So glad I went to nutritionist: Well I just... - Thyroid UK

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So glad I went to nutritionist

Ari3 profile image
37 Replies

Well I just wanted to share with you people that I did not certainly regret of my nutritionist appoitment .I been checked -my gut health(intestines enzymes bacteria etc)adrenals and hormones with biofeedback system .I was amazed to get to know that my adrenals are struggling and are stressed and needs some help .I am starting my probiotics too and enzymes .i will have my herbs next Wednesday and will start adrenal recovery ! I also got to know that which foods iam sensitive to .I also got to know that iam Doing great by stopping gluten as it doesn’t do me good at all-having leaky gut with yeast infection.So have to do lots of homework.It cost me £90 for this appoitment but I don’t regret any penny.I really suggest anyone to go and see nutritionist if u have some money as this is so important to address the root cause issues.I wish u the very best of luck of anyone journey same as mine !

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Ari3 profile image
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37 Replies
Curtis90 profile image

I’m glad that you are now on the path to recovery. Would you be able to advise how you got in contact with your nutrionalist

Ari3 profile image

I searched online Curtis90 we have Healthcare centre in Burton On Trent so I went on their website and found qualified nutritionist read his reviews and testimonials.I used to go there for deep tissue massage when I had muscle problems from my panic attack years ago.I just emailed with my problem and what I want to address and check explained what iam going through Hashimoto and Hypothyroidism.I booked first 15min free consultation and he seemed very knowledgeable.Than I booked another appoitment (I didn’t get it so quick as he is busy).So went today and was absolutely thrilled! All answers came in 1.5hrs !!!!He told me he used to be in the same position nearly as me and now he is healthy by addressing healthy food and having Chinese herbs and right enzymes probiotics (I bought today ) etc.He checked all my organs by magnetic field and told me which needs attention.He also told me that first we must address red coloured weakened points of my body such as Adrenals and leaky gut by adding enzymes right bacterias and other herbs and supplements.I bet it will cost a bit of money but hey it will worth it.He told me I will definitely get alright! side by side I need to take t3 of course.Iam waiting for his herbal plan to come on my email and next Wednesday collecting my supplements and herbs .Than follow up appoitment of how iam doing .I can contact him anytime through email.Mind me asking what part are u from uk?if u need his details I can pm you

in reply to Ari3

Hi Ari3,

It's so heart warming to read your message. It's always good to read positive messages. Please PM me the name of the nutritionist you saw.

Wish you good health and happy days ahead.


murrayi profile image
murrayi in reply to

Oh that’s fab news. I live in Nottingham but Burton is not far could you pm me his details?. Thank you for sharing your journey...

elwins profile image

I did the same as you a few years back to find out what I was sensitive to, it certainly made a big difference. Best of luck

Ari3 profile image
Ari3 in reply to elwins

Thank you! the new road on healing can start and I hope it will be for good now! I want to feel better and recover myself ASAP by making changes in my diet and lifestyle and go outside the frame and be different ! I can not stress to anyone to do the same as I did-invest in your health.Gut is the mother of nearly all illnesses ....I wish people could understand thyroid is still struggling -big time -have started t3 -day three -feeling better -but I know I have only started my journey as iam on 5mcg now at the min for my body to used to it lol but I know I will get there + nutritionist just need to stay calm and positive no matter what!

Kazbe profile image
Kazbe in reply to Ari3

Hi Ari3

Thankyou for sharing your story I am so pleased you have found a Great Nutritionalist and it sounds like he has given you some excellent advice !

I live in Derby and I travelled all the way up to Crawley to see Dr P his advice was great but unfortunately due to ill health he is no longer practicing.

I would be very grateful if you could share your Nutritionalist details as I only live 20mins away from Burton on Trent !

It's such a costly process to go through if you have to take the private route but when you hear such great feedback and so close to home for me I had to message you !

