Hi seem to have increasing health problems, last 2yrs have been have a slight acidic leak after each bowel movement which have become more frequent made me very sore. Came on after taking antibiotics and never went had more antibiotics last year for an infection after back surgery. GP didn’t want to know so have finally gone to a gastroenterologist which is expensive has I am self funding but worth it if I get to the root cause (nearly said bottom of it). Had a colonoscopy found two polys which were pre cancerous so repeating the test next yr but these are not the cause of my problem. I am hypothyroid taking an assortment of vitamins metavive II and adrenaviveII, overweight, headaches, joint pain, dreadful soreness in my groin and pelvis. Dr suggested bile malabsorption test SeCHAT which I read is given to people with serve diarrhoea which I don’t have. Dr was going to write a form for my blood test for next years colonoscopy then said no you may be diabetic by then? I read bile malabsorption can be caused by a number of issues of which diabetes is one. While this dr is cautiously doing one test after another I am not sure she has any clue what’s wrong, I have already paid hundreds for pelvic floor and spinctor tests and this SeCHAT test is £783. I do not think I am diabetic and hope I am not going that way. Has any other forum member had anything like this I know hypothyroidism can cause digestive problems, am trying to adjust my diet but I never lose weight. Any advice would be gratefully received especially on the sore pelvic and groin pain. Nothing is ever straightforward with me. Thank you
Possible bile malabsorption : Hi seem to have... - Thyroid UK
Possible bile malabsorption

Do you have Hashimoto's? Raised Thyroid antibodies
Have you tried strictly gluten free diet?
No I am one of the 10% of people who do not have Hashimoto’s, of all the tests done antibodies are consistently very low. I also had the blue horizon thyroid gene test done which said my profile suggested I would not have inflammatory disease. Blood tests came back negative for celiac disease although I am looking at diet and wondering if gluten free would be helpful. Thank you slowdragon.
hypo girl. I have had these bottom leaks that burn and it is very sore
. Almost certainly due in my case to an intolerance to cheap baked beans. I do not think itis bile by the way,it is stomach acid that has leaked into the bowel, rather like heart burn at the other end. Forme ithas been easy to resolve by avoiding cheap baked beans. Maybe you need to keepa food diary to see what triggers. It is likeyou bum is on fire is it not. Proabably a quick fix would be some proton pump inhibitors like omprezole but these are not good for long term health. Applied natural yougart good too sooth.

Thank you Mandyjane. It’s a relief to know someone else has had the problem to and yes bum is on fire at times. I am looking at diet and trying to perhaps cut out some fat, eating smaller meals as I do have some acid reflux and therefore low stomach acid, the problem is on a daily basis.
Good quality probiotics are another thing to look at. Gut health is often at the root of these type of problems often after antibiotic use. ( I avoided the B word too.)
I don't know if SeCHAT is the one I had - it was done in nuclear medicine and involved swallowing a radioactive capsule and going back a week later to lie in a gamma machine. I had every test they could think of: barium this and that, colonoscopy, hydrogen breath test etc, all negative - and I did have diarrhea. Apparently there is nothing wrong with me, so I can't really say whether you are wasting your money on not. I had no trouble being referred to NHS gastro and being sent for all the tests. Also hypo, no antibodies.
How are your thyroid levels? Digestive problems are a symptom of thyroid disease. And sometimes the inabilty to lose weight.
Have you tried kefir?
Hi silver fairy, I have been consulting Dr Peatfield & last T3 & T4 test he thought was ok can’t find the results to post I thought they were not optimal. Told him I still didn’t feel well & anxious he suggested I take an additional adrenavive tab but this kept me awake at night so stopped it along with the midday tab and actually feel less anxious. I need to do another test I still feel unwell.
I tried probiotics but did miss doses funny you should ask about kefir I have bought a number of brands to see which one I like/tolerate was also thinking to get another probiotic not sure if you can overdo this. Thank you.
Hi Angel of the north, yes thats the test and I suspect I will pay out and they will find nothing. My GP didn’t want to send me anywhere which is why I have paid privately but I will have something to say when I see them next as I did have pre cancerous polyps. So can I ask has your diarrhoea cleared up are you still suffering this must relate to hypothyroidism and I am wondering if I need to change my diet. Thank you.