Have posted on here a few times regarding having low Free T4 levels on numerous tests (within range for TSH/Free T3 but relatively low in range) but GP has refused to consider trialling thyroxine despite a family history and me having a whole set of symptoms. I'm told I'm anxious/depressed and should go away with a prescription for antidepressants.
At my last appointment I was told quite categorically that they will not be treating my current symptoms and there is nothing they can do apart from refer to NHS endocrinologist. All departments are closed for bookings at 3 local hospitals due to NHS crisis so no idea when I will get an appointment. I saw a private endo who was next to useless.
I am now considering paying to see a private GP to see if they will give me a private prescription to trial thyroxine. My cousin has recently had similar blood results to me and her GP gave her thyroxine due to her symptoms. She is feeling so much better.
Has anyone had any experience of using a private GP? Are they more open to listening and trying out a treatment plan or do they just tend to shut you down like my NHS GP has?
Thank you