I suppose that I have been lucky to hold on to it for so long but my GP has now withdrawn my NHS t3 prescription!! He was totally unpersuaded by my arguments and in fact told me he considered it to be an "expensive placebo" He said lots of other things too but I am sure some of you will have heard it all already. He was careful to say that the decision was not based on cost but rather that T3 is listed as a "black" medicine because of the lack of evidence that it works!!!!
He has given me a private prescription which I hope he will do at two monthly intervals but I was so shell shocked when I left that I didn't think to ask. I have also emailed a German pharmacy to ask about if and how they can fill the prescription for me. I did read earlier exchanges on here but couldn't follow it very well.
I am feeling a bit calmer now and even if it does no good want to appeal to the CCG against his decision. Has anyone else done this and how did it go? Any advice would be gratefully received.
Many thanks