Keep Well

Kind Regards

Kazbe 😀

Misswaldingfield profile image

You are so right about gut health being the most important thing. I used to have IBS for years and probably continued to eat the foods I am sensitive to. My GP never believed any of my gut concerns. I was diagnosed with Hashimoto thyroiditis about 6 years ago but still felt unwell despite the levothyroxine and developed more and more food sensitivities. Endocrinologist could not help either. I found a very good nutritionist who advised me to have a very elaborate stool sample check which revealed that I have dysbiosis, 2 pathogenic bacteria strains and yeast overgrowth. Unfortunately I had to stop taking my probiotics 2 weeks prior to the test and after a few days the bad bacteria got to the bladder and for the last 2 months I have Interstitial Cystitis and Vulvodynia which is very painful and limits my diet even more. However the nutritionist has put me on liver support and grapefruit seed extract to eradicate the bad bacteria and yeast . Does anybody have any positive experience with this treatment?

Ari3 profile image
Ari3 in reply to Misswaldingfield

Iam glad that u also addressed ur problems by going to nutritionist because no matter how many medications we will take in our life’s -the actual root cause is our gut.Myself I never thought about it but reading books it makes such a big sense to me! Iam not trying to be perfect than anyone else iam just trying to get the message to everyone on here who might not maybe know or still thinking n thinking or have no power to change some things in life for the price of feeling good -inside n outside to finally do the right things to love our own body to care for it nourish it and love it!!!! I haven’t used those supplements u mentioned iam still waiting for Nutritionist personal tailored plan for me I will let you know than what he suggested me .The good thing what I was amazed about is that when he saw my adrenal results he told me that he will put me on natural herbs to help stabilise them and he has full list of them and by one bio machine he found the exact herb which would suit me best and my adrenals would respond the best!!!absolutely amazing and clever system !!!wishing u well in future :)

Baobabs profile image

Personal experience such as yours is so very inspirational to others. Thank you.

Ari3 profile image
Ari3 in reply to Baobabs

Much appreciated -thank you

userotc profile image

I totally agree and have used a naturopathic nutritionist myself for gut analysis. A good one will identify the right tests to which is the main reason I used one. Yes that adds to the cost significantly but if it gets to the root cause it's worthwhile in the longer term for health and cost reasons.

As I posted a couple of days ago re comprehensive testing and NHS privatisation, this is the way forward.

Ari3 profile image
Ari3 in reply to userotc

Absolutely agree with u -Nhs and that end ... it will be like that soon ....

Anyway on a positive note I think nutritionists are more valuable nowadays than doctors lol it’s the truth.Doctor will prescribe u drugs but we won’t ever know why we had exact problem in first place -no one will explain that...we will live by having certain drugs not knowing the cause of the problem...this is how the world is made sadly...I suffered from panic attacks and anxiety many years and nobody could explain just gave me citalopram and told me counselling lol and now looking back I realised what was the cause ...sadly after stopping citalopram I got worse and had full blown hypo symptoms I got to know when one doctor tested my tsh .I didn’t stop there I was thinking hold on I couldn’t develop this in one day ...I asked for all medical history and one year back a bit more I saw my tsh 5.5 and nobody told me that (I know guidelines are to start treatment if tsh is <10 which is ridiculous in uk I think) I always had cold hands falling hair constipation tiredness.Why would dodctors treat hypothyroidism if they want to get tsh levels with the treatment are around 0.5-2 ? How this can be explained lol

LawsTra profile image

I have been to the nutritionist 3 times over the last 18 years, and they are a complete waste of time. I was told by one that I was a liar, a cheat and delusional because that said I was lying about what I was eating on my food diary and cheating on the diet they gave me and I was delusional to think I could fool them.

A few years ago I got so desperate to lose weight that I decide to go to see about weight loss surgery and low and behold I needed to see a nutritionist before I could see the surgeon and guess what I got the same small minded nutritionist who insulted me before.

Lost complete trust in the medical profession, we expect them to help us and they do nothing . Cant get surgery because I overweight, cant lose weight because they say I not eating or exercising properly. GP (not fully educated on hypothyroidism) wont or cant give me the correct medication to treat my condition because they go by blood test only and ignore my symptoms (that are getting worse and numbers are dropping despite the meds being increased) . Endo's useless

Ari3 profile image
Ari3 in reply to LawsTra

I understand ur bad expierence with particular nutritionist.It seams that one u went wasn’t good in his manners and attitude.He shouldn’t tell you these all bad things ...iam pretty sure you can find better one .I had really really good and kind nutritionist u need to just search .Its the same as endocrinologists or any therapist specialist u will find some are good n some are bad.iam so sorry u had to go through this on your own :( Was he the only nutritionist in ur area?i would not allow him to upset me like that.i wouldn’t even go to him anymore.he is waste of space ! is any chance u could find better one?Dont give up maybe u could post as a new post on here and ask people nutritionist in ur area maybe someone would respond and advice u ?

