Hello. I am new to the forum and am REALLY confused by my current situation
I had a Total Thyroidectomy 8 years ago. Understandably, it took a little time to get my levels right but I ended up on 200mcg Levothyroxine daily and felt absolutely fine on this. All went well for some years until routine bloods showed lowered TSH & raised T4. Since then, various GPs have fiddled about with my dosage gradually decreasing it to 150mcg. After decreasing it last time, my blood test actually showed that my T4 had increased even further to 33.9 & TSH now at 0.02!! My GP has written to the Endocrinologist for advice and been told to tell me to reduce me to 100mcg. I am really confused as I am displaying all the symptoms of being under medicated: Weight gain, brittle & splitting nails, fragile skin, hair loss tiredness etc. I am certainly not whip thin or "bouncing off the walls" like a hyperthyroid might be expected to. I am so scared to reduce my meds any further as I do not want to end up being a complete blob but my GP has given me no other option, saying that she wants me to reduce from tomorrow & repeat bloods in 4 weeks. She actually said that, by reducing my Levothyroxine, I might lose some weight which sounded a little odd to me. Can anybody offer any advice please?