Hi, first post, hope that's ok!
Just had a GP appointment yesterday about annual blood results- I have been on thyroxine since about 10 years ago, and added t3 (buying online) in the last 4 years, when I can afford it, as I previously saw endocrinologist who said my ratio of t3 was low, but he wasn't able to prescribe it on the NHS. The results of annual testing were:
TSH 0.23 (range is 0.5-2.5 I think)
T4 9.9 (range 7-17)
GP is a bit concerned that TSH is low- but says it has been 'more suppressed' in the past and then went back up so she just wants to repeat bloods in 3 months (I also have to go back for ferritin tests then as had low and have been prescribed iron so it's fine with me). She says 'maybe my body just likes to be in the low end of range for t4'- this is on the basis that in the past when my t4 was 6.8 (below range- and I felt crap tbh) the TSH was in range. I think this is a bit daft, really, because why on earth would my body like to be in a state in which I'm exhausted, achey, etc just on the basis that TSH is in range then, but obviously I don't have a medical degree (do have bioscience PhD but not specialised in endocrinology so I can't really comment).
I don't particularly want to go back to the endocrinologist as he was extremely rude and sarcastic when I saw him (I took a list of symptoms to which he said 'well you seem to be saying you have something wrong with every system in your body', and said he 'wasn't going to get into some debate with me' etc- it turned out afterwards that I also had pernicious anaemia which does in fact affect many systems in the body so was reasonable enough that I had something wrong with many of them!) I may be able to see someone privately at some point although not immediately.
I really want to know if there's anything I should be saying to the GP at this point- I don't want my t4 reduced really as I've been stable on current dose (100mcg) for quite a while and I can't deal with having symptoms again- I've already had issues at work with this, the pernicious anaemia symptoms and another unrelated health issue and will be in trouble if anything else comes up.
I hope this makes sense to someone, apologies if I've not explained anything well and feel free to ask questions to clarify!