Clare0116 profile image
Clare0116 in reply to LawsTra

Me too, I've been an obese anorexic for years, lost 4-5 st 5 times, gaining it all back again, gaining weight despite being active daily, depression and thyroid symptoms worse. Drs unsympathetic and refused to test reverse T3 or give me a trial of T3. T4 alone is not enough for total thyroid failure/gut problems.

Ari3 profile image
Ari3 in reply to Clare0116

Oh no :( iam so sorry to hear that.My gp isn’t knowledgeable at all .He usually test just tsh which is so wrong .my gp doesn’t do t3 tests at all don’t talk about reverse t3 .did u see gp or private endocrinologist? Are u on any medication at the min?

SilverAvocado profile image
SilverAvocado in reply to Clare0116

Hi LawsTra and Clare0116, I see that you are both new members, just at the start of getting your health under control.

Lots of the symptoms you're talking about can be greatly improved by tuning your thyroid treatment, looking into vitamins, and perhaps going on to look at food sensitivities, gut health, etc, as Ari3 is doing.

Make your own threads, get hold of your blood tests for complete thyroid panel, plus vit B12, vit D, ferritin and folate, from Medichecks or BlueHorizon if you don't have them right now, and make a start!

Nada678 profile image
Nada678 in reply to SilverAvocado

Hello I too am a new member and don't know where to start. I feel so ill on levothyroxine. I want to try T3. Should I get a private blood test to see what my levels are and vitamins? I have terrible constipation and weight gain and depression. Thank you

Ari3 profile image
Ari3 in reply to Nada678

First of all wellcome to board :) I couldn’t handle Levothyroxine too so started t3 four days ago :) similar situation like you.i think some of the vitamins like ferritin iron vitamin d b12 maybe couple of more u can do through gp (this is what I do) not sure where u can get private vitamin checks I think u can do them online with a cost of course .Yes u should test all necessary vitamins before u actually start thyroid treatment if they r not optimal than start supplementing asap .They must be on optimal scale not just normal as gp usually say.Vitamins and minerals are vital support during thyroid treatment because every single of them plays significant role.Also it’s advisable to take selenium 200 units and magnesium 400 units if sensitive than can lower dose.I use magnesium oil.vitamin c is essential for our immune system.The ever best book about t3 and vitamins I have read actually reading still now is Paul Robinson Recovering with t3.i would invest in that definitely!!!!secondly if you could make a new post with your questions you will find that other members will help you a lot by giving u advice.i was actually allergic to Levothyroxine itself so my endo decided to start t3 treatment .iam still learning reading about t3.Also good idea if you could check your cortisol/adrenal status.very best of luck my lovely 😊 if I can help you in anyways pls u r mostly wellcome to pm me :) u r not alone on this journey and don’t give up -this journey will end one day !

SilverAvocado profile image
SilverAvocado in reply to Nada678

Hi Nada678, The first step is to get hold of all the blood tests you can. You are entitled to copies of what your GP has done in the last 40 days, and you may be able to get further back. Or go in and tell them you're very unwell and ask for new tests.

The ones you need to start with are: a complete thyroid panel, which includes TSH, freeT4, freeT3, and anti thyroid peroxidase and anti thyroglobulin. As well as vitamins, ferritin, folate, vit B12, but D.

You will probably struggle to get all these done by your GP, so you could get a mail order pinprick test from BlueHorizon or Medichecks. If money is tight, start with the thyroid panel and get the vitamins later. You can get all these things together in packages.

Once you've got a few tests, make a new post. Describe your symptoms and history, and share your blood tests.

Members will comment on where to go next. Just from the snippet you've told me here it sounds like you could just be undermedicated. It's very common for doctors to keep people undermedicated for years.

