Just got off of phone from lovely GP who wrote to endocrinology for advice on my increasing antibody levels ( two private blood tests in three months showing significant increase) and therefore increase in my symptoms. Endocrinology consultant of course stated that my antibodies do not cause the symptoms, that these appear only when there’s an issue with my thyroid function . But my symptoms are real. Weight gain, hair loss, aches in my legs and arms and numbness in hands. Fuzzy scrambled thinking, sore throat very low in my neck, feverish, feeling v cold all time, ache spot in upper bowel with constipation and sleepless throughout day. I’ve taken advice from helpful supporters on this site and have been gluten free for three months and taking selenium. There’s nothing British medical support will do but offer 6 monthly checks to see if antibs are impacting on Thyroid function. Where from here? What else can I do or take to try to arrest the antibodies and start feeling human again.? Thank you
Where from here? With high levels of antibodies... - Thyroid UK
Where from here? With high levels of antibodies but ok T4, T3 and THS functions, but all the symptoms of Hashimotos

Hello murrayi ,
First of all, you don't need to be upset , everything will going well and you will feel better.
TSH , FT3 ,FT4, in "Range" doesn't mean that you are not hypo, if you feel symptoms you are hypo especially that you have high antibodies already, i don't have hashimoto's and taking thyroid medication and my levels was in "Range" and was feel hypo symptoms , i increased my dosage and symptoms gone not all but most, i see that you did thyroid blood profile from 5 Months ago and it was low so and elevated TSH, i think for now you are need medication, could you please post your blood test results ? , Gluten free diet will help but without thyroid medication it will useless.
for now you need to do blood test and post results here, also Ferritin, Folate, B12, vitD.
it will be very hard to know triggers for antibodies, the best solution for now is to do blood test and post it here and i'm sure you need medication.
Thank you for getting back to me. My most recent result of 15Feb2018 are with ranges in brackets:
TSH 2.72 (0.27- 4.20)
TOTAL THYROXINE 71.5 (59 -154)
FREE T3 4.37 (3.10 - 6.80)
REVERSE T3 13 (10 -24)
ACTIVE B12 83.8 (25.10 - 165)
FOLATE 6.64 (2.91 - 50)
25 OH VIT D 60 (50-200)
CRP HIGH SENSITIVITY 0.48 (0-5) suggesting low levels of inflammation in body
Note:as folate on lower end. recommendation from consultant (Healthcheck blood sample) to eat more folate rich foods. My diet is already very folate rich and plus I am currently taking a BComplex sup to ensure I get what I need. so not sure why folate on lower end.
Thank you for your time and energy
Go well
Can you post your 'ok' results for TSH, FT4 and FT3, and let us have a look? Doctors aren't always very good at interpreting blood test results.

Can you add your most recent blood test results and ranges for TSH, FT3 and FT4 plus vitamin D, folate ferritin and B12.
Then members can advise