Does anyone know if Mercury Pharma Lio is still available and whether the price has dropped since the license was made available to other companies?
Mercury Pharma Liothyronine: Does anyone know if... - Thyroid UK
Mercury Pharma Liothyronine

Mercury Pharma Lio is still available as I have it on a monthly basis as a named patient, hopefully now it's been licensed to other companies there will be some competition in the pricing.

Current Price from Improve Thyroid Treatment campaign on Facebook
£921.43 for 100 x 20mcg Morningside tablets and £922.14 for 100 x 20mcg Mercury Pharma tablets.
Teva is virtually identical price apparently
Big chain pharmacies only want to supply the brand they can access easily
You may need to try several different pharmacies to get brand you require
Best to pick up real prescription and then you can control where you can get supply from

Different brands are certainly very different so it’s essential to stick to just one
I seem to prefer Morningside. Also only need 3 x 5mcg
On MP I was on 4 x 5mcg
So slightly cheaper as 28 day prescription lasts 8 days longer
I’m on 60mcgs of Lio a day. Done fantastically on Mercury Pharma and really badly after two months on Teva.
After all the adverse reaction to Teva Levo and Liothyronine reported on here I wouldn't dream of trying either
I can only tolerate MP Levothyroxine.
Hi Fortunata, I have been on 40 -50mcgs Lio (Mercury) a day for over 18 years.
When I went to Boots three month ago to pick up my repeat prescription I was given Teva instead because they do not have Mercury any more.
After a week I started to react so badly to Teva but at first I thought I had picked up some kind of really nasty virus.
(some of the symptoms: strange headaches, felt incredibly tired and general apathy , deep chesty irritation cough..............)
As soon as I stopped Teva ten days ago and replaced them with some Mercury I had left in travelling bag all these horrific symptoms vanished one by one. How strange is that?
I returned five jars of Teva to Boots and insisted that I need Mercury instead. They were not happy but they reluctantly agreed to give me one jar only and they kept going on about how expensive the drug is......
The recipient in Teva which I reacted so badly to was probably: "colloidal anhydrous silica".
I am filling in a yellow card to report this.
I’m returning my three bottles this week. My symptoms sound very similar to yours. I’m going to ask my doc to insist I’m only given Mercury.
I can’t take it either
I wonder if we all had the same batch?
Yes it is and I was told a difference of £30