Eve00675 profile image
Eve00675 in reply to LawsTra

That sounds like a really mean minded nutritionist. Anyway, have a look at the low carb, high good fat diet - plenty of free info here - and success stories here

LawsTra profile image
LawsTra in reply to Eve00675

I was on a low calorie diet that didn't work for me when she insulted me. Then they did a blood test and diagnosed me with PCOS after that they changed my diet to the NHS protein sparing diet which is just a low carb diet and I went on to lose 3st.

Unfortunately the diet was not sustainable long term as it is only used to help patients having operations.

Thank you for the link it has been extremely useful and I am going to find a private nutritionist to help me. Appreciate all the comments :)

LawsTra profile image

As I have said I have been 3 times over the last 18 years and each appointment I rarely got the same male or female nutritionist .

The first time was because I was diagnosed with PCOS and I must have attended over a hundred appointments as they varied weekly, fortnightly and monthly over a 3 year period, monitoring me while I was on the diet they asked me to follow. Constantly weighting me, asking me to completed food diaries, blood tests.

2nd time (over 6 month period) and this was when I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism and 3rd time (over a 2 year period) was because I continued to gain weight despite eating well and exercising.

The one that insulted me when I first starting going to see them was a female and she was a extremely unhelpful and rude.

Milady profile image
Milady in reply to LawsTra

was this an NHS one, or one you found yourself privately? I think Ari3 is talking about private nutritionists. So sorry for your experience, that must have been so awful.

Ari3 profile image
Ari3 in reply to Milady

Yes I had private nutritionist I payed £90 for this appoitment and analysis full body is £190 I did on certain things I didn’t do toxicity test or any other I started with things related to Hashimoto and Hypo (if it makes sense)

LawsTra profile image

All NHS ones, but the one who insulted me worked for NHS and private. No win either way

Ari3 profile image
Ari3 in reply to LawsTra

Had private one

ElspethMann profile image

Hi there Ari... so pleased you’re happy with the outcome, can I ask which brand of probiotics are you using.

Ari3 profile image
Ari3 in reply to ElspethMann

Iam using viridian daily good bacteria synergy two capsules a day 90 capsules in a jar .its free from gluten soy dairy wheat lactose added sugar salt yeast preservatives or artificial colourings.Hope it helps

ElspethMann profile image
ElspethMann in reply to Ari3

Thanks for that Ari...will give this a try x

Ari3 profile image
Ari3 in reply to ElspethMann

Pm-ed you :)

BeansMummy profile image

A good nutritionist is absolutely worth their weight in gold, so I am glad that you have found a good one. I also have an excellent private nutritionist, she has really changed my life. It’s not a cheap option, particularly when adding up the cost of testing too (all in accredited labs, nothing “dodgy”), but it helped identify multiple gut issues which the NHS happily dismissed, but could easily have been identified and treated. I had been referred to an NHS dietitican, but she didn’t even know that vegetarians didn’t eat meat or fish.

GPs appear to get no training in nutrition – mine didn’t even recognise the symptoms of scurvy. I had a very good diet, but no absorption at all, something doctors seem unable to understand either.

Ari3 profile image
Ari3 in reply to BeansMummy

Glad u found yours it well worth !!!Keep it going !

Baobabs profile image

It is very enlightening to read this ongoing dialogue about nutritionists. One wonders if GP's will become redundant in the future if their training doesn't include a major focus on optimum nutrition and root causes of disease. I can well see that for many on this forum, GP and Endo abandonment is very apparent.

The_will_of_Jill profile image

awesome! Maybe that’s what I should do I have at most $1000 to spend on healthcare for this entire year much of that would go to bloodwork I imagine m, and obviously it would be best if it was less than 1000 but I’m trying to figure out which sort of Dr. to go to since I have fired my last one and I am totally against conventional doctors now. either a natural path or a functional medicine doctor wellness doctor nutritionist something along those lines but I’m just wondering how many times I will have to go see them in one year in order to get results.

USA here. Currently sourcing my own T3 and now have just started self injecting be 12 as I suspect I have pernicious anemia and I know I have a B 12 deficiency

The_will_of_Jill profile image

awesome! Maybe that’s what I should do I have at most $1000 to spend on healthcare for this entire year much of that would go to bloodwork I am Magine and obviously it would be best if it was less than 1000 but I’m trying to figure out which sort of Dr. to go to since I have fired my last one and I am totally against conventional doctors now

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