Adrenal fatigue but allergic to beef and pork! (NDA and NDT). Struggling to resurrect adrenals and thought I might try T3. Can anyone advise me of a T3 which is effective but not derived from beef/pork. Sorry if this is a silly question - I'm still learning. Thanks in advance (hopefully)
Adrenal fatigue is T3 an option?: Adrenal fatigue... - Thyroid UK
Adrenal fatigue is T3 an option?

T3 is synthetic so no pork or beef involved.
NDT is not T3, it's a combination of T4 and T3 and made from the animal's thyroid gland.
Not sure what NDA is.
Thank you SeasideSusie for your reply. NDA (not sure I have the correct term!) is natural dedicated adrenal which I understand works wonders for the adrenals but made me I'll. I am taking the supplement adrenal support and a multitude of other supplements recommended by Dr Peatfield but am struggling. Someone else on this forum suggested T3 a while ago but I wanted to give the supplements a go first! Do you have any suggestions as to the "best" source of T3. BTW my seaside is Bognor Regis - could have used SeasideDee as my user name
Thank you for replying
Ah, I see. I only know of adrenal glandulars (I take Adrenavive) which of course are made from the adrenal glands of the animals.
Not sure what supplement you are taking, but be aware that many "adaptogenic" herbs purporting to "balance" the adrenals can, in fact, lower cortisol. This happened to me, took an adaptogen supplement for high cortisol and ended up taking it for too long without retesting and now have very low cortisol which I am trying to raise.
There isn't a best T3, it's what suits the individual. I like Unipharma better than Mexican Grossman Cynomel, others prefer the latter. I've not tried Turkish Tiromel and some members do very well on it. Sourcing Unipharma is now very difficult.
I was taking Adrenavive II - So I got the term totally wrong! I'm a bit concerned now as I am taking adaptogenics but also have low cortisol and DHEA.
Taking: DHEA 50 mg
Cytoplan adrenal support vegan capsules
Cytoplan super B extra
Multi B bits
Vit C
Vit D oral spray
Vit B 12 patches
DHEA test result = <0.03
Morning cortisol = 0.88
remaining cortisol levels through day is within normal range
Lest radios = <0.68
Any suggestions gratefully received
The Cytoplan Adrenal Support contains 50mg iodine per capsule.
Your Super B Extra contains 200mcg iodine per 2 tablets (it says 2-4 tablets daily). (It also contains iron and that can affect absorption of everything else, iron should be taken on it's own 2 hours away from other supplements, 4 hours away from thyroid meds.)
That's quite a lot of iodine. Always advised here is that iodine should be tested and only supplemented if found to be deficient and then under the supervision of an experienced practioner. Iodine really is a hot potato, it used to be used to treat overactive thyroid, and if you have Hashi's then it's definitely not recommended.
Also be aware that liquorice can be a problem where blood pressure is concerned, it can increase blood pressure.
Are you taking separate adaptogenics besides the supplements you have listed above?
Hi SeasideSusie no wonder I feel worse! Are these comments open to all - I do not want to disrespect a practitioner if it's me who has made the mistake but I thought I was following a practitioners advice.
Thanks SeasideSusie I have ceased taking the adaptogenics. Will continue with Levi 50mcg and DHEA (as specifically advised by practitioner). I am going to retest adrenal, thyroid function and do tests for vit D, folate, ferritin & B12 then see my practitioner again. Perhaps a little knowledge in my case was a dangerous thing!
Which adaptogenics were you taking? Did you have a 24 hour saliva test? Were you trying to raise or lower cortisol? I don't want to tell you to go against what your practioner has said, but it's worth checking out the ingredients of the supplements.
Hi, my morning cortisol was 0.88 so I was trying to raise it so the actual advice was continue with Levo 50mcg, DHEA 25 mcg? Refer to book about adaptogenics (which I did and cross referenced with suppliers recommended) I was careful not to take the B vits within 4 hours of Levo but admit I was feeling not well on this regieme.
I only know about 24 hour saliva cortisol tests and how the results are plotted on a graph to show if you follow the normal curve and you can see if you are within optimal range, like this (the green band being normal).
Are you saying the Cytoplan Adrenal Support supplement was the adaptogenic supplement? Or did you use a different adaptogenic supplement?
As I said in a reply further up, I used an adaptogenic supplement to lower top of range cortisol (advised by a practioner). What the practioner didn't advise was to test after a certain time to see how my cortisol had reacted. I left it too long and it plummeted to below normal (low in the yellow band) so now I am using Adrenavive to try and raise it.
My adrenal stress profile is on a graph the same as your example and my scores are: sample 1 am = 0.88 (low), sample 2 =2.59 (Normal), sample 3 = 0.83 (normal) and sample 4 evening = <0.19 (normal)
The supplements I listed where what I was taking plus T2. I thought the adaptogenics were included in these? Normally I am quite intelligent - can I blame all this on brain fog!
Normally I am quite intelligent - can I blame all this on brain fog!
That made me smile, I think we all suffer from this from time to time!
Without seeing your graph or the reference ranges, I don't know where in the "normal" range your levels lie for samples 2, 3 and 4.
The most common adaptogens you'll see mentioned are
Rhodiola Rosea
Certain Gingsengs - American, Asian Red, Asian White
Holy Basil
Astragalus Root
Licorice Root (but you have to be careful as it can increase blood pressure)
They are meant to be "balancing" or "normalising" and there is a lot of conflicting information out there but most of them tend to lower cortisol and you have to keep an eye on levels and not do what I did and carry on regardless without testing then go completely the opposite way to where you were to start with.
The Cytoplan Adrenal Support contains:
Licorice extract, Siberian (Eleutherococcus senticosus) and Chinese Ginseng, suma/pffafia and all those are considered adaptogens.
It also contains Pantothenic Acid (B5) which is supposed to be good adrenal support, selenium which is thyroid support (helps conversion of T4 to T3), Chromium helps regulate blood sugar and helps maintain normal metabolism.
Then there is iodine which, like I said above, is a hot potato.
The practioner I originally used advised me to use a multivitamin/mineral which contained 150mcg iodine. I had already tested iodine and was exactly mid-range. I mentioned that and said surely I didn't need to supplement iodine, her reply was it's only a small amount so it will be fine. After about 3 months I retested iodine and I had gone from 150 (100-199) to 250. For something that was supposed to be a small amount and not matter, I thought that was a large increase in a short time that took me quite a bit over range. I stopped it straight away and haven't taken any since because I obviously had a good level of iodine naturally.
Like I said, I can't tell you not to follow your practioner's advice, you'll have to decide what to do. Maybe Dr P suggested that supplement as you only had 1 low sample and 3 normal rather than an all round low level of cortisol. Maybe you are seeing him again or contacting him with a progress report after testing and he may then suggest something else.
I've read somewhere to treat adrenals before Thyroid but don't know much about it but homed in with conversion issued. 4 things help your thyroid to work better Vit D, B12, folate and Ferritin but they need to be optimal, not just in range. They also help conversion issue as well as General well being.
Silverfox7 thank you so much for your reply. I have made a note and will have these tested asap. Getting desperate here so very grateful for your support.