Latest results on 125mcg levo and 18.75mcg t3 tests taken 24h after last dose t4 and t3. Am still feeling horrible.
Tsh 0. 03
Ft4 16.7 (10-19.8)
Ft3 6.7 (3.5-6.5)
Endo said he wanted me to get tsh back in range. My tsh had been under range since starting so I'm not sure this will help me.
To reduce t3 to 6.25 and keep levo the same. I've done this and feel so much better but my weight has started to creep up again. Did loose some when on 18.75mcg t3 but this dose was obviously to high for me. I tried to take 9.875mcg t3 for 2 days but got a pounding heart beat so I lowered the dose again to 6.25.
What are your thoughts you knowledgeable people on here?