Thyroiditis and hormonal Imbalance: Hello there... - Thyroid UK

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Thyroiditis and hormonal Imbalance

Ari3 profile image
83 Replies

Hello there,

I had my endocrinologist appoitment and he told me I have thyroiditis and hormonal Imbalance.He needed to check my LH and TSH prolactin testosterone TSH and ultra sound of ovaries prior starting my treatment .I was put on Levoxytorine 50mcg before but it raises quickly in just couple of weeks so I ended from Hypo to Hyper.I stopped Levo .Once I saw private endo he told me to do three weeks blood tests same once I wrote in the beginning and came report saying that my LH and FSH is raised their ratio is t good.So he started me on Spironolactone and Metformin.Now I need to know what foods High in potassium should I avoid.Iam now scared to eat everything and anything.Iam gaining weight now and having severe constipation .

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Ari3 profile image
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83 Replies

Why do you need to avoid foods high in Potassium?

I'm sorry but I don't fully understand your post.

Do you have any blood tests results with ranges in brackets, comments and dates of tests that you would like to share for comment.

What's LH?

Ari3 profile image
Ari3 in reply to Mary-intussuception

Because he when you are on Spironolactone one needs to avoid high potassium foods /diet.

LH is a hormone I guess and FSH which controls menstrual cycle or something .He told me because I have thyroiditis (it flactuates up and down) and hormonal INbalance -acne zits hair fall (iam low in ferritin taking chicken liver ) hair loss improving slowly he wouldn’t prescribe me Levo (as I had severe side effects from it went to Hyper) but prescribed me Spironolactone and Metformin to control my symptoms and thyroiditis should settle down.

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to Ari3

Why have you been told to avoid potassium and who by (when on Spironolactone ) ?

Ari3 profile image
Ari3 in reply to Mary-intussuception

By my private endocrinologist been prescribed and I started three days back on 50 than after two weeks on 100.

Petalrugbaba profile image
Petalrugbaba in reply to Ari3

Spiro is a potassium sparing diuretic. Therefore it is essential to eat a low potassium diet to avoid a dangerous potassium build up in the body. I have also been prescribed this for androgenic alopecia as Spiro is also an anti androgen.

Happy Christmas 😊

ps (page 2)

Did you mean :

foods high in Potassium that you need to eat?

If so then - Bananas. Eat one every day, preferably first thing in the morning.

It's important to address severe constipation as this can cause damage (prolapse, hernias, diverticular) if not treated.

Drink extra water and increase fibre intake. Fresh fruits, well cooked root veg. Potatoes rather than bread.

Foods to avoid until regular again include: cheese, white bread, broad beans, eggs, marshmallows, sweets made from gum, eggs, gassy veg eg cauliflower and sprouts; fizzy drinkz; caffeine.

Ari3 profile image
Ari3 in reply to Mary-intussuception

I would love to live healthy (iam not that fat iam normal ) but I can see my belly growing :( and now since I started Spironolactone I have to avoid all foods highs in potassium (yes You was right) .i used to make smoothies like spinach in it and avocado but iam not scared they say even greens are full of potassium potatoes specially avocadoes orange etc iam so confused now what can I eat? I don’t know why iam constipated probably thyroid issues causing this :(

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to Ari3

There is a list of foods to avoid on net if you Google search. Don't know why you are on Spironolactone and am not medically qualified.

If you can share all your Thyroid Function blood tests results on here people will comment.

Is the Spironolactone for the treatment of a heart condition?

Did you have Thyroid Antibodies tested also?

Ari3 profile image
Ari3 in reply to Mary-intussuception

It’s because LH and FSH ratio wasn’t good was raised that is why.Metformin so I wouldn’t crave so much sweets Spironolactone for acne and all the other symptoms .I will post you results shortly

G2G2 profile image
G2G2 in reply to Ari3

Metformin is a Type 2 diabetes drug to help insulin resistance. It doesn't help with sweet cravings. Did your blood glucose test high? If not, you shouldn't be on Metformin. There are other side effects you can search, but Metformin causes B12 & folic acid deficiencies. These can be serious.

Angel_of_the_North profile image
Angel_of_the_North in reply to Ari3

I don't see how a diuretic can help with acne, which is probably cause by poor nutrition (can be what you absorb rather than what you eat), bacteria and hormonal imbalances which will be made worse by the drug.

