Are tests like CT and MRI tests that use an iodine solution safe for thyroid patients?
Scans with iodine and thyroid patients - Thyroid UK
Scans with iodine and thyroid patients

I cannot answer your question but hopefully someone will be along soon that knows the answer.
In general, iodine-based contrast solution is safe to use although some people might experience an adverse reaction to it. Mine was administered intravenously and halfway through the CT scan I started experiencing difficulty breathing, nausea, flushing and increased heartbeat. When I had an MRI scan they used Gadolinium contrast (no adverse reaction) as its more suitable for that purpose.
I had one before I left the UK. I knew nothing at all about the thyroid before hand now I would never have one or the flue vaccine I went as along with things that I wouldn't do now. I am retired and try to spend my time learning about health issues.
I will look into the iodine solution, watch this space!