Hi there, I'm a 26 year old female from London. I've been researching endocrinology for a few years due to unrelenting symptoms that have all been grouped by my GP as "chronic fatigue", although my blood results suggest otherwise - in my opinion. Here's a breakdown of my results over the past few years:
Spring 2015: TSH 1.93, FT4 10.5 (12-22), FT3 3.0 (3.1-6.8), Ferritin 28 (25-180)
Winter 2015: TSH 2.9, FT4 11 (12-22), FT3 3.1 (3.1-6.8), Ferritin 24 (25-180)
Summer 2016: TSH 2.7, FT4 12 (12-22), FT3 3.0 (3.1-6.8), Ferritin 27 (25-180)
Winter 2017: TSH 3.06, FT4 12.9 (12-22), ** FT3 5.0 (3.1-6.8)** Looks like an error?, Ferritin 28 (25-180)
I also have elevated cholesterol, borderline-high ALT, bradycardia, and awful hypo symptoms from constant fatigue to headaches, dry skin, thinning hair and weight gain.
Last year I ended up trying levothyroxine at 25mcgs on my own, but it ended horribly with what seemed like an adrenal crash after a month or so. Iron supplementation also makes no difference. My GP is no longer an option - he said free thyroid hormone tests are bogus.
For reference, I've been having hypo symptoms since I was around 15 (fatigue, constipation, insomnia, bradycardia). At that time, I had a heart ultrasound which showed some enlargement, but it wasn't investigated further. Plus, I was still functional and not too sick-feeling back then, so it was seen as a harmless anomaly.