Phoenix605 profile image
Phoenix605 in reply to Mary-intussuception

Metformin and spironolactone are commonly prescribed for polycystic ovary syndrome, it messes with all the sex hormones in the way described and tends to cause elevated testosterone in women. Spiro controls the excess testosterone (and acne) and they discovered by accident that metformin can help with the tendency to gain weight as pcos causes insulin resistance. The ovarian ultrasound is the giveaway. Sounds like they have diagnosed and treated her without actually telling her what the problem is, no surprise there!

Angel_of_the_North profile image
Angel_of_the_North in reply to Phoenix605

Isn't PCOS a common side effect or fellow traveller of hypo and Hashis?

Phoenix605 profile image
Phoenix605 in reply to Angel_of_the_North

I got pcos well before hypo and like autoimmune disorders, endocrine ones tend to travel in herds too. My hypo is non autoimmune to I tend to assume that its my endocrine system up the swanee rather than my immune system so i wont be at all surprised if diabetes decides to join the party🙁

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to Ari3

Yes, you must'nt overly drink water either according to info on net!

So I suppose - that just leaves Lactulose medicine for the natural treatment of constipation. Take every day x twice a day and persevere with it. It will take effect after a few days.

As, if you take Fybogels, or high fibre foods, then you would have to drink lots water.

Sorry, but I wasn't aware of the prohibited potassium rich food lists when my late Mum and brother were on Spironolactone. That was many years ago. No one told them either! They loved their fruit - Bananas and oranges !!!


Ari3 profile image
Ari3 in reply to Mary-intussuception

Why they were on Spironolactone?Did they have any side effects?Did their symptoms improved and how long it took for it to improve?

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to Ari3

Heart conditions :

Congestive Heart Failure.

However :

If you Google search both the drugs you were given - TOGETHER - (as I did) you will read that Spironolactone and Metformin are presribed sometimes for the treatment of PCOS.

But you haven't had this diagnosis confirmed yet have you ???

Hypothyroidism causes many symptoms because every cell in the body needs the Hormone T4 (Thyroxine) in order to function. Without it, no organ or body part works well, the metabolism is slowed.

That's why we suffer so many symptoms. Left untreated end up with conditions.

Ari3 profile image
Ari3 in reply to Mary-intussuception

I have to avoid high potassium diet

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to Ari3

Yes, to my surprise I have just read this on Internet.

Ari3 profile image
Ari3 in reply to Mary-intussuception

My last TSH serum level 18.07 and T4 8.3 last blood test imbalance December.No antibodies was not done.

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to Ari3

Your TSH is far to high.

Your T4 low.

So this is Hypothyroidism

Ari3 profile image
Ari3 in reply to Mary-intussuception

My endo thinks it is because of hormonal imbalance and I don’t need Levo .I was on 50mcg before it helped me in the beginning but than I had palpitations in just four weeks time!Endo told me I have enough T4 so I don’t need it.Iam confused now maybe I should start with 25mcg? Before my thyroid issues I was on citalopram for my anxiety and panic attacks and I went off from them than they did my bloods and saw my thyroid is low.But endo thinks it’s not hypothyroidism but my hormones which makes my thyroid not to work properly .could it be the case it will settle down?

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Ari3

I don't think your endo knows the definition of hypothyroidism. You have a high TSH and low FT4. That is hypothyroidism. No matter what the cause, that is hypothyroidism. And, if you don't have enough thyroid hormone, the other stuff you are taking is not going to keep you alive.

You didn't 'go hyper', that is a physical impossibility, because you are hypo. You were just over-medicated, perhaps. All that was necessary was to lower your dose, not stop the levo altogether.

I'm not saying you don't need the metformin, and other stuff you are taking, because I don't know - although I rather doubt you do - but at the same time, you need thyroid hormone to keep you alive. And, I think you need it rather quickly.

Just my opinion, of course, I'm not medically trained!

Ari3 profile image
Ari3 in reply to greygoose

Can I use Levothyroxine with Metformin and Spinorolactone?

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Ari3

As long as you take them four hours apart, as far as I know, you can.

You're not taking the Metformin for diabetes, are you?

