Hi everyone ,
I was taking 1/2 grain of armour at 7 am and 2pm
My latest labs are :
TSH .893 (.45-4.5. uiU/ML)
FT4. .69 (.82-1.77 ng/dL)
FT3. 2.6 (2.0-4.4 pg/ml)
Rt3 13.2. ( 9.2-24.1. ng/dL)
On October 30 ( 5 days ago), my dr changed me to tirosint t4- 50 mcg in the morning
And yesterday added SRT3 7.5 mcg twice a day .
I have given cytomel a decent trial over the past three months and it was too up and down .
I have felt so much worse on thyroid meds the past 10 weeks.
I completely understand that it takes time for body to adjust , but nothing about the regimen felt like I was going in right direction .
After starting the srt3 last night - I could literally feel my body warming up and calming down .
Still warm today - just huge fog / delerium , nausea and vertigo . No racy feeling or revved feeling - thank goodness .
While it would be wonderful to feel better - just confidence that I’m heading in the right direction would be all the hope I need for now.
I would love to hear other successes with srt3.
At this point - just looking for encouragement . Thanks ,