I'm French and a little lost when it comes to the NHS. I was diagnosed with an over-active thyroid in September 2012. Since then, I saw my endocrinologist only twice: once in October 2012 and once in May 2013. My next appointment was due in November but was postponed for an unknown reason to February 2014!
My thyroid was put under control very fast with a very small dose of Carbimazole but I started to suffer from severe mood changes in April. When I mentionned those mood swings - depressed in the follicular phase of my menstrual cycle and hyperactive in the luteal phase - my endo told me he was in charge of my thyroid only.
My GP is useless and knows nothing about thyroid but I asked her in July to change my consultant. 3 months after, I'm still with the same consultant and she doesn't understand why.
I had to go private a month and a half ago as the mood swings had become unbearable, the private endo stopped Carbi immediately and did a whole hormonal check to see if my symptoms were related to the thyroid and/or to perimenopause - I'm 43. After 2 weeks without Carbi, the mood swings decreased and have now completely stopped. My T4 and TSH are stable and my private endo has decided to let me off carbi with a blood test each month.
My mood swings were related to an excess of TSH which created an excess of progesterone.
What should I do now? Inform my GP of what happened, file a complain for lack of care. I'm lost and stuck with the private endo.
Thanks a lot for your help and take care.