Ari3 profile image
Ari3 in reply to greygoose

No I have no diebetes as far as I know he said that Metformin will help me to control my sweet craivings .Do you think I should start levo 25mcg?Did u see my last bloods?because from 50mcg I had palpitations and muscle pains and aches all over my body.i don’t go to toilet I have severe constipation my mood is out of range weight gain.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Ari3

Your bloods are indecipherable, laid out like that, and there are no ranges. No use to anyone, I'm afraid. But, in December this year, you TSH was over 8. That is hypo.

Anxiety, panic attacks, palpitations, constipation, mood shifts, weight-gain are all hypo symptoms.

I really doubt that Metformin is going to help with sugar cravings - do you find it helps? The sugar cravings are probably your adrenals crying out for relief because they're having to take up the slack for your low thyroid hormones.

From what I can make out of your bloods, without ranges, what happened in October was probably not even over-medication. It looks very much like you have Hashi's, and that was a Hashi's 'hyper' swing - but god forbid a doctor would know anything about that! You need your antibodies tested. Your GP can do that. Ask for TPO antibodies.

Oh, and admin are not medically trained, either.

Ari3 profile image
Ari3 in reply to greygoose

I was diagnosed first with hypothyroidism and than was prescribed 50mcg than had palpitations after four five weeks time and other major side effects.Sorry about messy results I copied and pasted things.i think I will get antibodies tested too.I think 25mcg I will start with for now from tomorrow

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Ari3

The palpitions were probably because your dose was too low, not too high.

Ari3 profile image
Ari3 in reply to greygoose

They did blood test and it showed it was overactive in 4 weeks time of using levo 50mcg

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Ari3

No, not over-active. You cannot go from under-active to over-active, it is a physical impossibility. You can be over-medicated, but I doubt you were. Those results look more like an immune system attack.

Ari3 profile image
Ari3 in reply to greygoose

That is why I need to check anti bodies ?

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Ari3


However... antibodies fluctuate all the time. It's really just a matter of luck if you catch them at the right time. Therefore, a negative result does not prove that you don't have it. Whereas a positive result does prove that you do have it. So, worth a try.

However... not everybody with Hashi's develops high antibodies. They are diagnosed by unltra-sound once the damage has been done.

But... when you see results like those, on a small dose of levo such as you were taking, you have to think that Hashi's is a huge possibility.

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to Ari3

It wasn't necessarily "overactive".

Hashimoto's Autoimmune Thyroiditis is the cause of Hypothyroidism in most cases.

With Hashimoto's we can start " Hyper".


With Hashimoto's, - regular Thyroid Function blood tests CAN fluctuate.

Once you have been diagnosed and started on Levothyroxine then you are on it for life.

It is a case of getting the correct dose for you personally - over 2 retests over the coming weeks/months . Dose is adjusted by 25mcg at a time in accordance with blood tests results and symptoms.

Once stable you are usually discharged back to GP for life monitoring - which will sadly, mean, eventual annual TSH blood test. If it's under 2 you will most likely be told it's OK.

It is essential that you get antibiotics - TPO and Tg (Thyroid Peroxidase and Thyroglobulin ) tested to confirm Hashimoto's. However it is the Hypothyroidism that it causes which is treated.

Any good Endocrinologist would have tested the Antibodies - AND tested Adrenals function first before starting Levothyroxine - in my opinion.

Ari3 profile image
Ari3 in reply to Mary-intussuception

Where to get normal endo who does these all checks as iam so tired of finding good once .last time I payed £250 for what!??to see him next time after three months?

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to greygoose

I didn't say they were Greygoose but I said there may be someone with more knowledge and / or experience than I.

For example with regards to PCOS which the poster is being treated for whilst essential Levothyroxine for her Hypothyroidism has been stopped.

I have no personal experience of PCOS and only learned that these two meds are used to treat it this evening.xx🐥

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Mary-intussuception

You didn't say what was what?

I haven't actually noticed PCOS mentioned, here. The OP said that the Metformin was for her sugar cravings, and the spironolactone for her LH/FSH imbalance. I don't know anything about PCOS, either, but there is a connection with hypo.

Ari3 profile image
Ari3 in reply to greygoose

I will send you results tomorrow me off to bed too much stressed out iam at the min can’t think properly

Ari3 profile image
Ari3 in reply to greygoose

Can you suggest me a good endo in my area which is Staffordshire ?

