anyone noticed a large increase in ndt prices lately?
Med price increase: anyone noticed a large... - Thyroid UK
Med price increase

I've not tried NDT but would like to know how it compares to Liothyronine. Would it be cheaper for the NHS to give us that?
That question is a bit like how long is a piece of string. At the moment NDT can be a lower cost but then T3 is, in my opinion, artificially high. So much also depends as well on the skill of who ever is advising you hence my how long is a piece of string! So difficult to give an answer without knowing all the background facts that help and we all know from the rumours that are passed around knowledge is often sadly lacking!
Not in Erfa, it seems to hold it's price quite well. Maybe shop around for another pharmacy?
My latest purchase of ERFA from <redacted pharmacy> was hideously expensive compared to the previous one a year before. If you have a script you may conceivably be able to find some elsewhere slightly cheaper but it has increased a lot anyway. This comes from ERFA themselves as they claim to have had trouble sourcing good quality NDT.

Unfortunately, prices have risen quite considerably over the past two or three years. I think one of the reasons may be similar to that of the price rise of lio - Actavis bought out Forest and the price started to rise.
Prices started inching up a few years back when there was a 'so-called' piglet virus that decimated pig production in the US. Just this past year, the owners of Armour supposedly bought out the supplier of USP grade thyroid extract, the one almost all NDT manufacturers used. The reason for the recent shortage in RLC Labs NDT brands is because RLC tried to develop their own source of USP grade extract so they would not be held hostage to Armour. With all this instability (thank you Armour), it is no wonder that prices are starting to reflect the turmoil. Let's hope it all settles down pretty soon. But I have heard that Thyroid S now has a shortage?? Anyone else heard this?
Just this past year, the owners of Armour supposedly bought out the supplier of USP grade thyroid extract, the one almost all NDT manufacturers used.
So Armour had its price raised until it was the most expensive NDT in the world. And now they've practically cornered the market in the raw ingredient for NDT, so every other product of the same kind is likely to rise in price too, no matter what the name on the packaging. Even the Thai brands use the same raw thyroid extract as the other companies, so they won't be cheap any longer.
It is quite obvious that the pharma companies don't want anyone using anything except Levo, because it helps to keep massive numbers of people ill. The fact that most of the sufferers will be women is just too bad. I suspect that pharma companies make most of their profits from dosing women for diseases that nobody wants to research (Edit : that cause lots of other collateral damage), such as fibromyalgia, endometriosis, adenomyosis, thyroid disease, and probably dozens of other diseases which are believed to be mostly "in the head".
I so agree with you, humanbean. It seems that the powers that be have no interest in having us well and healthy, heaven forbid. No money to be made with that. Look at cancer. 3 in 10 of us would get cancer back in the seventies when Nixon declared the war on cancer. Now it is something like 7 - 8 of us out of 10 will get cancer if we live long enough. And treating cancer is a multi-billion dollar a year enterprise. No chance of 'them' turning up a cure any time I call the whole medical profession... disease management, NOT disease cure.
thanks everyone i got a shock when I went to re-order my ndt, not that I can at the moment due to the carry on with internet banking! Looks like I'm going to run out but I've got a supply of t3, trying to figure out which is cheapest as its currently costing me over £100 a month😣
Three months supply of Armour NDT just cost me $140. Ten dollars more than three months ago. About 3 years ago it used to cost me about $40 for same. This is in the US - hold on, I will convert to pounds...
OK, roughly: $140 = 100 pounds, $10 = 7 pouds, $40 = 29 pounds.
Looks like it is 3 times more expensive in the UK. A glimpse of things to come for us in the US.
I know its been a big increase, I usually order my ndt from the states but can no longer afford the price nevermind the UK gov £30 import tax!
tootired and LAHs , unless you are buying GBP 800+ worth in one go, you won't be paying import tax. You will be paying 20% VAT plus a fee to the carrier that has to collect the VAT (usually Royal Mail who charge 8GBP).
But it's on a sliding scale, not a percentage. Big rip off, which is why I get my thai friends to bring it back for me.
Still costs me £60 though.