This is not my thyroid but the person who generated all this is my endocrinologist so that's as good an excuse as any to post it on the thyroid forum. Perhaps it may be a 'bless her heart' situation. Maybe I'll owe her big time.
For the past three years she's been 'bothering' me with the question: have you ever been tested for haemochromatosis? I tell her my haemoglobin has always been high, no problem. She gave me a lab requisition for transferrin saturation.
Yeah well, okay..... I just went through all the lab results I have since 1996. Haemoglobin has generally been in the 140s then 150s up to 162 the past few years. When I gave birth in 1984 it was 144 at the end of the pregnancy for heaven's sake. That's very odd and I was tested daily while in hospital. They didn't tell me why though, just kept poking holes into my arm. Ferritin was not checked all the time but since 1999 it's gone from 26 to 33 to 141 in 2010 to (can't remember the exact number but it's a bit over the legal limit) over 220 three years ago....... Don't have any idea what it is now and I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!
Liver enzymes are normal and I do not have diabetes. Also no cardiopulmonary disease.
It takes a lot to scare me. A doctor would have to confront me before I take notice. Making suggestions or asking questions doesn't cut it. Stuff like that is totally off my radar. I've got some sort of mental 'thing' that I am made of iron... oh oh maybe I am.
At the moment, the little brushes that a person has to use to rub the inside of the cheeks are drying in their envelope in the kitchen cupboard.
I decided, that's it, I want definitive answers here and not be fooling around with transferrin or anything else. I want the DNA evidence.
It surprises me that the Healthunlocked forum for Haemochromatosis is so sparsely populated considering the popularity of this genetic mutation in the UK and Ireland.
So I'm here because I'm here. This is where I started with all the thyroid business. But you know, we are all supposed to be helping out around here and maybe some people who report that they have high ferritin etc. should be advised to investigate Haemochromatosis even though it seems most posters who do get ferritin checked are low.
At first I was thinking, oh you silly fool, you ate too much liver. But not only have I not been eating liver for at least 3 years now, I went for months not eating any meat at all until I was dreaming of hamburgers (real big juicy ones. Not McDonald's). Even then, when I eventually figured out that it was end of March and I had not eaten any meat since before Christmas, I had a rib eye steak and that did me for the next few months.
But alas, the haemoglobin does not descend to polite levels. Oh no. And everyone always asks me 'have you been on holiday?' when I may as well have been living like a mole. Last summer while gardening I got a bit of a sunburn on my lower arms. What happened is I have these patchy areas left that look like permanent burn marks. That has never happened before and I've been sunburned umpteen times in my long and storied life.
Yes, I have arthritis but not in my hands. Apparently that's common in HH (let's give it an initial instead of writing out the whole entire long word.) Plus I don't have abdominal pain or headaches ( I give them). My muscles ache. I always think 'you are so out of shape' but it's not that. They just hurt. It's sickening already.
I spent the week-end reading up on everything I could find because that's the nature of this beast. I even read every single entry on the 'tell us about yourself' part of the Australian HH Forum. It was extraordinarily interesting biggie time. Makes me wonder about all these aches and pains. Maybe it wasn't the lower thyroxine dose why my hair fell out? Today I have energy but I go for days and weeks feeling lethargic and apathetic. It takes a lot to pretend otherwise but it's necessary. Perhaps this is not the thyroid business as my endo keeps telling me (and you know how it is, we just fluff it off as being condescending nonsense. At least no one has offered me anti-depressants!)
Yesterday I had a lunch meeting with my Aussie investment dude. As soon as he sat down I asked him 'Do you have haemochromatosis?' 'Yes.' he replied. 'I'm a carrier. My aunt died of it and my mother has to have blood removed once a month. My two sisters have it as well.' We had a long chat. He's had genetic testing done as have all his family members. He's Australian.... straight up no b.s. and neither am I so asking a question like that from seemingly out of the blue isn't as weird as it may seem on the surface of it. Apparently nobody in the family knew anything except 10 years ago when his aunt died and autopsy results showed iron overload. The 'all points bulletin' went out to all family members all over the world to get tested. This is very common in his extended family.
Except I'm not British or Irish. I'm not even Scandinavian. It would appear that somewhere in the mists of the distant past my investment guy and I may have had an ancestor in common. May.
Maybe I'm jumping the gun.
After I finish posting this, I'm taking my DNA samples to the post office and sending them off. 2 to 4 weeks from now I'll find out if I'm a mutant or if I've just got something worse than that going on.
At least until now there's been no organ damage. And IF she's right, my endocrinologist will have saved my life.
Thanks for reading. I appreciate it.