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to Ari3

Just see your GP.

If you had done what the hospital and your GP had told you to do you would have stayed on the Levothyroxine at the 25mcg dose.

See your GP on Wednesday and be honest with him.

Just say you panicked and stopped taking your Levothyroxine altogether as you blamed it for making you so ill.

Otherwise, if you are on record as being told to take 25mcg but stopped Levo altogether without telling GP - he will associate recent results with 25mcg when it's actually none.

Ari3 profile image
Ari3 in reply to Mary-intussuception

I get you yes will get checked .I don’t think so my private endo understood me correctly .The worst thing is I will see him in Feb .is this how all private endos work?that u see them after couple of months? That’s crazy I think.what happens with all side effects and things?do you know a good endo u can suggest in Staffordshire ?oranyone who could suggest ?

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Ari3

Sorry, no, I don't live in the UK.

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to Ari3

I checked your two meds :

Metformin and Spironolactone -

Treatment for PCOS .

Take a look at side effects of Metformin - isn't one of them muscle pain ??

Are you sure it was the Levothyroxine that caused the side effects?

I think, personally, I would rather get the Hypothyroidism stable first (this takes time). AFTER or SIMULTANEOUSLY with getting my nutrients levels sorted -

BEFORE looking into other treatments.


1) I am not medically qualified.

2) we don't have the same symptoms .

Hope you start to feel better soon.


Ari3 profile image
Ari3 in reply to Mary-intussuception

I stopped levo long time ago already and had those symptoms while on Levo (I know my body) I have started Metformin just three days ago

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Mary-intussuception

I do so agree with you, Mary-intussuception. Always get the thyroid sorted first. Then you can sort out what's left.

Ari3 profile image
Ari3 in reply to greygoose

U r actually very right ! I will start Levothyroxine 25mcg

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Ari3

That's not a very good idea unless you have heart problems. It's usually better to start on 50 mcg. Taking too low a dose can often make things worse rather than better.

Ari3 profile image
Ari3 in reply to greygoose

So should I start like one or two weeks on 50mcg and than 25mcg?

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Ari3

Why on earth would you want to do that? The dose should go up in the beginning, not down.

Ari3 profile image
Ari3 in reply to greygoose

Because iam scared I will get all unbearable side effects as I had-muscle aches and pains ,headaches etc.This is what I started to have after two weeks of using levo 50mcg that is why iam scared

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Ari3

OK, so if you start getting side-effects, then you can reduce. But, I doubt they were side-effects of the levo, more likely to be hypo symptoms. Starting levo often triggers other symptoms that you haven't had before, but as your dose goes up every six weeks, they go.

However, it also sounds as if you have nutritional deficiencies. You need your vit D, vit B12, folate and ferritin tested.

If you could type your results out this way, it would be a great help :)


TSH result (range)

FT4 result (range)

FT3 result (range)

Ari3 profile image
Ari3 in reply to greygoose

Mainly palpitations like panic attack symptoms I had

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Ari3

Panic attacks are a symptom, not a disease. They are often a symptom of hypothyroidism.

The Pituitary Gland produces TSH to stimulate the production of Thyroxine by the Thyroid Gland. Because you are not producing enough Thyroxine your Pituitary Gland is working too hard to produce TSH to compensate. Your TSH needs to be down to 1 to 2 maximum for someone with Hypothyroidism. As you can see yours is high.

You need your Levothyroxine - what happened that was different when the problems arose?Anxiety / depression meds can be harmful for Levothyroxine. Care has to be taken with the way we take our Levothyroxine. How were you taking yours?

Have you actually got a heart condition?

I do not understand about the other tests you had.

Have you had any investigations to check your Adrenals?

Have you had Phosphorus and Calcium levels tested.

You also need the following nutrients levels tested as well :

Vitamin D


Folate and


Levothyroxine is needed - every day for life.

Ari3 profile image
Ari3 in reply to Mary-intussuception

50mcg Levothyroxine made me for two weeks very good constipation went away and I was happy for a while but than after couple of weeks I suffered from muscle pain all over my body specially legs arms back I had headaches severe puffy eyes etc lots of pimples and spots on jaw line and face I had palpitations and went to hospital t3 has always stayed 6.4 something like that.So they checked my bloods said that my thyroid is way too high so I needed to go back to gp and he said to start 25mcg instead of 50mcg.I went home and I stopped all medication as I was overmadicated .Do you think that that dose was too high? Maybe I should ow. Started on 25mcg?

