Confused about blood results : I'm unsure how to... - Thyroid UK

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Confused about blood results

Lisaxox profile image
13 Replies

I'm unsure how to start this really . Was 2008 when I had all thyroid removed. Just last year during xmas I found my rutine change and i would forget about taking my thyroxine ,silly ino because there for life right ? Some people might think why on earth can you just miss ? . I don't know .I just found my mood going low the month of xmas i felt like I was going to have a heart attack I seen the doctor still at the time not thinking about my thyroid and doctor said everything was fine . I feel I'm not getting to the point here , I'm just so worried because I'm on 200mg Levo thyroxine and have been past 8 year I'm 37 year old and normally quite healthy. Was just today doctor said I'm over medicated and was best to cut down to 175mg and in 4 month get my bloods done again .the cofusion for me is should my bloods not be low if i was missing them rather than being over high .I just need some advice really .

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13 Replies

It would be helpful if you could put your most recent blood tests results on here with full details - date, results figures and ranges in brackets also dose when tested and dose change. So people can make informed comment.

4 months seems a long time to wait for next tests following a drop in dose - I would expect it to be no more than 6 weeks later.

You can phone and ask blood tests details - numbers and ranges - and ask them to read out while you write them down. Or call in and ask for a print out.

How long ago was your previous Thyroid test?

Lisaxox profile image
Lisaxox in reply to Mary-intussuception

Thank you for your reply .if it wasn't for reading most of these posts I'd never have known I could ask for my results so tomorrow I'll do that thank you .

Was just last Thursday I knew I wasn't feeling to good .I'd always fall asleep around 5pm I have kids and always busy so i think that's how I knew something was wrong .my moods are changing to being quite emotional feelings of fear and fast heart rate the sweats are unreal. I've never really paid much attention to my thyroid condition till now that they have to change. I'd just trust the docs and get on with it just because i never had any symptoms to worry about till now . I'll do that tomorrow tho .thank you ☺( my bloods weren't due to this July ) sorry i had to edit to put that in there

MadeleineB profile image

Hi, I'm so sorry that you've been feeling this way. I have thyroid problems too and am hypothyroid. Found out that it's linked to digestion as the hormones/immune system etc. are made in the gut so I've been healing it naturally. I recommend going to see a holistic doctor, not a conventional one, someone who is qualified in both fields of medicine (natural and conventional) but also see a naturopath as they can recommend foods etc. to you might like to find a doctor who doesn't push pharmaceuticals unless totally necessary but can also help in other ways. I also recommend asking a holistic doctor if your thyroid will grow back/regenerate as it is a gland. I hope that everything will work out for you. Also, if you're over medicated, it'll be difficult to get the toxic build up out of your blood and bad bacterial over growth from the medication but I recommend trying to balance your gut anyway. All medications kill off good bacteria in the gut and bloodstream. I hope that helps.

Lisaxox profile image
Lisaxox in reply to MadeleineB

That did really help thank you .I'll do that .it's funny you mention the gut and bacteria because I'm not a great eater at best of times.thank you .

in reply to MadeleineB

MadeleineB Thyroid hormone is not a medication in the way that say, an antibiotic is, it's a replacement for an endogenous hormone in short supply. What is your reference for your assertion that (in the OP's case) Levothyroxine builds up and causes "bad bacterial overgrowth in the gut and bloodstream"? It's understood that hypothyroidism can be associated with decreased frequency of rhythmic colonic activity and slower oro-cecal transit time, such that overt hypothyroidism is a risk factor for SIBO development - possibly because intestinal motor dysfunction associated with hypothyroidism reduces the ability of the small bowel to clear luminal bacteria. But that is not the same as Levothyroxine "building up and causing bad bacterial overgrowth".

Similarly, given that thyroid hormones are generated by the thyroid gland; a number of hormones secreted by the pituitary gland; steroid hormones produced by the adrenal glands & etc etc - can you clarify what you mean by "the hormones are made in the gut?"

Marz profile image

I would ask your Doc to test B12 - Folate - Ferritin - VitD. If these are low your Levo will not work well in your body. They need to be good so Levo/T4 can convert into T3 - the thyroid hormone needed in every cell of your body.

Low vitamins and minerals can make you feel poorly with the symptoms you have mentioned 😊

Lisaxox profile image
Lisaxox in reply to Marz

Thank you .

eeng profile image

Yes, be sure to get your iron and ferritin levels tested. It's normal to have a slow heart rate when your thyroxine levels are low, not a fast one, so I wonder whether your iron levels are low. People with thyroid issues tend to have problems absorbing their nutrients from food, so even if they eat healthily they can end up deficient. This applies to Vit B12 and D too, especially D at this time of year.

Lisaxox profile image
Lisaxox in reply to eeng

Thank you .

Ricketts40 profile image
Ricketts40 in reply to eeng


At last I have found someone who can explain why my blood results for the last 3 blood tests show my ferritin levels at 7 when it should be over 15. My Dr sent me for an endoscopy at beginning of January because of my low ferritin. Could this be due to low Vit D?? I went to the health shop and bought some iron supplement in the hope that it will help my body absorb the iron. I really cannot understand how I can be so low as I eat extremely healthy foods. More recently I did try eating Gluten free foods and wondered if that was the cause of my low ferritin. What do you suggest I should eat?

Lisaxox profile image

Thank you for your comments. I'll be speaking to doctor today after 4pm .I'll will question whats been mentioned and ask for a print out of my results .I'm so pleased I found this health unlocked .thank you for your support x

Marz profile image
Marz in reply to Lisaxox

Sometimes GP's can be dismissive of the need for good levels of B12 - Folate - Ferritin - VitD. They are mostly happy if they are just in range. That is not good enough for us to feel well.

in reply to Lisaxox

I had my thyroid removed in Oct 2015 and felt ill on Levo then I joined this site and did exactly as instructed. i.e. Posted Blood test results. A good test is Blue Horizon 11 it will give you all the info. Then put the results on here plus the ranges which are important. You will then receive advice on how to proceed. I did exactly this and am now well. I self medicate and do not visit the doctor or endos.

I wasted good money on private doctors in the UK and none of them were at all helpful, this site, however, is a life changer.

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