Hello, I’m hoping someone out there has some answers to medical issues l have been experiencing for years. My many Drs can’t seem to find a way to alleviate my symptoms. I have hypothyroidism (Hashimoto)l was diagnosed in 2007. Since my diagnosis, just like many have experienced hair loss, weight gain, brain fog, amongst many other issues. My levels at this time are not horrible, but my biggest complaint with my health is an extreme heightened sensitivity to smell especially perfumes and detergents. I go into an itch frenzy and my sinuses swelling out of control ( dr states l don’t have allergies). My other issue is brain fog which is affecting my work. I easily forget things, can’t retain to save my life, and the worst of the worst, I can’t find even simple words when l speak, especially in public forum. Can anyone out there relate to what I’m going through? More importantly have any remedies?
Please help! Hypothyroidism (Hashimoto) - Thyroid UK
Please help! Hypothyroidism (Hashimoto)

Do you have the exact numbers for your blood tests - results and ranges? If so, post them here and it will be easier for people to help you.
Hello Greygoose, yes l do have my most resent test results. TSH- .38 and T4- 0.8. Thanks for your help!
Sorry, got to have the range for that T4. The result without the range is meaningless.
Hello Greygoose, the TSH range is (0.34-5.50mlU/L) and the T4 range is (0.9-1.8ng/dl. I am within range for the TSH but I'm low on T4. Any suggestions?
Well, your FT4 is under-range. But, I can't even comment on that without knowing what you're taking.
I'm on Thyroid (NP) 90 MG another name is desiccated thyroid.
Yes, I know Thiroyd. 1 grain is a very low dose, but it does explain your low TSH and under-range FT4. However, given that Thiroyd contains T3, neither the TSH nor the FT4 have any meaning. The result you need is the FT3. That's the only way you will know if you need to increase your dose, by looking at the FT3.
Your symptoms could very well be due to low T3 - certainly the problem with finding words, etc. Not so sure about the sensitivity to smell. The only time I suffered with that was during my first pregnancy. So, it's probably hormonal. But no point in looking at other hormones until you've got your thyroid hormones sorted. So, you really have to get that FT3 tested, I'm afraid.
Thank you for your help. I’m not sure why my dr didn’t have my T3 tested as well. I’m going to a new endo on 6/6. I’m hoping he will have me tested. Thanks again for your help.
He probably knew that the lab wouldn't do it even if he requested it! It's the lab that rules, these days.
But, if the endo won't do it - although he really should as you're taking T3 - then you could get it done privately.