All vitamins good vitamins d 85 ferritin 24 and iam eating chicken liver now to increase it as my hair was falling out .

Nobody checked my adrenals endocrinologist just touched where is my thyroid and that is all.

No heart condition at all.

My thyroid problems started once I stopped Citalopram after using 2,5years ..I felts so down agitated low constipated etc

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to Ari3


I have just re-read this reply of yours from an hour ago.

You . . went to hospital . . they said see GP asap Thyroxine was high . . . GP said you take 25mcg instead of 50mcg . . . . THEN


You went against your GP and stopped your Levothyroxine (which is a very dangerous thing to do).

Now your December bloods are Hypothyroid.

Ari3 profile image
Ari3 in reply to Mary-intussuception

I have started 25mcg from now on and will book an appointment with gp

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to Ari3


God Bless

Ari3 profile image
Ari3 in reply to Mary-intussuception

And God bless u too x

Ari3 profile image
Ari3 in reply to Mary-intussuception

And will do blood tests every months to check my levels I think this is the correct way at the min

Ari3 profile image
Ari3 in reply to Mary-intussuception

It was my own mistake but side effects were unbelievable muscle aches n pain all over the body I was physically n mentally broken massive headaches and plumbed up eyes puffy eye lids and those palpattions scared my socks off so I stopped right away (probably shouldn’t but I had no choice)

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to Ari3

Well the hospital report says stop Levothyroxine altogether anyway.

So don't blame yourself.

They ought to know better. So we'll blame them !!!

Is there any possibility you could have had an allergic reaction to anything?

Let's get some sleep now. It's Christmas!

Have a think about back then when the symptoms arose - did you eat anything different eg Pilchards? Eat out? Take an antibiotic? Do you know that we can suddenly become allergic to Penicillins at anytime?

Take care.xxxx🐥

Ari3 profile image
Ari3 in reply to Mary-intussuception

That is private endo report not hospital

Have you actually been told that you have PCOS?

I have read on here that Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome can be caused by Hypothyroidism.

I still am not sure why you were prescribed Spironolactone?

Ari3 profile image
Ari3 in reply to Mary-intussuception

She has struggled significantly with anxiety and had to go on citalopram and then came off it to try and prepare to start for a family. She had a panic attack. The thyroid function tests were checked and then she was told that the thyroid is underactive and needs treatment and she was started on levothyroxine. Then her thyroid function tests became overactive and the T4 was 23.9 and a TSH of 0.1 and a T3 of 6.9 in October 2017.

• Thank you for helping Her with the blood tests and the scan.





September 2017



October 2017




November 2017







November 2017




December 2017







October 2017



November 2017


• The result indicated that Ayesha has a disturbance to the LH FSH ratio when the LH is higher than the FSH and that wil explain the symptoms that She has been complaining of. The US indicated that there is no ovarian tumour. The key area here is to address the LH rise that is causing problems

• I would therefore recommend that She go ahead and start the treatment as planned.

1. Please discontinue the levothyroxine altogether and repeat the thyroid function tests once a month and to look carefully at the hormone profile that caused a significant disturbance to Ayesha, acne and hair loss and difficulty conceiving.

2. I have started Her then on metformin SR 500 mg daily and spironolactone 50 mg for 2 weeks and then increase the dose to 100 mg daily

1. They both will avoid starting a pregnancy until the 6 months have elapsed and we will have another review in 3 months' time

2. I will be grateful if you could please check thyroid function tests once a month for the next 3 months

3. I will sit down with Her in February to review the results of the LH, FSH, testosterone and vitamin D, ferritin, and Us and Es prior to our next appointment.

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to Ari3


Don't understand all of these, but cannot see any justification for stopping Levothyroxine.


3) I will sit down with her in February . . .

I would certainly NOT be waiting until February. I would be seeing GP on Wednesday and phoning Consultant's secretary.

Also , might I suggest that you send a private message to one of the Admin team on Wednesday morning early. Ask them to read through this post and all your information regarding various bloods and comments. That way, someone with more knowledge and experience will be able to reffect on all of this and point you in the right direction.

