I have been told by my consultant that I have rheumatoid arthritis even though x-rays don't show anything and I haven't had an ultrasound scan. Can hypothyroidism mimic the same joint pain as RA? I changed to NDT to reduce muscle pain amongst other things after being on Levothyroxine for 10 years, but I haven't reached a correct dosage yet. My basal temp and heart rate has increased which I am pleased with but I am still tired, achey and have the occasional heart flutter. I'm in the UK so can only be prescribed Levo. Rheumatologist wants to give me a steroid injection and then start me on RA meds which I am reluctant to take due to the many side effects and especially if the pains I am getting are from hypothyroidism and not RA. I am only 48 and used to be really active, now despite being on B12, vit D, amongst many other supplements, I just don't know what to do anymore.
Hypothyroidism and Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms. - Thyroid UK
Hypothyroidism and Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms.

Go with your gut instincts, drugs are the only way that doctors are taught.
You can do so much to help! You don’t have to accept this diagnosis as autoimmune diseases can be reversed according to the top functional medical doctors.
Are you gluten and dairy free. ??
Do you take Vit D with K2?
Nutrition is key!
Have you reduced your toxic load? Use natural laundry products? Toiletries and makeup, cleaning products. Not using microwaves, no plastic bottles and storage containers? Reducing WiFi, turning it off at night.
Follow dr Mercola,
Hi, thanks for your reply, I have recently reduced my vit D supplements as a I was told I now have too much in my system! I don't take K2. I have cleaned up my diet and have found that reducing wheat eases my symptoms, also taking probiotics, enzymes and milk thistle to help the digestive system. I tend not to drink from plastic bottles or use the microwave, but will take on board the other things you have said. It would be good to come to your support meetings, but I live in Chester, so it's a bit too far! I'll look at the Dr. Mercola website and the book you suggested. Thanks for the help ☺
"I have recently reduced my vit D supplements as a I was told I now have too much in my system!"
What is your level (include unit of measurement)?
How much are you taking?
I was told normal levels are 20ng/ml to 50ng/ml are normal levels. Mine were 70ng/ml. They were low originally which is why I supplemented. I was taking a 1000IU (25micrograms) tablet per day for about 6 months. At first GP said pains may be caused by too much as apparently it can cause a build up of calcium. I have reduced the dose to one tablet every other day now and need to get my levels checked again soon.
Information from the Vit D Council.
Recommended level for your unit of measurement is 40-60ng/ml - see
Scroll down to "What do the results mean?" for table of recommended levels from various organisations, you will see the Vit D Council in the first column and underneath
"The Vitamin D Council suggests that a level of 50 ng/ml is the ideal level to aim for."
Toxicity level is suggested at >150ng/ml
It would seem that your level of 70ng/ml isn't a real problem. Your 1000iu D3 daily is just a maintenance dose.
At first GP said pains may be caused by too much as apparently it can cause a build up of calcium.
Has your GP checked your calcium level? If not then he should if he is suggesting this.
I don't take K2
This could very well be where your problem lies. D3 aids absorption of calcium from food and K2-MK7 directs the calcium to bones and teeth where it is needed and away from arteries and soft tissues where it can be deposited and cause problems.
So if you're not taking K2-MK7 then the calcium is most likely going to the wrong place.
See Vit D Council's page about D3's important cofactors and why they should be taken
Also get a copy of Margaret Hills book, she recovered from RA and Osteo arthritis and sold hundreds of thousands of books. Her daughter still runs the clinic in Kenilworth Warwickshire.
Thee are specific blood tests to determine rheumatoid arthritis.
Hi, I am waiting to have more blood tests. I know my inflammatory levels are high, I just thought it strange that the consultant wanted to put me on medication without more blood tests, or a scan. I probably do have it, I'm just hoping that there's a chance that the pains are due to under medication of thyroid hormone rather than RA!
Well surprise surprise, doctors just love meds!
Hi, I worried I had developed RA this winter but took one 81 mg aspirin & the worst of the pain in my hands & gums seemed to vanish. I repeated a baby aspirin for two more days for good measure. I had been on a trial of Sertraline which dehydrated me. I also had poor air quality then from wild fires. I read with interest this evening on this site that some need to avoid salicylates. I am going to try Chippysue's advice so whatever I had does not come back. I also reduce oxalates in my diet when I have aches & pains, & drink more water. My doctor's can offer no explanation.
How strange, but aspirin could be the answer! I was suffering from anxiety and suffered with palpitations, had one episode of afib and was put on medication. I found it made me worse and with the 'ok' from my consultant I came off flecanaide and bisoprol. Improving my diet helped in the end, so I came off the blood thinners as well. That is when the muscle aches first started! I did ask my GP if the pain could be to do with circulation, but she said it was just coincidence. I will give it a try and look into your other recommendations. Thanks 😊
Any updates on your health? I am referred to rheumatologist as my rheumatoid factor was off the range and I'm having joint pains but without any fractures etc. Prednisone stopped the pain.. wondering how you're getting on and what diet, exercises etc you're opting to make yourself feel better. Ru still on levo?