine x

in reply to Samy3

Samy3 with levels that low you need to be referred urgently to an Endocrinologist. The level at that time of day should be nearer 400-500. Your GP should refer you. The symptoms of low cortisol are weight loss, fatigue ++, feeling dizzy & low Blood pressure. If it gets worse and you start to get confused & disorientated then seek medical advice straight away. If you are on Facebook then join the UK Addisons info & support group for more advice. Do NOT take any supplements until you have a diagnosis as they will mess up results.

Samy3 profile image
Samy3 in reply to

Thanks paulines these are the results last year one GP did not do anything I have to ask her to do the blood test again I'm surprised now bcs I had no knowledge about cortisol results I hope she will do something

Samy3 profile image
Samy3 in reply to

I'm only taking vitamin d at the moment not taking any other vitamins I don't have weight loss but in between I do get dizzy

Gladiator_1 profile image
Gladiator_1 in reply to Samy3

No problem Samy3 , we all need info where possible, that’s the good thing about being in this group.

Samy3 profile image
Samy3 in reply to Gladiator_1

Thank u so much I do really appreciate

endomad profile image
endomad in reply to Samy3

I do not know enough about adrenal/cortisol myself Sammy I am trying various things but not feeling big improvements xx

in reply to endomad

With a cortisol that low aren't you feeling really ill?!!! You do realise that you could go into crisis & possibly die if you don't take steroids with levels that low!?

endomad profile image
endomad in reply to

I get that internal tremor in the mornings and prone to short fuse, adrenaline surges and anxiety. My last 2 endos have been non plussed and my fear of taking steroids is at some point you have to wean off and its awful. I am trying to lift adrenals naturally by keeping as stress free as poss, adrenal support, progesterone cream and yoga. My next blood test July but tbh my endo is unsure how to treat. CT3M didn't work or any of the advice on adrenal Fb page. I dont know enough about adrenal stuff to confidently self treat, I have friends who have and made things worse. Any advice appreciated x

AnnaSo profile image
AnnaSo in reply to endomad

You have to do a saliva cortisol test, not from blood. Saliva is collected 4 times throughout the day and is the only close enough representation of levels, not blood and not once in a day.

endomad profile image
endomad in reply to AnnaSo

Yes I did one last year and this year still shows under range cortisol on all 4 points x Howevevr the NHS do not accept saliva tests so you have to have their blood test and sst which i have every year x

AnnaSo profile image
AnnaSo in reply to endomad

Forget NHS, you really have to take action and your health in your own hands, most GPS are useless with thyroid or adrenals, unfortunately :( I have the opposite problem but heard accounts that adrenal cortex helps with rising cortisol for those who lack it.

endomad profile image
endomad in reply to AnnaSo

Yes tried recommended Thorne AC, Adrenavive as recommend by Dr P and NAX no huge improvement and the cortex ones make me shaky and anxious, as with thyroid i think slow and easy xx thanks for responding, took me years to get my thyroid levels right so expect same hassle with cortisol x

AnnaSo profile image
AnnaSo in reply to endomad

Sorry to hear that didn’t help :( do you stress much? It is really important to eliminate stress from daily life (I know, easily said than done!)

endomad profile image
endomad in reply to AnnaSo

I moved to farm in rural france, work from home and do yoga, gardening and walk dogs, so i keep stress minimal but get stressed really easy lol with work and life its not possible to eliminate but i use to thrive on deadlines/stress/work etc so it all came as a bit of a shock to suddenly start crying at small things xx

AnnaSo profile image
AnnaSo in reply to endomad

That sounds like a dream! ☺️ boyfriend and myself also have a move to rural France in the pipeline for next year ☺️

I don’t know what else to suggest other than a great book I’ve read recently: Rushing Woman Syndrome. Written by Endocrinologist lady doctor, I loved it. Plenty of info and tips on how to balance hormones.

endomad profile image
endomad in reply to AnnaSo

I will check amazon for it. i would deff recommend rural France clean air, clean food, dark nights no light pollution, no traffic, no noise pollution, just clean open spaces, you will love it x

in reply to endomad

Adrenal Insufficiency is recognised by Endo's, well the ones that are used to treating people with pituitary/adrenal issues! Please be very careful with cortisol that low - it is a life threatening condition. I have secondary adrenal insufficiency caused by removal of a pituitary tumour, I have to carry an emergency Hydrocortisone injection with me at all times, wear a medic alert bracelet & be registered with the ambulance service in case of a crisis.

endomad profile image
endomad in reply to

I have bloods soon and endo appt and i will push the issue with him, if no success i will insist on a referral to someone else for adrenals, thank you x

SeaVee79 profile image

You need something to help with your lows. I don't think the endo would have suggested steroids if they didn't think it was necessary. Was it hydrocortisone? How much were they suggesting you took? I am self medicating 25mg a day. 10mg on waking then 7.5mg 4 hrs later, 5 mg 4 hrs later and 2.5 mg about 2-3 hrs after that. I know at some point I will have to wean off it but I.had no choice. My adrenals were shot (4 very lows and a below range morning cortisol reading via ATCH test). I have tried cortex and adaptogens. HC is my last chance saloon really.


Gladiator_1 profile image

Endomad seems like you taken over my post lol

Can’t see any advice for me in here at all, hope you get the info you need to get back on track!

Angelic69 profile image

Hay there Gladiator-1 I don't want to presume but with your title and eating habits im guessing you work out a fair bit and your none existent carb intake shouts out to be addressed. When you have hypothyroidism being a gladiator is like mission impossible believe me ive tried. They say on here that it will be down to your T3 which if you do work out will be used up very quickly and if your thyroid gland isn't supplying your body with the demands of T3 to sustain your lifestyle that's why you are experiencing these unpleasant symptoms. I have had to give up my work outs as I too had extreme brain fog and exercising was making this side effect much, much worse. They recommend that you only do light to moderate exercise whilst your Dr and specialist if you have one return you to optimal health and perhaps then try a little increase, Since ive reduced my energy output my brain fog has practically disappeared, this included giving up nanny duties as my energy would take a rapid fall during this pleasurable activity but what can one do. B complex with B12 helps but if your body needs to rest you should really do as it needs to get well. Hope this is helpful to you.

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