Try and get hold of some Lactulose medicine and drink adequate water. Apples and pears should be OK shouldn't they. You can become very unwell with constipation and it can do long term harm in the Pelvic organs. (I have numerous conditions to prove it!)

Ari3 profile image
Ari3 in reply to Mary-intussuception

Thank you so much I have Levo 25mcg at home and thinking to start it as this all is killing me .As 50mcg caused me palpitations I think it was way too much ! How can I get in touch here with admin? Your help has been great

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to Ari3

I think if you click on the square of 9 circles top left. Then this might show admin. I will check this now then get back to you.

Also if you take a look through some other posts you will soon find someone they are identified under their name . For example I know Clutter was on here earlier today as I was reading.

So click on the name, this takes you to their profile. Then click on message.

Back again - OK

No need to click on the square!

Go to top of page just above your post, click on " MORE" then click on "About" then scroll down page. They are all there.

Ari3 profile image
Ari3 in reply to Mary-intussuception

Please go through report from my endocrinologist maybe this will help you to understand my situation better

I would see your GP on Wednesday.

Can you get hold of copies of those earlier bloods that were " . . high . . ". You need to see actual results and ranges. Put full details on here.

Your December results are Hypothyroid . You need Thyroid Antibodies tested and the nutrients.

Ari3 profile image
Ari3 in reply to Mary-intussuception

Will my gp do thyroid antibodies !?as I heard they don’t want to do them!? Nutrients means? Why is important to check thyroid antibodies ? do you think my endocrinologist might be wrong?he is private one though.he thinks those two medications will stabilise LH and FSH ratio so there for my thyroiditis will settle down

Saya85 profile image
Saya85 in reply to Ari3

Hi ari,

I’ve read through the whole thread so far.

One Q- were you also using contraceptives and stopped at same time as coming off citalopram?

1) Folate/b12

coming off any antidepressant can throw things out of balance. But if you came off contraceptives then you should have your FOLATE levels double checked- you need folic acid daily to counteract this deficiency and levels checked before trying to conceive.

Linked to folate is vit B12 deficiency. From everything you have said (vit D/ferritin etc you haven’t once mentioned b12/folate so I’m assuming these haven’t been tested.

Furthermore metformin can severely reduce b12 levels in the body, so that’s a double whammy for you.

B12 and other deficiencies can also have a big effect on thyroid too, so that’s another strike.

Folate/b12 deficiencies can cause anxiety, muscle aches, palpitations, tingling in hands and feet, tinnitus, breathing problems and a host of other symptoms (google to see if you have those)

Pernicious anaemia is a main cause of b12 deficiency and can have severe affects on nervous system if untreated.

Im not saying you have it but if you have a deficiency it may be worn ruling it out.


2) It does sound like you have PcOS or hormonal imbalances with your LH/FSH

. Metformin is used to treat the insulin resistance that is associated with PCOS (PcOS patients are st high risk of developing diabetes and also hypothyroidism).

Metformin has had great research to say it works well for PcOS patients- regulating insulin as well as sex hormones. However it too also causes digestive issues at first (diarrhoea or constipation). Slow release glucophage may work better in the long run but as others have said I would start from scratch again and begin with the thyroid before introducing metformin and other meds.

Spirinoloactone is now often given instead of dianette to treat acne/facial hair/hair loss etc that is associated with PCOS. As you are trying to conceive, giving dianette instead (which is a contraceptive) wouldn’t work and is probably why they chose spiriinolactone.


3) Thyroid

As others have mentioned hypothyroidism is rarely something that just comes about temporarily and I wouldn’t imagine 50mcg could have given you such a great swing in itself.

I think your symptoms of palpitations and other issues could well be explained by many things and it seems like you have come off strong meds (citalopram) and been put on a whole load of new things that all overlap.

My personal opinion is do not start taking the 25mcg thyroxine yet! If you have been off thyroxine for 6 weeks or more (sounds like you have) then this would be a good time to go to GP and demand antibodies (TPO and TgB) tested and thyroid again - tsh t4, t3

the endo already suggested monthly thyroid checks so GP shouldn’t put up too much of a fight. Say you need to know where your levels are before you restart any thyroid medication or other treatment and if you are autoimmune thyroid /hashimotos it will explain a hell of a lot. Including nutrient absorption and vitamin deficiencies even with a good diet.

Think of it as starting again- you have enough going on to warrant further investigation and maybe nhs referral to an endo too.

I would also say- try magnesium oil or magnesium baths to ease some anxiety. Magnesium deficiency is common and easily treatable- it can also often mimic similar symptoms as described above- so worth trying in the meantime to see if it helps. From personal (and others experience) it has helped massively and wouldn’t affect your meds or other blood tests etc

Oh and get your adrenals tested- your body must be working overtime from all the upset recently too.

Hope that helps. Try and relax until Wednesday, have a good holidays and be refreshed to tackle your GP then ☺️

P.s I am PCOS, autoimmune Hypothyroid and trying to conceive also, so I feel your pain!

Take care xx

Ari3 profile image
Ari3 in reply to Saya85

Hello saya,

Sorry for late reply been bit busy.

Me and my husband we are using protection (condoms) all these years and yes I was off citalopram and even than we used them.

No we are not trying for a baby now as I suppose to be on Spironolactone n Metformin for 6 months or so to stabilise my hormones LH and FSH ratio.but I have another appoitment on 21st February with my endocrinologist.And before that appointment I will do again blood tests and we will see if this has improved.

endo is saying that I don’t need levo as I have enough t4 .Levo was given by gp not endo as I had hypothyroidism symptoms so I was put on 50mcg at first it helped after two weeks my constipation went away etc my mood was great but after more two weeks I had muscle pain all over I couldn’t even bend properly it was so painful my face was full of Zitss and acne and upper back too hairs were falling so much my migraines and eyelids were killing me they were puffed up and eyes were painful etc.Had major palpitations went to hospital they did ecg didn’t find anything told me to go back to gp as blood tests showed way too much thyroid gone to Hyper .So he said go on 25mcg.i came home I stopped all together as I was scared because continued use of any levo wouldn’t do me good and it takes time for it to reduce levels.i stopped them .Slowly I started to recover .Meanwhile I thought I need endo as nhs wait is three months and I didn’t feel well at all didn’t go to work or anything.Endo told me (I told my past history of my stressful life ate many sweets and had anxiety and panic attacks been on citalopram etc) so he looked at my previous blood tests recent once and he said that I have thyroiditis that it flactuates up and down and in order to heal it he has to check my hormones he checked testosterone LH and FSH .I think he misunderstood us that we were trying for a baby (but actually physically we never tried) and he is not trying to settle down my LH and FSH So he hopes that my thyroid also will settle itself.I did ovary scan too and he wrote that I have no tumours .The last blood test I did on 12.12.17 and it shows TSH 18.07 and free t4 8.3. I do feel exactly the same before I took Levothyroxine-constipation mood swings cold hands ,dry scalp and acne is increasing slowly.My periods are not that regular throughout since I left citalopram.What should I do now?is he treating LH and FSH ratio which isn’t good or is he treating thyroid?what is going on?i will ring his secretary tomorrow and I think I will book another appointment to see him and explain.

Accordingly from bloods from gp before I saw endo he told me that iam low in ferritin 24 and I need to increase liver in my diet.than vitamin d I need to continue with supplements this was 85.He said my b12 and folic acid is good .

Ari3 profile image

Diagnosis ​Thyroiditis

​​Hormonal Imbalance and Acne hair loss difficulty conceiving

​​Rasied LH FSH Ratio ( ? PCOS ) Rotterdam 2003 criteria).

​​Normal US ovary


Spironolactone 100 mg daily (avoid potassium-rich diet)

Metformin SR 500 mg once daily

Vitamin D

Blood tests before the next visit

LH, FSH, testosterone and vitamin D, ferritin, and Us and Es prior to our next appointment.


TSH and a free T4 once a month for the next three months

silverfox7 profile image

I would get B12, folate, ferritin and Vit D tested as they need to be optimal-see SeasSideSusie's posts. These do so much for the thyroid, conversion issues plus your general health and helping some of the symptoms you get because your Thyroid isn't working well. Then do your 6 weeks on T4 which will probable show you are undermedicated but instead of upping it up to 50 then cut a tablet in half so 12.5 to add to the 25 every other day so you are going to a very low addition.

However I'm a bit suspicious that the problem could be because you are using two makes of Levo,a 25 mcg one and a 50 mcg one. By using different brands then one might have fillers that you body isn't liking so to test that take an antihistamine 1 hour before your medication to see if that stops it then you need to find out if that is a problem which brand is causing the problem. I would then assume it could be the 25 mcg brand so take only that and see if that is OK or not. If ok as if you can have more of thatcyo double up as necessary and take it from there or stick eithvthec50 brand and use a pill cuter to add in 25's. one you know that you have found a brand you are happy with then get your doctor to prescribe that brand only and get you pharmacist to put on on your card.

Ari3 profile image
Ari3 in reply to silverfox7

Hello sileverfox,

My vitamin d is 85 ferritin was 24(Iam having liver once a week now to optimise it’s numbers) b12 and folic acid are normal I was told by endocrinologist.I have emailed his secretaries that I am about to self medicated on 25mcg (when I was on 50mcg after four weeks I developed hyper symptoms my heart was raising and blood results also showed my tsh and and f4 gone up way up.i did my tsh an Free t4 on 12.12.17(bear in mind I stopped levo many weeks ago as had palpitations) so my results were TSH 18.07 mU/L and free t4 8.3 pmol/L.Now I have constipation severe one I have to use laxatives to relive my self ,I had three weeks ago flattering heart and dizziness (that is gone now more or less gone) .so now I don’t know what should I do -to start levo again but on lower dose 25mcg for sometime or just wait and see what endo will say.i have next appoitment with him in end of February but I can email secretaries anytime .iam so confused

Angel_of_the_North profile image
Angel_of_the_North in reply to Ari3

Normal is no good. B12 needs to be over 500 (the nearer 1000, the better) and folate needs to be half way up range. Vit D needs to be at least in the mid 90s

silverfox7 profile image
silverfox7 in reply to Ari3

Look for SeaSideSusie's posts for optimal levels of vitamins and how to dose. I would start on correcting those asap and then if you still feel you want to start on 25 mcg start that 6 weeks before you see Endo as it takes 6 weeks to fully get the dose into your system so you would be ready for a retest when you see him but I think if I was in your she's I would concentrate on improving vits and leave dosing until you see him.

Most fruit is high-ish in potassium esp bananas and tomatoes. Also Avocado,

squashes, spinach, sweet potato, apricots, pomegranate, potatoes, watermelon, beetroot, chard, coconut water, orange juice.

Are you sure you aren't hypo and that this doctor isn't just treating all the symptoms as separate illnesses? Are you taking extra B12 to compensate for the metformin?

Ari3 profile image
Ari3 in reply to Angel_of_the_North

I guess he wants to see if those two medications will help myLh and FSH there for hopes that thyroid will settle itself by making tsh and ft4 tests every months for two months now till I see him in Feb

samaja profile image

Having read this thread and thinking back to my own symptoms and first manifestations of Hashimoto's some things to consider:

1) You might be one of those people who will never do well on levothyroxine, no matter what the dosage because of a basic conversion problem due to a faulty gene or gut and liver issues, I have never been able to go over 25 really and the one attempt of 50 sent me hyper. And if I take my 25 mcg I have to import it from abroad as the brands available in the UK are definitely not good for me and my reverse T3 is at the upper limit so I am not converting well even this. Also without sorting out the nutrition and vitamins and minerals and whatever else your body needs first, your medication may not work for you anyway.

2) Your other hormones are probably well and truly messed up due to hypothyroidism so going by FSH: LH ratios is not so relevant unless you want to conceive which in the present state of affairs might not happen anyway. Yes your sex hormones need to be well balanced but oestrogen/progesterone ratio is more important for that. And with adrenals working overtime all of them will be skewed anyway.

3) You need to educate yourself pronto about thyroid and a good place to start is to read Izabella Wentz's 'Hashimoto's Thyroditis" book or her Thyroid Pharmacist blog. There are a number of good websites on thyroid issues on

the Internet and it is the question of finding what feels right for you!

4) You do need to develop some de-stressing routines and take care of yourself. Yoga, deep breathing, massage, TRE, laughing with friends - whatever works for you, just do it regularly and take you mind off the scary and stressful stuff because this illness is not the whole of you! You are on a bumpy road right now but it will change and get better, however slowly, when you work out your priorities and address them one by one. It takes time to get where we are and then it takes time to get where we want to be 8-)

Best wishes and remember to smile ;-)


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